A program to track, deduplicate, and pack sprites for use with CustomKnight (a Hollow Knight skin customization mod)
Inspired by SpritePacker by MageGi
- Go to the releases to find the latest version.
Visit the wiki for a written tutorial.
- This project is built using Python 3.10.
- To run the project, just download the source code, install the dependencies (preferably in a virtual environment) and run main.py.
- PyQt6:
python -m pip install PyQt6
- Pillow:
pythom -m pip install Pillow
- PyQt6:
To package the project, use the following PyInstaller commands: (they are platform specific)
pyinstaller main.py -F -w -n "CustomKnight Creator" -i resources/SheoIcon.icns --add-data resources:resources
pyinstaller main.py -F -w -n "CustomKnight Creator" -i resources/SheoIcon.ico --add-data "resources;resources"
pyinstaller main.py -F -n "CustomKnight Creator" --add-data "resources:resources"
If you have any problems, feel free to open an issue on this GitHub.
- 1.0
- Initial Release
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Huge thanks to Maverick#2345 for being incredibly helpful throughout the developement, writing much of the tutorial, and providing lots of useful testing + feedback.
- anjaperryyeet#9759 for feedback on the UI
- MageGi for SpritePacker, the inspiration for this program