We assume you have foundational knowledge
with Elixir and Phoenix.
If you don't,
we suggest visiting
to learn more about Phoenix and Elixir.
The rest of this doc
assumes you have some basic experience
working with Phoenix
and thus glosses over some implementation details
specific to the Phoenix
This tutorial works with Phoenix 1.7
and Elixir 1.14
Make sure you have these installed
so you can follow all the steps.
- Build it 👩💻
- 0. Create the
project - 1. Adding
Google Auth
and basic flow in our App - 2. Connecting to
Google Calendar API
- 3. Converting our
page to a LiveView - 4. Show the list of events from
Google Calendar API
- 5. Adding calendar
- 6. Creating event
- 7. Organizing
- 8. Fixing queries for users on different timezones
- 9. Changing our homepage
- The end!
Create the Phoenix
with the following command:
mix phx.new cal --no-mailer --no-dashboard
This will create a sample Phoenix
without e-mail services and dashboard.
We are tracking coverage in this project
please read the
13. What is not tested
section in
to add coveralls
to the dependencies.
This will make it easier to test our application
and see the coverage of our codebase.
After making the changes,
your mix.exs
file should be similar to this:
Note: Make sure you have the
similar to our files. With this, we can run commands likemix c
that will make it much easier to see the test coverage, for example.
After making these changes,
if you run mix s
you'll have the app running.
in your web browser,
you should see something similar to this:
Awesome! 🎉
We're ready to go.
Now let's go over adding a way for the person
to authenticate with Google
in our app.
Luckily, there's a package
that lets you easily integrate Google Auth
into any Elixir
Follow the step-by-step instructions
and you should have Google Auth
in around 5 mins.
Your Google OAuth
> Scopes
should include the
"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.events" scope:
Here are the changes you should have done:
- created
. Thelib/cal_web/router.ex
file should now include the following routes:
scope "/", CalWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :home
get "/app", AppController, :app
get "/auth/google/callback", GoogleAuthController, :index
Your GoogleAuthController
inside lib/cal_web/controllers/google_auth_controller.ex
should look contain the following code:
defmodule CalWeb.GoogleAuthController do
use CalWeb, :controller
@doc """
`index/2` handles the callback from Google Auth API redirect.
def index(conn, %{"code" => code}) do
{:ok, token} = ElixirAuthGoogle.get_token(code, conn)
|> put_flash(:token, token)
|> redirect(to: ~p"/app")
We are using the package to get the token needed
to communicate with the Google APIs
that control the person information.
We use put_flash/2
to add this token
to later be used in the /app
- created
pertains to the application the person will login into. It's located inside the/app
URL). These files are related to the view and controllers of the app (located in/app
URL) where the person will see the calendar events.
Your app_html.ex
file should look like:
defmodule CalWeb.AppHTML do
use CalWeb, :html
embed_templates "app_html/*"
Your app_controller.ex
should look like so.
We fetch the token
from the :flash
socket assigns
that is made available to us
by using the :fetch_flash
we've fetched earlier on the callback
during the login process.
defmodule CalWeb.AppController do
use CalWeb, :controller
def app(conn, _params) do
conn = case Map.get(socket.assigns.flash, "token") do
nil -> conn
token -> assign(conn, :token, token)
render(conn, :app, layout: false)
Your app.html.heex
file will be empty.
Just a simple <div>
with text
to check if the flow of the app is correctly setup.
- added the login button
<p class="mt-4 text-base leading-7 text-zinc-600">
Build rich, interactive web applications quickly, with less code and fewer moving parts. Join our growing community of developers using Phoenix to craft APIs, HTML5 apps and more, for fun or at scale.
<!-- Start adding here -->
<p>To get started, login to your Google Account: </p>
<a href={@oauth_google_url}>
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Kagbzkq.png" alt="Sign in with Google" />
- changed
to pass the token URL that is used in the HTML page.
defmodule CalWeb.PageController do
use CalWeb, :controller
def home(conn, _params) do
# The home page is often custom made,
# so skip the default app layout.
oauth_google_url = ElixirAuthGoogle.generate_oauth_url(conn)
render(conn, :home, [layout: false, oauth_google_url: oauth_google_url])
And that's it! Those were the changes needed to get auth working with Google on our app!
We are going to be using the token
to make requests to
the Google Calendar API
Note: Don't worry, for testing purposes, the
Calendar API
is free. You can get rate limited if you exceed a certain quota of requests though. Please check https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/guides/quota for more information.
To use this API,
we need to enable it.
Visit https://console.cloud.google.com/
to access the Google Console
and choose the project you've created
when setting up elixir-auth-google
Search for calendar api
in the search bar.
And enable it.
And you should be done! You have enabled the API for the project 😃.
Now we need to add the calendar scopes
the person has to consent to using this API.
For this, click on the OAuth consent screen
on the sidebar,
and click on Edit App
Go to the Scopes
and click on Add or Remove scopes
We will need to add a handful of scopes.
Please visit the list
in https://developers.google.com/calendar/caldav/v2/auth
and add them accordingly.
You can copy the following string to add these scopes in one go.
After saving all of these changes,
we need to add the scopes to
the configuration of elixir-auth-google
We need to add these scopes to the package
so we can request an access token that is allowed to do the actions detailed by the scopes.
For this, follow the steps in https://github.com/dwyl/elixir-auth-google#optional-scopes.
We need to add the same scopes we've detailed prior
separated in commas.
For this, following the guide we've just linked,
we are going to add the following code to
# Google auth variables
config :elixir_auth_google,
google_scope: "profile email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.events https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.events.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.settings.readonly"
After adding these scopes
and restarting the server by running mix phx.server
when you click the sign up button,
you will prompted with the following screen.
These new scopes we've added
both to Google Cloud Console
and authorization scopes
are sensitive scopes.
Since the project in Google Cloud Console
is private,
we need to add a "test user" so they can consent
to allowing the project to see these scopes.
In our case,
we are just going to add our own e-mail so we can test it.
You don't need to do this if the project is made public.
If you visit https://console.cloud.google.com/,
go to the project
and navigate to OAuth consent screen
you can click on + ADD USERS
and input your own e-mail.
