- Pico set up powered by a small Li-Po battery through a buck converter
- GPS module
- Bosche BNO08x IMU
- Hook up a switch to trigger collection of GPS data
- GPS data collected at seven spots nearby
- Eastern-most corner of my garage
- 2 corners of my driveway (at gutter)
- 2 man-hole covers on Carrera (@ Santana & San Luis)
- 2 man-hole covers at circles on Santana & San Luis
- GPS Calibration spreadsheet compares measured Lat/Lon coordinates with coords shown on Google Maps for several man-hole covers in the neighborhood.
- The spreadheet converts Lat/Lon coords to X and Y values using the method explained here
- Origin of the X-Y coordinates is set at the man-hole cover on Carrera at Garza.
- Measured values are within a couple meters of map values