In order to display the generated HTML from a Markdown post, we will build a GraphQL query and pass its data into a Template component that makes use of React’s dangerouslySetInnerHTML
API to add a DOM element.
In our blogPost.js
template write the following:
export const query = graphql`
query($pathSlug: String!) {
markdownRemark(frontmatter: { path: { eq: $pathSlug } }) {
frontmatter {
We're going to use React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML
API. We pass in an object of __html
. Its value will be html
const Template = (props) => {
const title =
const html =
return (
<div className='blogpost'
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: html}}
This is going to render the HTML from the query
Let's add a title. We have our title and our post showing up. We can click back to the home page. We see that all of our posts have pages now. Added a little bit of style. We're good to go.
const Template = ({data}) => {
const {markdownRemark} = data
const title = markdownRemark.frontmatter.title
const html = markdownremark.html
return (
<h1 style={{fontFamily: 'avenir'}}>{title}</h1>
<div className='blogpost'
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: html}} style={{
fontFamily: 'avenir'