If you return to the application and try to sign in again, the screen will ask you to proceed.
And consent to the scopes we've defined.
Make sure to tick all the boxes
or else we won't be able to fetch information
from the Google Calendar API
After checking all the boxes
and pressing continue,
we will now be able to use the Google Calendar API
to fetch all the information we need!
Let's take a look at the resources we want to retrieve
from the Calendar API
We have two important resources that we need to fetch:
, pertaining to a calendar. A person can have multiple calendars. For now, let's keep it simple and always fetch the primary calendar of the logged in person.- events, which refer to an event in the calendar.
To test this,
we are going to use
to make HTTP requests
to the Calendar API
Add the following line to the dependencies section
in mix.exs
and run mix deps.get
{:httpoison, "~> 2.0"},
Now go over the lib/cal_web/controllers/app_controller.ex
and change the app
and add two more,
as shown below.
def app(conn, _params) do
# We fetch the access token to make the requests.
# If none is found, we redirect the person to the home page.
case get_token(conn) do
{:ok, token} ->
headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer #{token.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
# Get primary calendar
{:ok, primary_calendar} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary", headers)
|> parse_body_response()
# Get events of first calendar
params = %{
maxResults: 20,
singleEvents: true,
{:ok, event_list} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", headers, params: params)
|> parse_body_response()
render(conn, :app, layout: false)
_ ->
conn |> redirect(to: ~p"/")
defp get_token(conn) do
case Map.get(socket.assigns.flash, "token") do
nil -> {:error, nil}
token -> {:ok, token}
defp parse_body_response({:error, err}), do: {:error, err}
defp parse_body_response({:ok, response}) do
body = Map.get(response, :body)
# make keys of map atoms for easier access in templates
if body == nil do
{:error, :no_body}
{:ok, str_key_map} = Jason.decode(body)
atom_key_map = for {key, val} <- str_key_map, into: %{}, do: {String.to_atom(key), val}
{:ok, atom_key_map}
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31990134
We've added get_token/1
to fetch the token
that is passed from the conn
We've separated this into a different function
because in the future,
we may have a way to maintain the token
in-between page refreshes.
We've also added parse_body_response/1
to parse the response body from the endpoints
and make it readable and usable.
in app/1
if no token is found,
we redirect the person to the homepage.
We are retrieving the primary calendar
and the list of the events of the primary calendar
from the URL endpoints.
If you restart the server
and log in,
the terminal will print the list of events.
You should see an array of event
with the structure detailed in
Great stuff! 🎉
We can now use this information and show it to the person!
To make our page interactive
and have real-time capabilities
(meaning it works on anyone that is connected to the channel),
we will be converting our /app
view and controller
to use LiveView
If you are not familiar with
, we recommend you checkdwyl/phoenix-liveview-chat-example
to learn more about it. We recommend going through this guide because we are not going to focus on every detail during this "conversion".
For this,
we will create a folder called live
inside lib/cal_web
Create a file called app_live.ex
(the path will be lib/call_web/live/app_live.ex
and paste the following code:
defmodule CalWeb.AppLive do
use CalWeb, :live_view
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
# We fetch the access token to make the requests.
# If none is found, we redirect the person to the home page.
case get_token(socket) do
{:ok, token} ->
headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer #{token.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
# Get primary calendar
{:ok, primary_calendar} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary", headers)
|> parse_body_response()
# Get events of first calendar
params = %{
maxResults: 10,
singleEvents: true,
{:ok, event_list} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", headers, params: params)
|> parse_body_response()
{:ok, assign(socket, event_list: event_list.items)}
_ ->
{:ok, push_redirect(socket, to: ~p"/")}
defp get_token(socket) do
case Map.get(socket.assigns.flash, "token") do
nil -> {:error, nil}
token -> {:ok, token}
defp parse_body_response({:error, err}), do: {:error, err}
defp parse_body_response({:ok, response}) do
body = Map.get(response, :body)
# make keys of map atoms for easier access in templates
if body == nil do
{:error, :no_body}
{:ok, str_key_map} = Jason.decode(body)
atom_key_map = for {key, val} <- str_key_map, into: %{}, do: {String.to_atom(key), val}
{:ok, atom_key_map}
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31990134
As you can see,
it's extremely similar to
the code present in lib/cal_web/controllers/app_controller.ex
This is intentional
since lib/call_web/live/app_live.ex
will act
as a controller to the LiveView.
The only difference is that
we define the mount/3
and assign the list of events fetched from the Google Calendar API
to the LiveView socket.
We are only fetching 10 results just to keep bandwith to a minimum while we are developing and testing our app. We are doing this by setting the query param
to 10. You can check the available query params at https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/events/list.
Inside lib/call_web/live/
create another file called app_live.html.heex
This will be the rendered view of the LiveView.
For now, just add the same code present in
Our LiveView
is using the layout
present in
This means the contents in lib/cal_web/controllers/app_html/app.html.heex
is being rendered inside the <%= @inner_content %>
present in the layout.
The layout is rendering a header.
We don't care about the header,
so let's simplify the layout to just render the content of our LiveView.
Open lib/cal_web/components/layouts/app.html.heex
and change it so it looks like so.
<.flash_group flash={@flash} />
<%= @inner_content %>
We're super close!
The last thing we need to do is
change the lib/cal_web/router.ex
so the /app
is served by our newly created LiveView!
Open lib/cal_web/router.ex
and change the get "/app", AppController, :app
line to:
live "/app", AppLive
And that's it! 🎉
We can now delete the old controller and views, since they're no longer being used. You can now safely delete the following files:
You may check all the changes needed in
Now that we have the event list from the Google Calendar API
let's show it to the person!
By looking at the
resource from the Calendar API
we will want the following to be shown to the person:
- the
date/datetime. - the
date/datetime. - the
. - the
(title) of the event.
To make parsing and formatting
dates and datetimes easier,
we will be using
to make this much easier.
