The materials in this python-humanities-lesson repository were initially developed and adapted and continue to be revised by many contributors. Some of the lessons were adapted from Software Carpentry materials.
The first Python Data Carpentry workshop was run at University of Miami on March 30 2015 John Gosset and Francois Michonneau. During this time materials were refined and they presented again at the UCAR Software Engineering Assembly (SEA) conference in Boulder, Colorado by Leah Wasser (NEON,Inc) and Mariela Perignon.
The Early English Books Online archive is sourced from the Text Creation Partnership based at the University of Michigan
The current list of lessons.
Note: these lessons were developed from the biology lesson by Iain Emsley and cleaned up by Simon Ball
Short Introduction to Python
Starting With Data
Index Slice Subset
Data Types and Format
Combining Pandas Dataframes
Data Analysis Automation
Visualizing Data with bokeh
Data Ingest and Visualisation
Accessing SQL using Python