diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 44ea72b5..cfeef3e6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -24,38 +24,8 @@ It works with: lost pictures from digital camera memory or even hard disks. It has been extended to search also for non audio/video headers. -It searches for: - -- Sun/NeXT audio data (.au) -- RIFF audio/video (.avi/.wav) -- BMP bitmap (.bmp) -- bzip2 compressed data (.bz2) -- Source code written in C (.c) -- Canon Raw picture (.crw) -- Canon catalog (.ctg) -- FAT subdirectory -- Microsoft Office Document (.doc) -- Nikon dsc (.dsc) -- HTML page (.html) -- JPEG picture (.jpg) -- MOV video (.mov) -- MP3 audio (MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1) (.mp3) -- Moving Picture Experts Group video (.mpg) -- Minolta Raw picture (.mrw) -- Olympus Raw Format picture (.orf) -- Portable Document Format (.pdf) -- Perl script (.pl) -- Portable Network Graphics (.png) -- Raw Fujifilm picture (.raf) -- Contax picture (.raw) -- Rollei picture (.rdc) -- Rich Text Format (.rtf) -- Shell script (.sh) -- Tar archive (.tar) -- Tag Image File Format (.tiff) -- Microsoft ASF (.wma) -- Sigma/Foveon X3 raw picture (.x3f) -- Zip archive (.zip) +The whole list of file formats recovered by PhotoRec contains +[more than 480 file extensions](https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/File_Formats_Recovered_By_PhotoRec) (about 300 file families). TestDisk and PhotoRec run on: