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Why DataMapper? |
DataMapper differentiates itself from other Ruby Object/Relational Mappers in a number of ways:
DataMapper comes with the ability to use the same API to talk to a multitude of different datastores. There are adapters for the usual RDBMS suspects, NoSQL stores, various file formats and even some popular webservices.
There's a probably incomplete list of available datamapper adapters on the github wiki with new ones getting implemented regularly. A quick github search should give you further hints on what's currently available.
With DataMapper you define your mappings in your model. Your data-store can develop independently of your models using Migrations.
To support data-stores which you don't have the ability to manage yourself, it's simply a matter of telling DataMapper where to look. This makes DataMapper a good choice when Working with legacy databases
{% highlight ruby linenos %} class Post include DataMapper::Resource
storage_names[:legacy] = 'tblPost'
property :id, Serial, :field => :pid
belongs_to :user, :child_key => [ :uid ] end {% endhighlight %}
DataMapper only issues updates or creates for the properties it knows about. So it plays well with others. You can use it in an Integration Database without worrying that your application will be a bad actor causing trouble for all of your other processes.
DataMapper has full support for Composite Primary Keys (CPK) builtin. Specifying the properties that form the primary key is easy.
{% highlight ruby linenos %} class LineItem include DataMapper::Resource
property :order_id, Integer, :key => true property :item_number, Integer, :key => true end {% endhighlight %}
If we were to know an order_id
combination, we can
easily retrieve the corresponding line item from the datastore.
{% highlight ruby linenos %} order_id, item_number = 1, 1 LineItem.get(order_id, item_number)
{% endhighlight %}
With DataMapper, you specify the datastore layout inside your ruby
models. This allows DataMapper to create the underlying datastore schema
based on the models you defined. The #auto_migrate!
and #auto_upgrade!
methods can be used to generate a schema in the datastore that matches
your model definitions.
While #auto_migrate!
destructively drops and recreates tables to match
your model definitions, #auto_upgrade!
supports upgrading your
datastore to match your model definitions, without actually destroying
any already existing data.
There are still some limitations to the operations that #auto_upgrade!
can perform. We're working hard on making it smarter, but there will
always be scenarios where an automatic upgrade of your schema won't be
possible. For example, there's no sane strategy for automatically changing
a column length constraint from VARCHAR(100)
to VARCHAR(50)
. DataMapper
can't know what it should do when the data doesn't validate against the
new tightened constraints.
In situations where neither #auto_migrate!
nor #auto_upgrade!
quite cut
it, you can still fall back to the classic migrations feature provided
by dm-migrations.
Here's some code that puts #auto_migrate!
and #auto_upgrade!
to use.
{% highlight ruby linenos %} require 'rubygems' require 'dm-core' require 'dm-migrations'$stdout, :debug) DataMapper.setup(:default, 'mysql://localhost/test')
class Person include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :name, String, :required => true end
~ (0.080191) CREATE TABLE people
)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
class Person property :hobby, String end
{% endhighlight %}
DataMapper makes it easy to leverage native techniques for enforcing data integrity. The dm-constraints plugin provides support for establishing true foreign key constraints in databases that support that concept.
{% highlight ruby linenos %} require 'rubygems' require 'dm-core' require 'dm-constraints' require 'dm-migrations'$stdout, :debug) DataMapper.setup(:default, 'mysql://localhost/test')
class Person include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial has n, :tasks, :constraint => :destroy end
class Task include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial belongs_to :person end
~ (0.187402) CREATE TABLE people
)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
~ (0.200487) CREATE TABLE tasks
)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
~ (0.002525) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "information_schema"."table_constraints" WHERE "constraint_type" = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND "table_schema" = 'test' AND "table_name" = 'tasks' AND "constraint_name" = 'tasks_person_fk'
~ (0.230075) ALTER TABLE tasks
ADD CONSTRAINT tasks_person_fk
FOREIGN KEY (person_id
{% endhighlight %}
Notice how the last statement adds a foreign key constraint to the schema definition.
DataMapper will only issue the very bare minimums of queries to your data-store
that it needs to. For example, the following example will only issue 2 queries.
Notice how we don't supply any extra :include
{% highlight ruby linenos %} zoos = Zoo.all zoos.each do |zoo|
zoo.exhibits.each do |exhibit| # n+1 queries in other ORMs, not in DataMapper puts "Zoo: #{}, Exhibit: #{}" end end {% endhighlight %}
The idea is that you aren't going to load a set of objects and use only an association in just one of them. This should hold up pretty well against a 99% rule.
When you don't want it to work like this, just load the item you want in its own set. So DataMapper thinks ahead. We like to call it "performant by default". This feature single-handedly wipes out the "N+1 Query Problem".
DataMapper also waits until the very last second to actually issue the query to
your data-store. For example, zoos = Zoo.all
won't run the query until you
start iterating over zoos
or call one of the 'kicker' methods like #length
If you never do anything with the results of a query, DataMapper won't incur the
latency of talking to your data-store.