Open mix.exs
and add the following line
to the deps
section and run mix deps.get
{:timex, "~> 3.0"},
We are now going to create a file in lib/cal_web/live
called app_live_html.ex
This file will have a few functions
that will make it easier to render some of the text
in our event item.
defmodule CalWeb.AppHTML do
use CalWeb, :html
def render_start_end_times(event) do
# Converting both start and end datetimes.
# If no datetime is found, it's because the "start" is a date,
# meaning the event is an "all-day" event.
# See https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/events#resource.
{start_type, start_datetime} = case Map.get(event, "start") |> Map.get("dateTime") do
nil ->
{:ok, date} = Map.get(event, "start") |> Map.get("date") |> Timex.parse("%Y-%m-%d", :strftime)
{:date, date}
start_datetime ->
{:ok, datetime} = start_datetime |> Timex.parse("{RFC3339}")
{:datetime, datetime}
{end_type, end_datetime} = case Map.get(event, "end") |> Map.get("dateTime") do
nil ->
{:ok, date} = Map.get(event, "start") |> Map.get("date") |> Timex.parse("%Y-%m-%d", :strftime)
{:date, date}
end_datetime ->
{:ok, datetime} = end_datetime |> Timex.parse("{RFC3339}")
{:datetime, datetime}
# Return the string appropriately
if(start_type == :date) do
"All day"
{:ok, start_time} = Timex.format(start_datetime, "%H:%M", :strftime)
{:ok, end_time} = Timex.format(end_datetime, "%H:%M", :strftime)
"#{start_time} to #{end_time}"
def render_date(event) do
{:ok, start_datetime} = case Map.get(event, "start") |> Map.get("dateTime") do
nil -> Map.get(event, "start") |> Map.get("date") |> Timex.parse("%Y-%m-%d", :strftime)
start_datetime -> start_datetime |> Timex.parse("{RFC3339}")
year: start_datetime.year,
month: Timex.month_shortname(start_datetime.month),
day: start_datetime.day
We've created two functions:
shows the text with the start time and end time. Some events span all-day and don't have a specific start datetime. They do, however, have a date. This is why we check for both and return the string to be rendered to the view accordingly.render_date
returns an object with the day (number), month (3-character short word) and year (number) to be displayed in the item.
Now it's time to change lib/cal_web/live/app_live.html.heex
Change it to the following.
<div class="w-full p-4">
<main role="main" class="flex w-full flex-col content-center justify-center md:flex-row">
<h2 class="text-5xl font-medium leading-tight text-slate-900">List of events</h2>
<h2 class="text-md leading-tight text-slate-600">Click on a date and the list of events will be updated automatically.</h2>
<!-- List of events -->
<div class="flex flex-auto flex-col">
<%= for event <- @event_list do %>
<div class="relative block h-fit w-full overflow-hidden rounded-lg border border-gray-100 mt-4">
<div class="flex flex-row">
<div class="flex w-14 flex-col items-center justify-center bg-red-700 py-2 pl-3 pr-3 text-white">
<h3 class="text-xs"><%= render_date(event).month %></h3>
<h3 class="text-2xl font-bold"><%= render_date(event).day %></h3>
<h3 class="text-xs"><%= render_date(event).year %></h3>
<div class="ml-5 pb-2 pr-2 pt-2">
<div class="sm:flex sm:justify-between sm:gap-4">
<h3 class="text-lg font-bold text-gray-900 sm:text-xl">
<span class="mr-3"><%= Map.get(event, "summary") %></span>
<span class="rounded-full border border-indigo-500 px-3 py-1 text-xs text-indigo-500">
<span class="font-bold"><%= render_start_end_times(event) %></span>
<div class="mt-1">
<p class="w-full text-sm text-gray-500">
<span>Organized by: </span>
<span class="font-bold"><%= Map.get(event, "organizer") |> Map.get("displayName") || Map.get(event, "organizer") |> Map.get("email") %></span>
<% end %>
<!-- Calendar and form section -->
<div class="flex flex-auto">
You will need to add the following line to the top of
so these functions are accessible from the template
and actually work.
import CalWeb.AppHTML
In the view template we are iterating over the
socket assign
and render the event item,
making use of the functions we've defined above.
If you run mix phx.server
and sign in,
you will see the following in your screen.
Your results may vary depending on your calendar events. For privacy reasons, some of these item's information was changed.
Looking good! We are now successfully fetching the events and showing it to the person! 🥳
Now let's add a calendar for the person to have a way of selecting a date and filtering their events list according to the chosen date.
To save time,
we are going to use a combination of TailwindCSS
and AlpineJS
to add our calendar to the page.
We are going to be using the code from https://tailwindcomponents.com/component/calendar-ui-with-tailwindcss-and-alpinejs.
For this,
we need to install AlpineJS
For this, locate the file
and add the following line to the <head>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/alpinejs/[email protected]/dist/alpine.js" defer></script>
we need to change how the socket is instantiated
in assets/js/app.js
so Alpine.js
changes the DOM
(check https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/js-interop.html for more information).
For this, locate the assets/js/app.js
and change the let livesocket
variable instantiation
to look like so:
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
dom: {
onBeforeElUpdated(from, to){
if(from.__x){ window.Alpine.clone(from.__x, to) }
params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}
That's it for installing Alpine.js
Now let's import the code!
As previously mentioned, we are using the calendar code from https://tailwindcomponents.com/component/calendar-ui-with-tailwindcss-and-alpinejs (albeit with a few differences).
Let's do this.
