- Node.js v20 or higher
- Docker v24 or higher
- Docker Compose version v2.19+
- Make v3.81+
- Pnpm >=v9.12.2 (https://pnpm.io/installation)
make pnpm-install
make fresh-start-all
cd e2e
pnpm run test:e2e:local
To stop that stack run:
make clean-enviroment
While running the end2end tests, you should observe files being generated in tmp/local/
├── local
│ ├── prover
│ │ ├── request
│ │ │ └── 4-4-etv0.2.0-stv1.2.0-getZkProof.json
│ │ ├── requests-done
│ │ │ ├── 1-1-etv0.2.0-stv1.2.0-getZkProof.json.success
│ │ │ ├── 2-2-etv0.2.0-stv1.2.0-getZkProof.json.success
│ │ │ └── 3-3-etv0.2.0-stv1.2.0-getZkProof.json.success
│ │ └── response
│ │ ├── 1-1-etv0.2.0-stv1.2.0-getZkProof.json.0.2.0.json
│ │ ├── 2-2-etv0.2.0-stv1.2.0-getZkProof.json.0.2.0.json
│ │ └── 3-3-etv0.2.0-stv1.2.0-getZkProof.json.0.2.0.json
│ └── traces
│ ├── conflated
│ │ ├── 1-1.conflated.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ ├── 2-2.conflated.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ ├── 3-3.conflated.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ └── 4-4.conflated.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ ├── raw
│ │ ├── 1-0x2e1a3f506c0d5f11310301a86f608d840d3db0e28c545eaf9e9c9812e2b795e0.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ ├── 2-0x3e5b3bd8e21a94488bf93776480271d3fef8033152effd4e19fe6519dea53379.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ ├── 3-0xa5046c13502a619a7a3f091b397234dc020f6cbda1942d247d1003d4c73899b6.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ ├── 4-0xe9203ede2114bf9c291692c4bd2dcc7207973c267ed411d65568d1138b3ecfcc.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ ├── 5-0x2c8ec07d4222bed8285be3de83f0fccc989134c49826baed5340bf7aa8e3ce8f.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ │ └── 6-0x3c7b7ee369d5fe02a6865415a2d0ef4ec385812351723e35a3b54d972f9f4ceb.v0.2.0.json.gz
│ └── raw-non-canonical
- Docker: Sometimes restarting the stack several times may lead to network/state issues. The following commands may help. Note: Please be aware that this will permanently remove all docker images, containers and docker volumes and any data saved it them.
make clean-environment
docker system prune --volumes
For local testing and development conflation deadline is set to 6s conflation-deadline=PT6S
in config/coordinator/coordinator-docker.config.toml
file. Hence, only 2 blocks conflation. If you want bigger conflations, increase the deadline accordingly.
Consider reviewing the Linea architecture description.