This is an example CDK stack to deploy The Simple GraphQL Service inspired by Thorsten Hoeger's contributions to the CDK AppSync Module example
An advanced version of this pattern was talked about by Heitor Lessa at re:Invent 2019 as "The Cherry Pick".
This is the most basic of AppSync implementations and would have to be hardened before production use. e.g. cognito user pools configured
Note, never print your API Key to the logs in a production system. This was added to make learning AppSync and GraphQL easier. If you want to use this pattern in a production system remove the two cloudformation outputs
- After CDK Deploy, capture outputs from the log.
TheSimpleGraphqlServiceStack: deploying...
TheSimpleGraphqlServiceStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
TheSimpleGraphqlServiceStack.APIKey = <API Key>
TheSimpleGraphqlServiceStack.Endpoint = https://<endpoint URL>
Setup Postman as outlined in Postman's Using GraphQL Instructions
Set POST request URL, x-api-key and Content-Type
- x-api-key = 'your API Key'
- Content-Type = application/graphql
- Execute Mutations and Queries to exercice resolvers to dynamo and Lambda datasources
// Inserts to Dynamo
mutation add {
addCustomer(customer: { name: "CDKPatterns"}) {
// Queries the Dynamo DB
query getCustomers {
getCustomers{id name}
// Executes the Lambda
query getLoyalty {
getLoyaltyLevel { level }
The cdk.json
file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.
This project is set up like a standard Python project. The initialization
process also creates a virtualenv within this project, stored under the .env
directory. To create the virtualenv it assumes that there is a python3
(or python
for Windows) executable in your path with access to the venv
package. If for any reason the automatic creation of the virtualenv fails,
you can create the virtualenv manually.
To manually create a virtualenv on MacOS and Linux:
$ python -m venv .env
After the init process completes and the virtualenv is created, you can use the following step to activate your virtualenv.
$ source .env/bin/activate
If you are a Windows platform, you would activate the virtualenv like this:
% .env\Scripts\activate.bat
Once the virtualenv is activated, you can install the required dependencies.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
At this point you can now synthesize the CloudFormation template for this code.
$ cdk synth
To add additional dependencies, for example other CDK libraries, just add
them to your
file and rerun the pip install -r requirements.txt
cdk ls
list all stacks in the appcdk synth
emits the synthesized CloudFormation templatecdk deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/regioncdk diff
compare deployed stack with current statecdk docs
open CDK documentation