Releases: hartwigmedical/hmftools
Added microsatellite status
Added subclonal likelihood model and figure
Consistent file headers
Consistent file names
Fix whole genome duplication calculation
Changed definition of ref_genome parameter to be mandatory path to reference fasta file.
Added REP_S, REP_C, MH, TNC, KT fields to somatic vcf output
Added REF_G to structural vcf output
Added variant rainfall plot
load somatic variants no longer needs ref genome
Bug fix release to support WGSMetrics produced by most recent version of Picard tools
Fixed bug in contamination model if absolute zero contamination
Loads SVs to DB
- Added optional snp_bed parameter to output germline snps at specified locations
- Changed file names and headers for better consistency with other HMF tools
Linx: updated command line example in read me
Removed FittedSegment file and db table
Added wholeGenomeDuplication field to purity output (true if more than 10 autosomes have major allele ploidy > 1.5)
Improved logging of missing arguments
Added support for new AMBER and COBALT file names and formats
- Health checker now evaluates health check and touches either a success or failed file
- Somatic checks have been dropped, amber contamination check is added
Add biallelic status to somatic VCF
Removed low VAF SGL filtering logic
Create plot directory before writing to it
Allow plotting of negative copy numbers