- CSC courses:
- University of Helsinki, Elements of AI
- Coursera, several courses
- Udacity, several courses
- Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning (lectures at Youtube)
- Google AI, Machine Learning Crash Course with TensorFlow APIs
- University of San Francisco, Introduction to machine learning for coders
- SYKE, ML course by Eero Siivola
Labeled data:
- https://github.com/Seyed-Ali-Ahmadi/Awesome_Satellite_Benchmark_Datasets
- https://github.com/chrieke/awesome-satellite-imagery-datasets
- https://github.com/robmarkcole/satellite-image-deep-learning/blob/master/assets/datasets.md
- Public tree pointcloud dataset: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/4gbzk9sy24/1 , publication: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924271620302094
- AI datasets by NASA
- FLAIR: a Country-Scale Land Cover Semantic Segmentation Dataset From Multi-Source Optical Imagery and code
- OpenForest catalog for machine learning in forest monitoring
- GLanCE - Global land cover training dataset from 1984 to 2020, publication and dataset
- Schmitt et al / Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Neubiberg, Germany ,There Are No Data Like More Data: Datasets for deep learning in Earth observation
Spatial data:
- Open GIS data, global and Finnish
- https://github.com/sacridini/Awesome-Geospatial#data-sources
- Rémi Cresson: Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Images with Open Source Software
- Géron: Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn & Tensorflow
- Murphy: Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective
- Bishop: Pattern recognition and machine learning
- Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman: Elements of statistical learning (free PDF)
- Mohri, Rostamizadeh & Talwalkar: Foundations of machine learning (free PDF and HTML)
- Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville: Deep learning (free HTML)
- Justin Morgan Williams: Spatial ML with R
- Gwanggil Jeon: Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing
- SpaceNet challenges
- Patrick Gray, Using Neural Networks for Classification and Land Cover Mapping, CNN classification of 32x32 tiles, Keras.
- Elias Ayrey, 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with LiDAR, CNN regression of 3D tensors created from lidar data, Tensorflow.
- Christoph Rieke, Deep Learning for Instance Segmentation of Agricultural Fields, MXNet.
- The Environmental Data Science book has 4 deep learning models presented: 2 for tree crown detection from RGB images, sea ice forecasting and floating objects from Sentinel-2 images.
- Caleb Robinson, Building damage assessment
- Kris Sankaran, Glacier mapping From Satellite Imagery UNET
- Jens Leitloff, Analyzing Sentinel-2 satellite data in Python with TensorFlow.Keras, CNN
- Martin Christen, Semantic Segmentation, from GeoPython 20222 conference, CNN with PyTorch
- Point cloud semantic segmentation and individual tree segmentation
- Estimating tree species composition from airborne laser scanning data using point-based deep learning models with publication
- Katarzyna Kopczewska / University of Warsaw, Spatial machine learning: new opportunities for regional science
- Ava Vali / Politecnico di Milano, Deep Learning for Land Use and Land Cover Classification Based on Hyperspectral and Multispectral Earth Observation Data: A Review
- Monia Digra / Monia Digra Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Land use land cover classification of remote sensing images based on the deep learning approaches: a statistical analysis and review
- Jürgen Döllner / University of Potsdam, Geospatial Artificial Intelligence: Potentials of Machine Learning for 3D Point Clouds and Geospatial Digital Twins
- Marvin Mc Cutchan / TU Wien, Encoding Geospatial Vector Data for Deep Learning: LULC as a Use Case
- Younes Charfaoui, Working with Geospatial Data in Machine Learning , feature extration from geospatial data for ML
- Behnam Nikparvar / University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Machine Learning of Spatial Data
- Aaron E. Maxwell / West Virginia University, Implementation of machine-learning classification in remote sensing: an applied review
- Safonova et al / Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany, Deep Learning techniques for adressing small data problems in remote sensing
- Calyan Chen et al ,Using time-series imagery and 3DLSTM model to classify individual tree species
- ATMU / NLS/FGI, detecting buildings, roads and water-courses, aim to support updating NLS topographic database.
- Andras Balazs / LUKE, lidar, forest
- Alireza Hamedianfar et al, University of Helsinki, Review of Deep Learning for forest inventory and planning with remote sensing
- Joone Laine / Aalto, Crop identification with Sentinel-2satellite imagery in Finland, SVM, RF, MLP and ConvRNN.
- Matthieu Molinier / VTT, cloud detection
- Matti Mõttus / VTT, hyperspectral data, forest
- Janne Mäyrä / SYKE, detetecting tree species from hyperspectral and lidar data, CNN.
- Olli Rantanen / University of Helsinki, Liikennemerkkienautomaattinen tunnista-minen panoraamakuvilta, object instance segmentation, YOLO.
- Maria Yli-Heikkilä / LUKE, crop prediction based on time-series.
- Torchgeo: paper , pypi , docs , blog
- Detectree2
- https://github.com/satellite-image-deep-learning
- https://github.com/deepVector/geospatial-machine-learning
- https://github.com/robmarkcole/satellite-image-deep-learning
- https://github.com/sacridini/Awesome-Geospatial#deep-learning
- https://github.com/sshuair/awesome-gis#deep-learning
- https://github.com/wenhwu/awesome-remote-sensing-change-detection