Open lib/cal_web/live/app_live.html.heex
and locate the <div>
below the <!-- Calendar and form section -->
Change it to the following:
<div class="flex justify-center px-4 py-2 md:w-1/2">
<div x-data="app()" x-init="[initDate(), getNoOfDays()]">
<!-- Calendar -->
<div class="container">
<div class="overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white shadow">
<div class="flex items-center justify-between px-6 py-2">
<span x-text="MONTH_NAMES[month]" class="text-lg font-bold text-gray-800"></span>
<span x-text="year" class="ml-1 text-lg font-normal text-gray-600"></span>
<div class="rounded-lg border px-1" style="padding-top: 2px;">
<button type="button" class="inline-flex cursor-pointer items-center rounded-lg p-1 leading-none transition duration-100 ease-in-out hover:bg-gray-200" x-bind:class="{'cursor-not-allowed opacity-25': month == 0 }" x-bind:disabled="month == 0 ? true : false" @click="month--; getNoOfDays()">
<svg class="inline-flex h-6 w-6 leading-none text-gray-500" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M15 19l-7-7 7-7" />
<div class="inline-flex h-6 border-r"></div>
<button type="button" class="inline-flex cursor-pointer items-center rounded-lg p-1 leading-none transition duration-100 ease-in-out hover:bg-gray-200" x-bind:class="{'cursor-not-allowed opacity-25': month == 11 }" x-bind:disabled="month == 11 ? true : false" @click="month++; getNoOfDays()">
<svg class="inline-flex h-6 w-6 leading-none text-gray-500" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M9 5l7 7-7 7" />
<div class="-mx-1 -mb-1">
<div class="flex flex-wrap">
<template x-for="(day, index) in DAYS" x-bind:key="index">
<div style="width: 14.26%" class="px-2 py-2">
<div x-text="day" class="text-center text-sm font-bold uppercase tracking-wide text-gray-600"></div>
<div class="flex flex-wrap border-l border-t">
<template x-for="blankday in blankdays">
<div style="width: 14.28%; height: 60px" class="border-b border-r px-4 pt-2 text-center"></div>
<template x-for="(date, dateIndex) in no_of_days" x-bind:key="dateIndex">
<div style="width: 14.28%; height:60px" class="relative border-b border-r px-4 pt-2">
<div @click="onClickCalendarDay(date)" x-text="date" class="inline-flex h-6 w-6 cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full text-center leading-none transition duration-100 ease-in-out" x-bind:class="{'bg-blue-500 text-white': isToday(date) == true, 'text-gray-700 hover:bg-blue-200': isToday(date) == false }"></div>
<div style="height: 80px;" class="mt-1 overflow-y-auto">
<template x-for="event in events.filter(e => new Date(e.event_date).toDateString() === new Date(year, month, date).toDateString() )">
class="mt-1 overflow-hidden rounded-lg border px-2 py-1"
'border-blue-200 text-blue-800 bg-blue-100': event.event_theme === 'blue',
'border-red-200 text-red-800 bg-red-100': event.event_theme === 'red',
'border-yellow-200 text-yellow-800 bg-yellow-100': event.event_theme === 'yellow',
'border-green-200 text-green-800 bg-green-100': event.event_theme === 'green',
'border-purple-200 text-purple-800 bg-purple-100': event.event_theme === 'purple'
<p x-text="event.event_title" class="truncate text-sm leading-tight"></p>
<div class="container mt-2">
<div class="block w-full overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white p-8 shadow">
<h2 class="mb-6 border-b pb-2 text-2xl font-bold text-gray-800">Add Event Details</h2>
<div class="mb-4">
<label class="mb-1 block text-sm font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-800">Event title</label>
<input class="w-full appearance-none rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-gray-200 px-4 py-2 leading-tight text-gray-700 focus:border-blue-500 focus:bg-white focus:outline-none" type="text" x-model="event_title" />
<div class="mb-4">
<label class="mb-1 block text-sm font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-800">Event date</label>
<input class="w-full appearance-none rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-gray-200 px-4 py-2 leading-tight text-gray-700 focus:border-blue-500 focus:bg-white focus:outline-none" type="text" x-model="event_date" readonly />
<div class="mt-8 text-right">
<div class="mt-8 text-right">
<button type="button" class="mr-2 rounded-lg border border-gray-300 bg-white px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-700 shadow-sm hover:bg-gray-100" @click="openEventModal = !openEventModal; clearModalFormData()">Cancel</button>
<div class="mt-8 text-right">
<button type="button" class="mr-2 rounded-lg border border-gray-300 bg-white px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-700 shadow-sm hover:bg-gray-100" @click="openEventModal = !openEventModal; clearModalFormData()">Cancel</button>
<button type="button" class="rounded-lg border border-gray-700 bg-gray-800 px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-gray-700" @click="addEvent()">Save Event</button>
const MONTH_NAMES = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
const DAYS = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
function app() {
return {
month: '',
year: '',
no_of_days: [],
blankdays: [],
days: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
events: [],
event_title: '',
event_date: '',
initDate() {
let today = new Date();
this.month = today.getMonth();
this.year = today.getFullYear();
this.datepickerValue = new Date(this.year, this.month, today.getDate()).toDateString();
isToday(date) {
const today = new Date();
const d = new Date(this.year, this.month, date);
return today.toDateString() === d.toDateString() ? true : false;
onClickCalendarDay(date) {
this.event_date = new Date(this.year, this.month, date).toDateString();
clearModalFormData() {
this.event_title = ''
this.event_date = ''
addEvent() {
if (this.event_title == '') {
// clear the form data
getNoOfDays() {
let daysInMonth = new Date(this.year, this.month + 1, 0).getDate();
// find where to start calendar day of week
let dayOfWeek = new Date(this.year, this.month).getDay();
let blankdaysArray = [];
for ( var i=1; i <= dayOfWeek; i++) {
let daysArray = [];
for ( var i=1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) {
this.blankdays = blankdaysArray;
this.no_of_days = daysArray;
This should add the calendar to the page.
If you sign in, the /app
should look like so.
We've changed the code from the original link.
The original code contained modals
and we've placed the form below the calendar
and changed how Alpine.js
was used with the calendar.
The reason we did this is because
modals are often anti-pattern and not used appropriately.
If you want to know more about why,
please check dwyl/product-ux-research#38.
Currently, the calendar by default shows the blue dot showcasing the current date. With this in mind, we want to fetch all the events for the given day. Every time a person clicks on another day, the events list should also change according to the chosen day.
Let's change our mount/3
to fetch the events of the current day.
We simply need to change the params
to look like so:
params = %{
singleEvents: true,
timeMin: Timex.now |> Timex.beginning_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}"),
timeMax: Timex.now |> Timex.end_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}")
The sockets assigns will also be changed. We will assign the calendar as well, so it can be accessed later by other event handlers, mainly when the person clicks on another date on the calendar.
{:ok, assign(socket, event_list: event_list.items, calendar: primary_calendar)}
Now we're ready to change the event lists
according to the chosen date*.
For this, we are going to define
a hook that we can call from the view template (app_live.html.heex
to later be handled by the LiveView (app_live.ex
To create this hook,
head over to assets/js/app.js
create a Hooks
and add it to the liveview variable instantiation.
Like so.
const Hooks = {}
Hooks.DateClick = {
mounted() {
window.dateClickHook = this
changeDate(year, month, day) {
this.pushEvent('change-date', {year, month, day})
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content")
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
dom: {
onBeforeElUpdated(from, to){
if(from.__x){ window.Alpine.clone(from.__x, to) }
params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken},
hooks: Hooks
We've created a hook called dateClickHook
that will now be accessible from the view template file.
This hook has a function called changeDate
which will create an event in the liveview file
by sending the year, month and date
the person changed to.
While we're at it,
let's create this event handler!
Head over to lib/cal_web/live/app_live.ex
and create a new function
with the following code:
def handle_event("change-date", %{"year" => year, "month" => month, "day" => day}, socket) do
# Get token and primary calendar from socket
{:ok, token} = get_token(socket)
primary_calendar = socket.assigns.calendar
# Parse new date
datetime = Timex.parse!("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}", "{YYYY}-{M}-{D}") |> Timex.to_datetime()
# Fetch events list of new date
headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer #{token.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
params = %{
singleEvents: true,
timeMin: datetime |> Timex.beginning_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}"),
timeMax: datetime |> Timex.end_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}")
{:ok, new_event_list} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", headers, params: params)
|> parse_body_response()
# Update socket assigns
{:noreply, assign(socket, event_list: new_event_list.items)}
As you can see, since we're receiving the new date,
we are doing a similar process to what we're doing in the mount/3
- getting the token to call the
Calendar API
. - parse the datetime we are changing into.
- calling the endpoint with the new datetime and fetching the event list for the new date.
- updating the socket assigns with the new event list.
We're nearly there! 🏃♂️
The last thing we need to do
is to change our template file to accommodate these new changes!
Head over to lib/cal_web/live/app_live.html.heex
and locate the following line:
<div class="flex flex-wrap border-l border-t">
Change it to:
<div class="flex flex-wrap border-l border-t" phx-hook="DateClick" id="calendar-days">
We are using the phx-hook
attribute to embed the hook to the template
so it can be accessible in the client-side.
We are going to make some changes to the
function inside
the <script>
function app() {
return {
month: '',
year: '',
chosen_day: '',
no_of_days: [],
blankdays: [],
days: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
events: [],
event_title: '',
event_date: '',
initDate() {
let today = new Date();
this.chosen_day = today.getUTCDate();
this.month = today.getMonth();
this.year = today.getFullYear();
this.datepickerValue = new Date(this.year, this.month, today.getDate()).toDateString();
isToday(day) {
const chosen_date = new Date(this.year, this.month, this.chosen_day);
const d = new Date(this.year, this.month, day);
return chosen_date.toDateString() === d.toDateString() ? true : false;
onClickCalendarDay(day) {
this.event_date = new Date(this.year, this.month, day).toDateString();
this.chosen_day = day;
window.dateClickHook.changeDate(this.year, this.month + 1, day);
We've added
a chosen_day
which refers to the day the person
is currently watching.
We've changed isToday()
to mark the blue dot in the calendar
to the day the person has chosen.
Finally, we are now pushing an event
to the LiveView to be handled
within the onClickCalendarDay(date)
If you want to see all the changes made, please check the commit 51a1fe0.
Now let's make use of our fancy form to create an event! If we have a look at https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/events/insert, we see that we need at least an end and start object. We will send the following attributes:
start object with a datetime nested field. If the event occurs all day, we send a date nested field instead.
end object with a datetime nested field. If the event occurs all day, we send a date nested field instead.
summary field, pertaining to the title of the event.
For this, we are going to need to add two new fields to our form: one for the start time and another for the end. Since people can also have events that span all da, we'll add a checkbox for this as well.
Taking this into account, we will also want to inform the person if anything is missing or not. We'll not go deep here, we'll just inform the person that something is wrong in case any field is invalid or missing.
This incurs some form validation
that we'll need to do with Alpine.js
Taking all of these requirements into account,
open lib/cal_web/live/app_live.html.heex
and add the following inputs below the Event Title
<div class="mb-4 flex flex-row justify-between">
<label class="mb-1 block text-sm font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-800">Start</label>
<input class="w-full appearance-none rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-gray-200 px-4 py-2 leading-tight text-gray-700 focus:border-blue-500 focus:bg-white focus:outline-none" type="text" x-model="event_start" />
<label class="mb-1 block text-sm font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-800">End</label>
<input class="w-full appearance-none rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-gray-200 px-4 py-2 leading-tight text-gray-700 focus:border-blue-500 focus:bg-white focus:outline-none" type="text" x-model="event_stop" />
<div class="mb-4">
<label class="label cursor-pointer">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" x-model="event_all_day" />
<label class="mb-1 text-sm font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-800">All day</label>
<div class="mb-4">
<label class="mb-1 block text-sm font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-800">Event date</label>
<input class="w-full appearance-none rounded-lg border-2 border-gray-200 bg-gray-200 px-4 py-2 leading-tight text-gray-700 focus:border-blue-500 focus:bg-white focus:outline-none" type="text" x-model="event_date" readonly />
<div class="mb-2">
<span x-show="!!show_error" class="mb-1 block text-sm font-bold tracking-wide text-red-800">Missing information or some of the fields are invalid.</span>
If you want to see how the file should look like, take a peek at
We also need to change the app()
to accomodate these changes.
We are going to add event_start
, event_all_day
and show_error
as attributes so we can use them to create our event in the LiveView.
