The d_p module provides a new plugin type ParagraphSetting
which is used in the setting field widget on the paragraphs form.
You can review the plugins implemented by the
module under the namespace Plugin\ParagraphSetting
The paragraph setting plugins are based on the Drupal Form API which is used
to render, process and validate the settings form elements.
The plugins are managed by the plugin manager
This manager is responsible for loading all the available plugins
into the widget,
as an array of the form elements.
The configuration form is built only once, then it is stored
in the cache. You need to clear the cache each
time you changed something in your plugin.
In order to create a custom paragraph setting plugin, you need to put your
plugin file in the your_module/src/Plugin/ParagraphSettings
of your custom module.
The easiest way is to extend the Drupal\d_p\ParagraphSettingPluginBase
and give your own implementation of some methods ex.formElement
All the methods are documented in the class and the interface.
If the type of your form element will be the select
it is required to implement the Drupal\d_p\ParagraphSettingSelectInterface
as this interface is checked in the further processing of the select elements.
Each plugin needs to be described using Drupal\d_p\Annotation\ParagraphSetting
annotation. In addition to the id
which is always required to define a unique plugin,
there are the label
and the settings
that should be defined. The settings
array may
contain the weight
and the parent
(at least those two are only used in the further processing).
By default, the annotation is used in the form element and to define the relations between the elements:
- is used as#title
and it is returned by theParagraphSettingPluginBase::label
- is used as#weight
to defined the order of the elements- and it is returned by the
- is used to nest the element under the defined parent id
The example of the plugin annotation may look like this:
* @ParagraphSetting(
* id = "example-plugin-id",
* label = @Translation("Example paragraph setting plugin"),
* settings = {
* "parent" = "example-parent-plugin-id",
* "weight" = -10,
* }
* )
By default, the plugin manager sets the alter info id which is used to invoke
a specific hook to alter the plugins definitions. In order to alter the
ParagraphSetting plugin you will have to define hook:
The example hook may look like this:
function my_module_paragraph_setting_info_alter(array &$definitions) {
$definitions['example_plugin_id'] = [
'class' => 'Drupal\my_module\Plugin\ParagraphSetting\ExampleAltered',
The setting from containing all the form elements
defined by each ParagraphSetting
is built by the plugin manager. These form elements may be
altered right before being stored in the cache.
In order to do that, you can use the hook_d_settings_alter
hook described in the d_p.api.php
The example hook implementation may look like this:
function my_module_d_settings_alter(array &$settings_form) {
$settings_form['example_plugin_id']['#weight'] = 10;
You can alter the
) widget
the same way you usually alter any other Drupal widget.
It is possible to define a new widget which extends the SettingsWidget and use
it instead. You can also use hooks to alter the widget forms:
Note: This method is not recommended, as long as there is no other way to alter the form elements or validate them using the alter methods described above.