Current List of Python modules installed in my Anaconda distribution.
Anything with local
next to it inevitably went through the:
$ conda install blah
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: .
Error: Package missing in current win-64 channels:
- blah
You can search for packages on with
anaconda search -t conda blah
$ conda skeleton pypi blah
$ conda build blah
$ conda install blah --use-local
cycle. At some point I'll do annotations and an actual write-up on the true essentials.
Module | Current Version | Installation Notes |
alabaster | 0.7.7 | py35_0 |
anaconda | 2.5.0 | np110py35_0 |
anaconda-client | 1.2.2 | py35_0 |
ansible | | |
argcomplete | 1.0.0 | py35_1 |
astropy | 1.1.1 | np110py35_0 |
babel | 2.2.0 | py35_0 |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.4.1 | py35_0 |
bitarray | 0.8.1 | py35_1 |
blaze-core | 0.9.0 | py35_0 |
bokeh | 0.11.0 | py35_0 |
boto | 2.39.0 | py35_0 |
bottlechest | 0.7.1 | py35_0 |
bottleneck | 1.0.0 | np110py35_0 |
bubbles | 0.1 | |
bzip2 | 1.0.6 | vc14_2 [vc14] |
cffi | 1.2.1 | py35_0 |
chardet | 2.3.0 | py35_0 |
cloudpickle | 0.2.1 | py35_0 |
clyent | 1.2.0 | py35_0 |
colorama | 0.3.6 | py35_0 |
comtypes | 1.1.2 | py35_0 |
conda | 4.1.11 | py35_0 |
conda-build | 1.21.4 | py35_0 |
conda-env | 2.5.2 | py35_0 |
configobj | 5.0.6 | py35_0 |
configparser | 3.5.0b1 | |
console_shortcut | 0.1.1 | py35_1 |
cryptography | 1.0.2 | py35_0 |
cubes | 1.0.1 | py35_0 |
curl | 7.45.0 | vc14_1 [vc14] |
cycler | 0.9.0 | py35_0 |
cython | 0.23.4 | py35_0 |
cytoolz | 0.7.5 | py35_0 |
datashape | 0.5.0 | py35_0 |
dbf | 0.96.003 | py35_0 |
decorator | 4.0.6 | py35_0 |
dj-database-url | 0.4.0 | |
django | 1.9.2 | py35_0 |
django-openbudget | 0.1.0 | |
django-tastypie | 0.13.3 | |
docutils | 0.12 | py35_1 |
dynd-python | 0.7.1 | py35_0 |
ecdsa | 0.11 | |
ecdsa | 0.13 | py35_0 |
et_xmlfile | 1.0.1 | py35_0 |
ete3 | 3.0.0b35 | py_0 etetoolkit |
etlTest | 0.1.5 | |
fastcache | 1.0.2 | py35_0 |
flask | 0.10.1 | py35_2 |
freetype | 2.5.5 | vc14_0 [vc14] |
future | 0.15.2 | |
futures | 3.0.3 | py35_0 |
greenlet | 0.4.9 | py35_0 |
gunicorn | 19.4.5 | |
h5py | 2.5.0 | np110py35_4 |
hdf5 | | vc14_4 [vc14] |
html5lib | 0.999 | py35_0 |
idna | 2.0 | py35_0 |
ipykernel | 4.2.2 | py35_0 |
ipython | 4.0.3 | py35_0 |
ipython-notebook | 4.0.4 | py35_3 |
ipython-qtconsole | 4.0.1 | py35_4 |
ipython_genutils | 0.1.0 | py35_0 |
ipywidgets | 4.1.1 | py35_0 |
itsdangerous | 0.24 | py35_0 |
jdcal | 1.2 | py35_0 |
jedi | 0.9.0 | py35_0 |
Jinja2 | 2.7.3 | |
jinja2 | 2.8 | py35_1 |
jpeg | 8d | vc14_0 [vc14] |
jsonschema | 2.5.1 | py35_0 |
jupyter | 1.0.0 | py35_1 |
jupyter_client | 4.1.1 | py35_0 |
jupyter_console | 4.1.0 | py35_0 |
jupyter_core | 4.0.6 | py35_0 |
launcher | 1.0.0 | 4 |
libdynd | 0.7.1 | 0 |
libpng | 1.6.17 | vc14_1 [vc14] |
libsodium | 1.0.3 | 0 |
libtiff | 4.0.6 | vc14_1 [vc14] |
llvmlite | 0.8.0 | py35_0 |
appdirs | 1.4.0 | py35_0 local |
blinker | 1.4 | py35_0 local |
click | 6.6 | py35_0 local |
defusedxml | 0.3 | py35_0 local |
expressions | 0.2.2 | py35_0 local |
feedgenerator | 1.8 | py35_0 local |
fuzzywuzzy | 0.1 | py35_0 local |
grako | 3.9.2 | py35_0 local |
mechanize | 0.2.5 | py35_0 local |
oauthlib | 1.0.3 | py35_0 local |
pdfrw | 0.2 | py35_0 local |
pelican | 3.6.3 | py35_0 local |
python-levenshtein | 0.12.0 | py35_0 local |
requests-oauthlib | 0.6.1 | py35_0 local |