We'll also add form validation (validateForm()
that will be called when the person
clicks the button to create an event (addEvent()
Change app()
so it looks like the following.
function app() {
return {
month: '',
year: '',
chosen_day: '',
no_of_days: [],
blankdays: [],
days: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
show_error: false,
events: [],
event_title: '',
event_start: '',
event_stop: '',
event_all_day: false,
event_date: '',
initDate() {
let today = new Date();
this.chosen_day = today.getUTCDate();
this.month = today.getMonth();
this.year = today.getFullYear();
this.event_date = new Date(this.year, this.month, today.getDate()).toDateString();
isToday(day) {
const d = new Date();
const chosen_date = new Date(this.year, this.month, day);
return chosen_date.toDateString() === d.toDateString() ? true : false;
onClickCalendarDay(day) {
this.event_date = new Date(this.year, this.month, day).toDateString();
this.chosen_day = day;
window.dateClickHook.changeDate(this.year, this.month + 1, day);
clearModalFormData() {
this.event_title = ''
this.event_start = ''
this.event_stop = ''
this.event_all_day = false
this.show_error = false
addEvent() {
this.show_error = false
if (!this.validateForm()) {
this.show_error = true
// get date - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23593052/format-javascript-date-as-yyyy-mm-dd
let date = new Date(Date.parse(this.event_date))
const offset = date.getTimezoneOffset()
date = new Date(date.getTime() - (offset*60*1000))
date = date.toISOString().split('T')[0]
// push event
window.dateClickHook.createEvent(this.event_title, date, this.event_start, this.event_stop, this.event_all_day);
// clear the form data
validateForm() {
// Check if title is empty
if (this.event_title.trim() == '') {
return false
// Check if start and stop are empty
if (this.event_start.trim() === '' && this.event_stop.trim() === '' && this.event_all_day === false) {
return false
// Check if start or stop are valid
const hour_minute_regex = /^([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-4]):([0-5][0-9])(:[0-5][0-9])?$/;
if((!hour_minute_regex.test(this.event_start) || !hour_minute_regex.test(this.event_stop)) && this.event_all_day === false) {
return false
// Check if start is before end
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6212305/how-can-i-compare-two-time-strings-in-the-format-hhmmss
if((this.event_start > this.event_stop) && this.event_all_day === false) {
return false
return true
getNoOfDays() {
let daysInMonth = new Date(this.year, this.month + 1, 0).getDate();
// find where to start calendar day of week
let dayOfWeek = new Date(this.year, this.month).getDay();
let blankdaysArray = [];
for ( var i=1; i <= dayOfWeek; i++) {
let daysArray = [];
for ( var i=1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) {
this.blankdays = blankdaysArray;
this.no_of_days = daysArray;
After changing this template view, your form should look like so.
Now, similarly to what we've done before,
we want to create another hook that will be called
when the person creates the event.
This event will later be handled inside the LiveView
Open assets/js/app.js
and add the createEvent()
inside the Hook
const Hooks = {}
Hooks.DateClick = {
mounted() {
window.dateClickHook = this
changeDate(year, month, day) {
this.pushEvent('change-date', {year, month, day})
// Receives the `title` string, the `start` time and `end` time and a boolean `all_day` stating if it's all day or not
createEvent(title, date, start, stop, all_day) {
this.pushEvent('create-event', {title, date, start, stop, all_day})
Now all that's left is handling
the event in our LiveView!
Open lib/cal_web/live/app_live.ex
and add this function.
def handle_event("create-event", %{"title" => title, "date" => date, "start" => start, "stop" => stop, "all_day" => all_day}, socket) do
# Get token and primary calendar from socket
{:ok, token} = get_token(socket)
primary_calendar = socket.assigns.calendar
# Setting `start` and `stop` according to the `all-day` boolean,
# If `all-day` is set to true, we should return the date instead of the datetime,
# as per https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/events/insert.
start = case all_day do
true -> %{date: date}
false -> %{datetime: Timex.parse!("#{date} #{start} +0000", "{YYYY}-{0M}-{D} {h24}:{m} {Z}") |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}") }
stop = case all_day do
true -> %{date: date}
false -> %{datetime: Timex.parse!("#{date} #{stop} +0000", "{YYYY}-{0M}-{D} {h24}:{m} {Z}") |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}") }
# Post new event
headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer #{token.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
body = Jason.encode!(%{summary: title, start: start, end: stop })
{:ok, _response} = HTTPoison.post("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", body, headers)
# Parse new date to datetime and fetch events to refresh
datetime = Timex.parse!(date, "{YYYY}-{M}-{D}") |> Timex.to_datetime()
params = %{
singleEvents: true,
timeMin: datetime |> Timex.beginning_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}"),
timeMax: datetime |> Timex.end_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}")
{:ok, new_event_list} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", headers, params: params)
|> parse_body_response()
{:noreply, socket}
According to the Calendar API
in https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/events/insert,
if the person wants to mark an event as "all-day",
we sent the start
or end
as dates instead of datetimes.
We do this distinction at the top of the function.
We then post the event with the given parameters and refresh the events list! Simple, right?
That should be it!
We are not only successfully listing
but also creating events using Google API
When we are fetching the information from the Calendar API
we are repeating code throughout lib/cal_web/live/app_live.ex
We can simplify this process by putting repeated code
in separate functions.
Change app_live.ex
so it looks like the following.
defmodule CalWeb.AppLive do
use CalWeb, :live_view
import CalWeb.AppHTML
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
# We fetch the access token to make the requests.
# If none is found, we redirect the user to the home page.
case get_token(socket) do
{:ok, token} ->
# Get event list and update socket
{primary_calendar, event_list} = get_event_list(token, Timex.now)
{:ok, assign(socket, event_list: event_list.items, calendar: primary_calendar)}
_ ->
{:ok, push_redirect(socket, to: ~p"/")}
def handle_event("change-date", %{"year" => year, "month" => month, "day" => day}, socket) do
# Get token from socket and primary calendar
{:ok, token} = get_token(socket)
# Parse new date
datetime = Timex.parse!("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}", "{YYYY}-{M}-{D}") |> Timex.to_datetime()
{_primary_calendar, new_event_list} = get_event_list(token, datetime)
# Update socket assigns
{:noreply, assign(socket, event_list: new_event_list.items)}
def handle_event("create-event", %{"title" => title, "date" => date, "start" => start, "stop" => stop, "all_day" => all_day}, socket) do
# Get token and primary calendar
{:ok, token} = get_token(socket)
# Post new event
{:ok, _response} = create_event(token, %{"title" => title, "date" => date, "start" => start, "stop" => stop, "all_day" => all_day})
# Parse new date to datetime and fetch events to refresh
datetime = Timex.parse!(date, "{YYYY}-{M}-{D}") |> Timex.to_datetime()
{_primary_calendar, new_event_list} = get_event_list(token, datetime)