Note: that this currently doesn't work when you start to nest loops that access the associations more than one level deep. The following would not issue the optimal amount of queries:
{% highlight ruby linenos %} zoos = Zoo.all zoos.each do |zoo|
zoo.exhibits.each do |exhibit| # n+1 queries in other ORMs, not in DataMapper puts "Zoo: #{}, Exhibit: #{}"
exhibit.items.each do |item|
# currently DM won't be smart about the queries it generates for
# accessing the items in any particular exhibit
puts "Item: #{}"
end end {% endhighlight %}
However, there's work underway to remove that limitation. In the future, it will be possible to get the same smart queries inside deeper nested iterations.
Depending on your specific needs, it might be possible to workaround this limitations by using DataMapper's feature that allows you to query models by their associations, as described briefly in the chapter below.
You can also find more information about this feature on the Finders and the Associations pages.
DataMapper allows you to create and search for any complex object graph simply by providing a nested hash of conditions. The following example uses a typical Customer - Order domain model to illustrate how nested conditions can be used to both create and query models by their associations.
For a complete definition of the Customer - Order domain models have a look at the Finders page.
{% highlight ruby linenos %}
customer = { :name => 'Dan Kubb', :orders => [ { :reference => 'TEST1234', :order_lines => [ { :item => { :sku => 'BLUEWIDGET1', :unit_price => 1.00, }, }, ], }, ] }
p Customer.all(customer)
{% endhighlight %}
QueryPaths can be used to construct joins in a very declarative manner.
Starting from a root model, you can call any relationship by its name. The returned object again responds to all property and relationship names that are defined in the relationship's target model.
This means that you can walk the chain of available relationships, and then match against a property at the end of that chain. The object returned by the last call to a property name also responds to all the comparison operators that we saw above. This makes for some powerful join construction!
{% highlight ruby linenos %} Customer.all( => "%BLUE%")
{% endhighlight %}
You can even chain calls to all
or first
to continue refining your query or
search within a scope. See Finders for more information.
One row in the database should equal one object reference. Pretty simple idea.
Pretty profound impact. If you run the following code in ActiveRecord you'll see
all false
results. Do the same in DataMapper and it's true
all the way down.
{% highlight ruby linenos %} @parent = Tree.first(:conditions => { :name => 'bob' })
@parent.children.each do |child| puts @parent.object_id == child.parent.object_id end {% endhighlight %}
This makes DataMapper faster and allocate less resources to get things done.
Columns of potentially infinite length, like Text columns, are expensive in data-stores. They're generally stored in a different place from the rest of your data. So instead of a fast sequential read from your hard-drive, your data-store has to hop around all over the place to get what it needs.
With DataMapper, these fields are treated like in-row associations by default,
meaning they are loaded if and only if you access them. If you want more control
you can enable or disable this feature for any column (not just text-fields) by
passing a lazy
option to your column mapping with a value of true
{% highlight ruby linenos %} class Animal include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial property :name, String property :notes, Text # lazy-loads by default end {% endhighlight %}
Plus, lazy-loading of Text property happens automatically and intelligently when working with associations. The following only issues 2 queries to load up all of the notes fields on each animal:
{% highlight ruby linenos %} animals = Animal.all animals.each do |pet| pet.notes end {% endhighlight %}
DataMapper loves Ruby and is therefore tested regularly against all major Ruby versions. Before release, every gem is explicitly tested against MRI 1.8.7, 1.9.2, JRuby and Rubinius. We're proud to say that almost all of our specs pass on all these different implementations.
Have a look at our CI server reports for detailed information about which gems pass or fail their specs on the various Ruby implementations. Note that these results always reflect the state of the latest codes and not the state of the latest released gem. Our CI server runs tests for all permutations whenever someone commits to any of the tested repositories on Github.
DataMapper goes further than most Ruby ORMs in letting you avoid writing raw query fragments yourself. It provides more helpers and a unique hash-based conditions syntax to cover more of the use-cases where issuing your own SQL would have been the only way to go.
For example, any finder option that are non-standard is considered a condition.
So you can write Zoo.all(:name => 'Dallas')
and DataMapper will look for zoos
with the name of 'Dallas'.
It's just a little thing, but it's so much nicer than writing
Zoo.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'name = ?', 'Dallas' ])
and won't incur the
Ruby overhead of
, nor is it more difficult to understand once the
number of parameters increases.
What if you need other comparisons though? Try these:
{% highlight ruby linenos %} Zoo.first(:name => 'Galveston')
Person.all( => 30)
Person.all(:age.gte => 30)
Person.all(:name.not => 'bob')
Person.all( => 'S%', :id => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ])
Person.all(:name.not => [ 'bob', 'rick', 'steve' ])
Person.all(:order => [ :age.desc ])
{% endhighlight %}
DataMapper sports a very accessible code-base and a welcoming community. Outside contributions and feedback are welcome and encouraged, especially constructive criticism. Go ahead, fork DataMapper, we'd love to see what you come up with!
Make your voice heard! Submit a ticket or patch, speak up on our mailing-list, chat with us on IRC, write a spec, get it reviewed, ask for commit rights. It's as easy as that to become a contributor.