selenium | 2.53.6 | py35_0 local |
spur | 0.3.19 | py35_0 local |
spyne | 2.12.11 | py35_0 local |
textblob | 0.11.1 | py35_0 local |
trello | 0.9.1 | py35_0 local |
utils | 0.1 | py35_0 local |
lxml | 3.6.0 | py35_0 |
markupsafe | 0.23 | py35_0 |
matplotlib | 1.5.1 | np110py35_0 |
menuinst | 1.3.2 | py35_0 |
mistune | 0.7.1 | py35_0 |
mkl | 11.3.3 | 1 |
mkl-service | 1.1.2 | py35_1 |
msvc_runtime | 1.0.1 | vc14_0 [vc14] |
multipledispatch | 0.4.8 | py35_0 |
nbconvert | 4.1.0 | py35_0 |
nbformat | 4.0.1 | py35_0 |
networkx | 1.11 | py35_0 |
nltk | 3.1 | py35_0 |
node-webkit | 0.10.1 | 0 |
nose | 1.3.7 | py35_0 |
notebook | 4.1.0 | py35_2 |
numba | 0.23.1 | np110py35_0 |
numexpr | 2.6.0 | np111py35_0 |
numpy | 1.11.0 | py35_1 |
odo | 0.4.0 | py35_0 |
openpyxl | 2.3.2 | py35_0 |
openssl | 1.0.2g | vc14_0 [vc14] |
orange-app | 1.0 | py35_0 |
orange3 | 3.2a1 | py35_0 |
pandas | 0.18.1 | np111py35_0 |
paramiko | 1.14.1 | |
paramiko | 1.16.0 | py35_0 |
patch | 2.5.9 | 1 | | 8.1.2 | py35_1 |
patsy | 0.4.0 | np110py35_0 |
pep8 | 1.7.0 | py35_0 |
pickleshare | 0.5 | py35_0 |
pillow | 3.2.0 | py35_1 |
pip | 8.1.2 | py35_0 |
plac | 0.9.6 | py35_0 |
ply | 3.8 | py35_0 |
psutil | 3.4.2 | py35_0 |
py | 1.4.24 | |
py | 1.4.31 | py35_0 |
pyasn1 | 0.1.9 | py35_0 |
pycosat | 0.6.1 | py35_0 |
pycparser | 2.14 | py35_0 |
pycrypto | 2.6.1 | py35_3 |
pyflakes | 1.0.0 | py35_0 |
Pygments | 1.6 | |
pygments | 2.1 | py35_0 |
pymongo | 3.0.3 | py35_0 |
pyodbc | 3.0.10 | py35_0 |
pyopenssl | 0.15.1 | py35_1 |
pyparsing | 2.0.3 | py35_0 |
pyqt | 4.11.4 | py35_4 |
pyqtgraph | 0.9.10 | py35_1 |
pyreadline | 2.1 | py35_0 |
pytables | 3.2.2 | np110py35_1 |
pytest | 2.8.5 | py35_0 |
python | 3.5.1 | 4 |
python-dateutil | 2.5.3 | py35_0 |
python-mimeparse | 1.5.1 | |
pytz | 2016.4 | py35_0 |
pywin32 | 219 | py35_2 |
pyyaml | 3.11 | py35_3 |
pyzmq | 15.2.0 | py35_0 |
qt | 4.8.7 | vc14_5 [vc14] |
qtconsole | 4.2.1 | py35_0 |
requests | 2.9.1 | py35_0 |
rope | 0.9.4 | py35_1 |
ruamel_yaml | 0.11.7 | py35_0 |
scikit-image | 0.11.3 | np110py35_0 |
scikit-learn | 0.17.1 | np111py35_1 |
scipy | 0.17.1 | np111py35_0 |
setuptools | 20.2.2 | py35_0 |
simplegeneric | 0.8.1 | py35_0 |
sip | 4.16.9 | py35_2 |
six | 1.10.0 | py35_0 |
snowballstemmer | 1.2.1 | py35_0 |
sockjs-tornado | 1.0.1 | py35_0 |
cymem | 1.31.2 | py35_vc14_0 [vc14] spacy |
murmurhash | 0.26.4 | py35_vc14_0 [vc14] spacy |
preshed | 0.46.4 | py35_vc14_0 [vc14] spacy |
semver | 2.4.1 | py35_0 spacy |
spacy | 0.101.0 | py35_vc14_0 [vc14] spacy |
sputnik | 0.9.3 | py35_0 spacy |
thinc | 5.0.8 | py35_vc14_0 [vc14] spacy |
Sphinx | 1.2.3 | |
sphinx | 1.3.5 | py35_0 |
sphinx_rtd_theme | 0.1.9 | py35_0 |
spyder | 2.3.8 | py35_1 |
spyder-app | 2.3.8 | py35_0 |
SQLAlchemy | 0.9.7 | |
sqlalchemy | 1.0.13 | py35_0 |
statsmodels | 0.6.1 | np110py35_0 |
sympy | | py35_0 |
tk | 8.5.18 | vc14_0 [vc14] |
toolz | 0.7.4 | py35_0 |
tornado | 4.3 | py35_0 |
tox | 1.7.2 | |
traitlets | 4.1.0 | py35_0 |
twisted | 16.2.0 | py35_0 |
unicodecsv | 0.14.1 | py35_0 |
unidecode | 0.04.19 | py35_0 |
vboxapi | 1.0 | |
virtualenv | 13.0.1 | py35_0 |
vs2015_runtime | 14.00.23026.0 | 0 |
werkzeug | 0.11.10 | py35_0 |
wheel | 0.29.0 | py35_0 |
xlrd | 0.9.4 | py35_0 |
xlsxwriter | 0.8.4 | py35_0 |
xlwings | 0.6.4 | py35_1 |
xlwt | 1.0.0 | py35_0 |
zlib | 1.2.8 | vc14_2 [vc14] |
zope.interface | 4.1.3 | py35_0 |