{:noreply, assign(socket, event_list: new_event_list.items)}
# Gets the event list of primary calendar.
# We pass on the `token` and the `datetime` of the day to fetch the events.
defp get_event_list(token, datetime) do
headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer #{token.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
# Get primary calendar
{:ok, primary_calendar} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary", headers)
|> parse_body_response()
# Get events of primary calendar
params = %{
singleEvents: true,
timeMin: datetime |> Timex.beginning_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}"),
timeMax: datetime |> Timex.end_of_day() |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}")
{:ok, event_list} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", headers, params: params)
|> parse_body_response()
{primary_calendar, event_list}
# Create new event to the primary calendar.
defp create_event(token, %{"title" => title, "date" => date, "start" => start, "stop" => stop, "all_day" => all_day}) do
headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer #{token.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
# Get primary calendar
{:ok, primary_calendar} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary", headers)
|> parse_body_response()
# Setting `start` and `stop` according to the `all-day` boolean,
# If `all-day` is set to true, we should return the date instead of the datetime,
# as per https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/events/insert.
start = case all_day do
true -> %{date: date}
false -> %{datetime: Timex.parse!("#{date} #{start} +0000", "{YYYY}-{0M}-{D} {h24}:{m} {Z}") |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}") }
stop = case all_day do
true -> %{date: date}
false -> %{datetime: Timex.parse!("#{date} #{stop} +0000", "{YYYY}-{0M}-{D} {h24}:{m} {Z}") |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}") }
# Post new event
body = Jason.encode!(%{summary: title, start: start, end: stop })
HTTPoison.post("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", body, headers)
# Get token from the flash session
defp get_token(socket) do
case Map.get(socket.assigns.flash, "token") do
nil -> {:error, nil}
token -> {:ok, token}
# Parse JSON body response
defp parse_body_response({:error, err}), do: {:error, err}
defp parse_body_response({:ok, response}) do
body = Map.get(response, :body)
# make keys of map atoms for easier access in templates
if body == nil do
{:error, :no_body}
{:ok, str_key_map} = Jason.decode(body)
atom_key_map = for {key, val} <- str_key_map, into: %{}, do: {String.to_atom(key), val}
{:ok, atom_key_map}
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31990134
We created two new functions:
, which fetches the event list for a specific day.create_event/2
, which creates a new event with the given parameters.
It's worth noting that both of these functions deal with the primary calendar of the logged in person.
As it stands,
we are defaulting the information
we send to the Calendar API
the user is located within the
However, this will pose some problems for users outside this timezone when querying and creating events.
So let's tackle this issue!
We are going to be sending
the information of the timezone of the client
to the LiveView
and update the way we use Timex
and format our datetimes when contacting with the Calendar API
Head over to assets/js/app.js
We are going to be adding the following code to the top of the file.
function convertOffset(gmt_offset) {
var time = gmt_offset.toString().split(".");
var hour = parseInt(time[0]);
var negative = hour < 0 ? true : false;
hour = Math.abs(hour) < 10 ? "0" + Math.abs(hour) : Math.abs(hour);
hour = negative ? "-" + hour : "+" + hour;
return time[1] ? hour+(time[1]*6).toString() : hour + "00";
const hoursFromUTC = convertOffset(-new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60);
We are using the code found in
which will convert the
number of hours of the client to
We are doing this because we can use this format
when creating datetime objects using Timex
See https://hexdocs.pm/timex/Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.html#module-time-zones
We are going to be using the hoursFromUTC
on three occasions:
- in the
event. - in the
event. - when creating the
With this in mind,
change the Hooks
and the liveSocket
variable like so.
Hooks.DateClick = {
mounted() {
window.dateClickHook = this
changeDate(year, month, day) {
this.pushEvent('change-date', {year, month, day, hoursFromUTC}) // change here
createEvent(title, date, start, stop, all_day) {
this.pushEvent('create-event', {title, date, start, stop, all_day, hoursFromUTC}) // change here
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content")
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
dom: {
onBeforeElUpdated(from, to){
if(from.__x){ window.Alpine.clone(from.__x, to) }
params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken, hoursFromUTC: hoursFromUTC}, // change here
hooks: Hooks
Now let's use this timezone information in our LiveView!
Head over to lib/cal_web/live/app_live.ex
and change the create_event/2
function to this:
defp create_event(token, %{"title" => title, "date" => date, "start" => start, "stop" => stop, "all_day" => all_day, "hoursFromUTC" => hoursFromUTC}) do
headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer #{token.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
# Get primary calendar
{:ok, primary_calendar} = HTTPoison.get("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary", headers)
|> parse_body_response()
# Setting `start` and `stop` according to the `all-day` boolean,
# If `all-day` is set to true, we should return the date instead of the datetime,
# as per https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/events/insert.
start = case all_day do
true -> %{date: date}
false -> %{dateTime: Timex.parse!("#{date} #{start} #{hoursFromUTC}", "{YYYY}-{0M}-{D} {h24}:{m} {Z}") |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}") }
stop = case all_day do
true -> %{date: date}
false -> %{dateTime: Timex.parse!("#{date} #{stop} #{hoursFromUTC}", "{YYYY}-{0M}-{D} {h24}:{m} {Z}") |> Timex.format!("{RFC3339}") }
# Post new event
body = Jason.encode!(%{summary: title, start: start, end: stop })
HTTPoison.post("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/#{primary_calendar.id}/events", body, headers)
We are receiving the "hoursFromUTC"
and using it in the start
and stop
to correctly embed the timezone in the date object
to later be queried.
