This guide provides the essential recommendations for writing component files.
This is the basic template for a component's Parts that you, the writer, are expected to
fill out have been marked with TODO
# TODO: ComponentName
TODO: Single sentence description of the component.
## Design & API Documentation
<ul class="icon-list">
<li class="icon-list-item icon-list-item--spec">
<a href="<TODO: link to spec>">
TODO: link to spec
<li class="icon-list-item icon-list-item--link">
<a href="/components/<ComponentName>/apidocs/Classes/<TODO: API name>.html">
TODO: API name
TODO: screenshot.png is made on iPhone 5 simulator
![TODO: ComponentName](docs/assets/screenshot.png)
<!--{: .article__asset.article__asset--screenshot }-->
- - -
## Installation
### Installation with CocoaPods
To add this component to your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add the
following to your `Podfile`:
pod 'MaterialComponents/TODO: ComponentName'
Then, run the following command:
pod install
- - -
## Overview
TODO *Optional section*. Provide a high level overview of the component here. This is a good
place to provide:
- comparisons with related UIKit APIs, and
- explanations of the overall component structure.
- - -
## Usage
TODO **Required section**. Provide essential integration steps here.
Remember that the audience for this section is someone completely new to using Material
components; don't assume or expect the reader to have read another component's README. At best
you can assume that the reader read the Quick Start guide.
### Additional information section
TODO **Recommended section**. These breakout sections are a perfect opportunity to talk about
edge case behaviors.
Every code snippet must provide both an Objective-C version and a Swift version. Consult the document on Supported Versions for information on which version of the Swift language to use when writing examples.
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#### Objective-C
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// After all other views have been registered.
#### Swift
override func viewDidLoad() {
// After all other views have been registered.