$ make help
Usage: make [TARGET ...]
clean-data Remove data (shared folders) and disks of all VMs (master and nodes).
clean-force Remove all drives which should normally have been removed by the normal clean-master or clean-node-% targets.
clean Destroy master and node VMs, delete data and the kubectl context.
clean-master Remove the master VM and the kubectl context.
clean-node-% Remove a node VM, where `%` is the number of the node.
clean-nodes Remove all node VMs.
help Show this help menu.
kubectl Configure kubeconfig context for the cluster using `kubectl config` (automatically done by `up` target).
kubectl-delete Delete the created CLUSTER_NAME context from the kubeconfig (uses kubectl).
load-image Load local/pulled Docker image into master and all node VMs.
load-image-master Load local/pulled image into master VM.
load-image-node-% Load local/pulled image into node VM, where `%` is the number of the node.
load-image-nodes Load local/pulled Docker image into all node VMs.
preflight Run checks and gather variables, used for the the `up` target.
pull Add and download, or update the box image for the chosen provider on the host.
ssh-config-master Generate SSH config just for the master.
ssh-config-node-% Generate SSH config just for the one node number given.
ssh-config-nodes Generate SSH config just for the nodes.
ssh-config Generate SSH config for master and nodes.
ssh-master SSH into the master VM.
ssh-node-% SSH into a node VM, where `%` is the number of the node.
start-master Start up master VM (automatically done by `up` target).
start-node-% Start node VM, where `%` is the number of the node.
start-nodes Create and start all node VMs by utilizing the `node-X` target (automatically done by `up` target).
status-master Show status of the master VM.
status-nodes Show status of all node VMs.
status-node-% Show status of a node VM, where `%` is the number of the node.
status Show status of master and all node VMs.
stop-master Stop/Halt the master VM.
stop-nodes Stop/Halt all node VMs.
stop-node-% Stop/Halt a node VM, where `%` is the number of the node.
stop Stop/Halt master and all nodes VMs.
tests Run shunit2 tests (`expect` command is required).
token Generate a kubeadm join token, if needed (token file is `DIRECTORY_OF_MAKEFILE/.vagrant/KUBETOKEN`).
up Start Kubernetes Vagrant multi-node cluster. Creates, starts and bootsup the master and node VMs.
vagrant-plugins Checks that vagrant-reload plugin is installed, if not try to install it
vagrant-reload-master Run vagrant reload for master VM.
vagrant-reload-nodes Run `vagrant reload` for all node VMs.
vagrant-reload-node-% Run `vagrant reload` for specific node VM.
vagrant-reload Run vagrant reload on master and nodes.
versions Print the "imporant" tools versions out for easier debugging.
Be sure to checkout the Configuration / Variables doc page for the available configurations options / variables.