From [[WindyCityRails 2012]]
Presenter: [[Michael Norton]]
From @benjaminoakes:
Apprentice -> Journeyman -> Master
Shu -> Ha -> Ri
- Rules and structure are what you hold true to at the beginning
- Then you realize you can break some of the rules
- Then everything is internalized
Polyglot: we're polyglots because of the various tools, etc we use as Rubyists
T-Shaped people: deep vertical skills, empathy with the rest of the team
Personalities (Myers-Briggs)
Fist to 5
- You throw out your vote (0 - 5) on the count of three.
Collaboration 8
- 8 levels of how much you care, you vote separately on what you want yourself
- Tell
- Sell
- Consult
- Agree
- Advise
- Inquire
- Delegate
- Joker
- 8 levels of how much you care, you vote separately on what you want yourself
6 Thinking hats
- Edward DiBono
- White, Red, Black, Yellow, Green, Blue -- each represents a basic modality of thought
- Works because it is less offensive
- Everyone can wear the same hat at the same time
- Look at it from other angles
- Helps remove conflict
You're never done; keep getting better.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.
— Henry Ford