This charm demonstrates how to integrate with Canonical Observability Stack (COS).
It ships a dashboard, a prometheus alert rule and a loki alert rule.
Deploy the Canonical Observability Stack (COS) and offer the three needed integrations. This guide does not cover setting up COS lite but leaves that up to the reader.
Lets say your url:s from the COS stack are available as:
Then deploy this charm with the grafana-agent as a subordinate in your own test model like this:
juju depoy ./observed.charm
juju deploy grafana-agent
Now, relate with the COS offers you have in your test model.
juju relate grafana-agent cos.cos-grafana-dashboard
juju relate grafana-agent cos.prometheus-remote
juju relate grafana-agent acos.cos-loki-logging
Juju will now take care of sending dashboards, alert-rules & loki rules to COS and you can access them in COS grafana dashboard.
When Juju ships the supplied dashboard, variables from the juju topolgy are injected by the grafana-agent library such that they can be used directly in the dashboard json.
For example in the loki query:
```"expr": "{juju_application=\"$juju_application\", juju_unit=~\"$juju_unit\"} |~ \".* 404 .*\""```
Read about Juju topology for how to extend this to your own charms.
The charm ships a prometheus alert rule that is triggered once you have called the microsample API more than 3 times like below:
curl http://microsample.ip:8080/api/info
The charm shipps a Loki alert rule, that is triggered if API is called incorrecty which causes Loki to see a 404 code in the logs)
curl http://microsample.ip:8080/api/XXX
There is 4 different examples of alertmanager configurations that shows how to intergrate pagerduty and slack with alertmanager. If other providers or configuration is needed, more information can be found at prometheus documentation site.
Inject configuration file with juju using following command:
juju config alertmanager config_file=@/path/to/file
To show or check current configuration:
juju run-action alertmanager/0 show-config
juju run-action alertmanager/0 check-config
This charm is developed following this guide:
The general steps are:
Initialize your charm you wish to integrate.
charmcraft init --profile machine
Fetch the grafana-agent libs with charmcraft:
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.grafana_agent.v0.cos_agent
Create directories for grafana dashboards, prometheus alert rules & loki rules. We will reference those in the code.
mkdir -p ./src/alert_rules/loki ./src/alert_rules/prometheus ./src/grafana_dashboards
Add to metadata.yaml
provides: cos-agent: interface: cos_agent
Then in your
def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) # Define the data to send to grafana-agent self._grafana_agent = COSAgentProvider( self, metrics_endpoints=[ {"path": "/metrics", "port": self.config.get('port')}, ], metrics_rules_dir="./src/alert_rules/prometheus", logs_rules_dir="./src/alert_rules/loki"