- Downloaded all the apps and investigated each one
- Created a list of important features for our NYC ONE APP
- Created a list of each app's features including the app's purpose, the limitations of the app, the ratings, the publisher
- Figured out what apps to eliminate, and what features of the good apps to eliminate
- Discussed what apps were effective vs. what apps were ineffective
- Discussed maybe making two or three apps because not all of the features relate to each other
- Decided on our final features for the apps
- Choose overall the most useful features
- Make a dichotomy of the features
- Discuss user personas/archetypes and how it affects the app's design
- Created a blog post of the major shortcomings of NYC apps
- Brainstormed different logo types
- Combined our ideas together for the logo
- Worked on Codeacademy with Python 2
- Create a list of "features" and "services" offered by the barious apps and figure which one(s) can be implemented as a WhatsApp bot
- Pick 5 services and think about a user interface and user experience that would make sense to the user- figure out what information we would need from the user
- Today, we worked on TwilioQuest to sharpen our Python skills
- We spoke with Ms. Rachel Connolly to figure out what our next steps were
- We went on a tour with Ms. Wendy Ju. Her major is mechanical engineering and she builds cars that can operate by themselves. She showed us the Robotics Lab, and the car lab as well as other labs. It was extremely informative.
- After the meeting, we created a list of features of the apps that could be implemented in WhatsApp. We also figured out what information we would need from the user for each of the 5 apps
- Learn how to write a bot and set-up a good development environment
- Met with Mr. Arnaud Sahuguet to learn how to write the WhatsApp bot and set up a good development environment
- Discussed various ways to approach the task
- Had an interview with the BestFit team where they asked us questions about the college application process, in hopes of gaining different perspectives on the process to improving their app
- Created a template code for the WhatsApp bot
- Began the process of learning how to "scrape" a website
- Used Collaboratory Google, Twilio, Ngrok, and Python 3 to start working on the "skeleton" of the bot itself
- Continue working on the WhatsApp bot, and work to further advance it from a simple to a more complex bot
- Work on the WhatsApp bot for it to be able to perform a LOT of functions- goal: impress friends over the weekend
- Met with Mr. Arnaud Sahuguet to discuss the various aspects of the WhatsApp bot
- Discussed Developement Ops., Data Acquisition, Conversation Bot, Personalization, and another form of the same Conversation Bot (ask for zip, ask for gender, ask for age)
- We also received a special script to update the code on the production machine
- Received special domain for our EC2 machine
- Compiled list of websites for each feature we want for the bot itself
- Scrape websites using BeautifulSoup
- Added location services to the WhatsApp bot
- Connected to Mr. Arnaud Sahuguet's AWS Server (ssh)
- Continue to work on scraping websites
- Make sure websites we have chosen are reliable
- Divided up tasks for Monday (in case we work from home)
- Worked collaboratively from home to continue data aqcuisition
- Updated and added some more features that we want the WhatsApp bot to have
- Continued to scrape websites
- Discuss what we worked on
- Discuss our progress
- Figure out what other features the WhatsApp bot needs
- Discussed individual tasks
- Figured out what the WhatsApp bot should consist of (its primary features and what is most important)
- Used BeautifulSoup to neatly parse more information
- Added location questions (figure out how many different ways the user can ask how to get to a location)
- Trained Luis natural language processing
- Continue working on the bot
- Continue scraping
- Continue figuring out how to add various features and detail
- Continue working on Luis
- Met with Ms. Diana Allegretti and Mr. Andrew and went on a tour
- We learned about the architecture of the Cornell Tech Campus and the different designs for each individual building
- We also learned about the history of the campus and sat in on the presentation about the campus' Phase 1 and Phase 2 plans
- We then walked to the art that was recovered from the hospital that used to be located here
- After the meeting concluded, we continued our work on our WhatsApp bot
- We tested new locations for our WhatsApp bot to train Luis
- Worked on Luis to specify directions for the WhatsApp bot
- Met Ms. Diane Levitt where she discussed her role in the Department of Education System
- Met with Mr. Arnaud to discuss our progress
- Discussed which codes are necessary
- Completed parking and garbage and alternate side parking (finished 311 website) collection aspect of app
- Scraped events website
- Peer reviewed the BestFit group's work and provided feeback and input
- Worked on creating a hyperlink
- Meeting in Brooklyn with Erica
- Making it so that parking and garbage isn't constantly updated- make it like how school works
- Met Mr. Arnaud Sahugheut, Erica, Britney, and Maddie at Blue Ridge Labs
- Participated in a very interesting and inspiring meeting/conversation about pursuiting a career in tech, especially as a woman
- The conversation inspired and motivated us. It was extremely helpful! We learned so much.
- Worked from home to finish up the small details of the WhatsApp Bot after the meeting
- Finish up working on small details that the WhatsApp Bot should consist of
- Met Mr. Arnaud Sahugheut for a brief discussion about the progress of our WhatsApp bot
- Worked on Luis
- Worked on scraping the
tags on the NYC Service Website
- Read a lot of code to find rest APIs to get donation information, etc.
- "Prettify" the code
- Make sure everything is working properly