we need to make some changes to the handle_event/3
def handle_event("change-date", %{"year" => year, "month" => month, "day" => day, "hoursFromUTC" => hoursFromUTC}, socket) do
# Get token from socket and primary calendar
{:ok, token} = get_token(socket)
# Parse new date
datetime = Timex.parse!("#{year}-#{month}-#{day} #{hoursFromUTC}", "{YYYY}-{M}-{D} {Z}") |> Timex.to_datetime()
{_primary_calendar, new_event_list} = get_event_list(token, datetime)
# Update socket assigns
{:noreply, assign(socket, event_list: new_event_list.items)}
def handle_event("create-event", %{"title" => title, "date" => date, "start" => start, "stop" => stop, "all_day" => all_day, "hoursFromUTC" => hoursFromUTC}, socket) do
# Get token and primary calendar
{:ok, token} = get_token(socket)
# Post new event
{:ok, _response} = create_event(token, %{"title" => title, "date" => date, "start" => start, "stop" => stop, "all_day" => all_day, "hoursFromUTC" => hoursFromUTC})
# Parse new date to datetime and fetch events to refresh
datetime = Timex.parse!(date, "{YYYY}-{M}-{D}") |> Timex.to_datetime(Timex.Timezone.name_of(hoursFromUTC))
{_primary_calendar, new_event_list} = get_event_list(token, datetime)
{:noreply, assign(socket, event_list: new_event_list.items)}
The only changes we are making
in both of these functions is that
we are now receiving hoursFromUTC
and using it to embed
the timezone in the dates
before using the date when making requests
to the Calendar API
We are using
to get the timezone object.
We also need to send information
of the timezone when the LiveView is mounted.
The mount/2
function is executed two times:
- the first is when the HTML is fully rendered.
- the second time is when the client connects to the LiveView socket.
If we were to inspect the hoursFromUTC
parameter we are sending from the client
when mounting the LiveView
by using
we would have two results:
a nil
on the first execution
and the offset value on the second.
With this in mind, we are only going to fetch the events on mount after the client is connected to the socket.
we are going to split
the mount/3
function in two!
def mount(params, session, socket) do
case connected?(socket) do
true -> connected_mount(params, session, socket)
false -> {:ok, assign(socket, event_list: [])}
def connected_mount(_params, _session, socket) do
# Getting information about the timezone of the client
hoursFromUTC = Map.get(get_connect_params(socket), "hoursFromUTC", "+0000")
timezone = Timex.Timezone.name_of(hoursFromUTC)
# We fetch the access token to make the requests.
# If none is found, we redirect the user to the home page.
case get_token(socket) do
{:ok, token} ->
# Get event list and update socket
{primary_calendar, event_list} = get_event_list(token, Timex.now(timezone))
{:ok, assign(socket, event_list: event_list.items, calendar: primary_calendar)}
_ ->
{:ok, push_redirect(socket, to: ~p"/")}
We fetch the list of events
only if the client is connected
by using the
If the client is connected,
is called
and fetches the list of events,
as it was done prior to the change,
with the exception of the hoursFromUTC
being used
to set the timezone of the datetime object
that is used to fetch the list of events.
And you're all done! 🎉
Making requests with the Calendar API
now works with the proper timezone
of the client!
Let's just tweak our homepage to only have relevant information.
Open lib/cal_web/controllers/page_html/home.html.heex
and change it to the following:
<.flash_group flash={@flash} />
<div class="left-[40rem] fixed inset-y-0 right-0 z-0 hidden lg:block xl:left-[50rem]">
viewBox="0 0 1480 957"
class="absolute inset-0 h-full w-full"
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid slice"
<path fill="#EE7868" d="M0 0h1480v957H0z" />
d="M137.542 466.27c-582.851-48.41-988.806-82.127-1608.412 658.2l67.39 810 3083.15-256.51L1535.94-49.622l-98.36 8.183C1269.29 281.468 734.115 515.799 146.47 467.012l-8.928-.742Z"
d="M371.028 528.664C-169.369 304.988-545.754 149.198-1361.45 665.565l-182.58 792.025 3014.73 694.98 389.42-1689.25-96.18-22.171C1505.28 697.438 924.153 757.586 379.305 532.09l-8.277-3.426Z"
d="M359.326 571.714C-104.765 215.795-428.003-32.102-1349.55 255.554l-282.3 1224.596 3047.04 722.01 312.24-1354.467C1411.25 1028.3 834.355 935.995 366.435 577.166l-7.109-5.452Z"
d="M1593.87 1236.88c-352.15 92.63-885.498-145.85-1244.602-613.557l-5.455-7.105C-12.347 152.31-260.41-170.8-1225-131.458l-368.63 1599.048 3057.19 704.76 130.31-935.47Z"
d="M1411.91 1526.93c-363.79 15.71-834.312-330.6-1085.883-863.909l-3.822-8.102C72.704 125.95-101.074-242.476-1052.01-408.907l-699.85 1484.267 2837.75 1338.01 326.02-886.44Z"
d="M1116.26 1863.69c-355.457-78.98-720.318-535.27-825.287-1115.521l-1.594-8.816C185.286 163.833 112.786-237.016-762.678-643.898L-1822.83 608.665 571.922 2635.55l544.338-771.86Z"
<div class="px-4 py-10 sm:px-6 sm:py-28 lg:px-8 xl:px-28 xl:py-32">
<div class="mx-auto max-w-xl lg:mx-0">
<p class="text-[2rem] mt-4 font-semibold leading-10 tracking-tighter text-zinc-900 ">
DWYL Calendar
<p class="mt-4 text-base leading-7 text-zinc-600">
A demo project where you can visualize and create events that are stored in your Google Calendar.
<p class="mt-4 text-base leading-7 text-zinc-600">
To get started, login to your <b>Google account</b>.
<div class="mt-4">
<a href={@oauth_google_url}>
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Kagbzkq.png" alt="Sign in with Google" />
If you restart the server, you should see the following homepage.
And you're done! Your final app should look like so. You are able to sign in, list your events for a given day and create events for whatever day you want. You may add "all-day" events or set a start and stop for each one.