Please add your favorite articles, videos, and other resources — just follow the Contributing guidelines and go! :)
Collaborate and Conquer: Make Magic Happen with Globally Distributed, Cross Functional Teams - by Ruchika Bhargava. Takeaway: Video of Bhargava's Agile Alliance talk focusing on how agility and collaboration have enabled her global organization to deliver for decades.
COVID-19 Has My Teams Working Remotely: A Guide for Leaders - by Gallup. Takeaway: "Individualization, expectations, communication are key for remote workers; managers need their leaders' support more than ever during this time; going fully remote may be your organization's new way to work."
Documenting Decisions in a Remote Team - by Katie Womersley. Takeaway: Clarify decisions and what they were, identify the decision makers, and document what was decided (Slack is not enough).
Don’t Let Remote Leadership Bring out the Worst in You - by Claire Lew. Takeaway: Don't apply pressure, adopt Big Brother tactics, or blur expectations.
11 Pitfalls of Remote Work and How to Avoid Them - by IdeoU. Takeaway: a post and podcast featuring Virtual Work Insider CEO Sascha Connor, outlining pitfalls such as "thinking digital tools are all you need," mistrust and miscommunication.
Five Tips for Managers of Newly Dispersed Teams - by Johanna Rothman. Takeaway: support team-based work, not individual work; make all progress visible; reduce the team's WIP; substitute video for MBWAL (Management by Walking Around and Listening); resist the urge to micromanage.
The Future of Work Is Written - BY Juan Pablo Buriticá. Takeaway: “Rather than reacting to accidental separation, teams and companies can and should proactively learn to work together from a distance. Organizations that do this well become more resilient and adaptable, which may advantage them to survive rapidly changing market circumstances.”
A Guide to Managing Remote Teams - by Know Your Company/Claire Lew. Takeaway: A downloadable, 60-page, 11-chapter guide on remote working and leading best practices, based on research.
A Guide to Managing Your (Newly) Remote Workers - by Barbara Z. Larson , Susan R. Vroman and Erin E. Makarius. Takeaway: This Harvard Business Review article delves into some of the challenges of remote work, including loneliness, home distractions, and erosion of trust. It then advises bridging the gaps through such steps as providing several different communication technology options, establishing "rules of engagement," and providing opportunities for remote social interaction.
How to Manage Remote Workers - by ZipRecruiter. Takeaway: Provides a roundup of tips from co-founders and CEOs.
Leading Remote Teams: 6 Survival Tips to Improve Communication and Prevent Burnout - by Jason Hibbets. Takeaway: A Red Hatter makes suggestions such as adding a health check to meetings, creating a psychologically safe environment by making sure your people "know how to get help if and when they need it," creating a virtual water cooler, and redefining communication.
Managing Remotely, While Remotely Managing - by Lindsay Holmwood. Takeaway: a slidedeck of tips for working remotely.
A Practical Guide to Remote Work - by Avishai Ish-Shalom. Takeaway: A comprehensive doc, presented in outline format, covering both individual and team needs when transitioning to remote. Even covers remote whiteboarding sessions and Slack etiquette and discipline.
Remote Leadership: 6 Ways How to Lead When You Have to Lead From Home - by Aimee Hansen. Takeaway: Focuses on six ways to lead remotely, including being flexible and compassionate, establishing work availability and boundaries, and encouraging a routine and dedicated work space.
Remote Work: A Series of Best Practices for a Remote Workplace - by Laura Heisman. Takeaway: a chat with Kem Boggs, Head of Global Talent Acquisition at GitHub, about how the company has set up a remote workforce and related aspects of its interviewing and hiring process.
Resilience - The Art of Coping with Disasters - by IsraelX. Takeaway: An course that "touches upon the internal and external resources and tools necessary for handling stressful situations and for emerging with increased strength from such experiences." Learn how to improve resilience and coping mechanisms.
7 Tips for Successfully Managing Remote Teams - by Jason Aten. Takeaway: Have a daily check-in, communicate a lot, take advantage of technology, manage expectations, focus on outcomes (not activity), make sure your team has the resources to work effectively, and be flexible.
7 Tips to Ensure Success in 1:1 Meetings (for remote managers) - by Soapbox. Takeaway: Tips emphasize maintaining flexibility, establishing expectations, coming prepared, getting the virtual space right, and showing up.
6 Excellent Resources for Managers of Remote Teams - by Catalyst. Takeaway: a landing page for other resources, many of which emphasize inclusion ("Managing Your Remote Teams Inclusively," "Getting Real About Inclusive Leadership," etc.)
Struggling to Thrive as a Large Team Working Remotely? This Exec Has the Field Guide You Need - by FirstRound. Takeaway: "Create space for conversations — and try to cultivate that 'we’re all in this together' feeling...Invest in relationships and set a cultural North Star...Fight fires with candor...Shine a spotlight on what good looks like...Connect the dots, relentlessly...Don’t unintentionally undermine your team"...and troubleshoot collaboration misalignments, teams that weren't performing well before going remote, and middle managers who aren't delivering.
S'Up for Slack Teams - by Daniel Takeaway: An open-source Slack bot by Daniel Doubrovkine that generates fresh triads of team members to meet every week in an informal standup, or S'Up. Consider trying a 2:1 with your reports.
Tips for Working Remotely - by Heidi Green. Takeaway: Advises overcommunicating, doing video calls, connecting with your team members daily, setting expectations and being available. "Over-communicate. It’s important to communicate with your team members. Even if you feel like you’re over-communicating, that is much more appreciated than under communicating."
29 Tips for Very Effective Remote Managers and Workers - by Sarah Milstein. Takeaway: This article by a manager with two decades of experience working remotely digs deeper than the generic advice, addressing specific types of remote situations. Some tips: "Practice 'one on video, all on video,'"; "Make some meetings video only"; and "designate somebody in the room to make sure all the folks on video can see, hear and raise their hands."
We'll Be Working Remote for Another 6+ Months. Time for a 1:1 Tune-up. - by Chris Hicken. Takeaway: "Taking the steps to plan the process and strategize for one-on-one meetings has proven to benefit every aspect of our workplace. When the company, manager, and team member are aligned, morale is higher and turnover dissolves." Includes a structure to follow to make the most out of your remote 1:1's.