- 20200206, v0.0.8
- initial release
- 20200206, v0.0.9
- added dependency
- 20200206, v0.0.9
- added dependency
- 20200207, v0.0.11
- extra main volume command
- added initSound on (re)start of device
- 20200208, v0.0.12
- rename 1e device to ChromecastDevice
- 20200212, v0.0.13
- replay of TuneIn stream after Text or File play
- 20200213, v0.0.14
- added Sonos (+SYMFONISK) devices
- moved webserver to plugin level
- 20200213, v0.0.15
- added device discovery
- volume stays on same level after Sounds playing
- possibility to use variables in text string
- 20200213, v0.0.16
- discovery removed due to mdns install issues
- 20200214, v0.0.17
- improved error handling
- 20200214, v0.0.18
- wrong status info when playing Sounds
- bugfix filename
- 20200215, v0.0.19
- error message on spaces in rule filename
- fix setting port number
- stop casting after text or file announcement
- improved media file typing
- adding variable in filename string
- 20200215, v0.0.20
- fix replay live stream
- 20200216, v0.0.21
- improved error message handling
- changed on/offline checker to 1 minute
- changed startup delay to 15 seconds
- 20200217, v0.0.23
- added group device
- added $variable or number for volume setting
- 20200218, v0.0.27
- added device discovery for Chromecast single, groups and pairs
- better naming in discovery
- release for testing NOT FOR PRODUCTION
- 20200221, v0.0.28
- set discovery to manual only via Pimatic Gui
- after connection loss a reconnect try will be in 10 minutes
- removed the separate volume setting option
- several optimalizations
- 20200222, v0.0.29
- bug fix GroupsDevice
- 20200223, v0.0.30
- fix discovery flooding
- 20200224, v0.0.31
- move non essential error messages to debug
- 20200306, v0.0.32
- fix startup bug sonos
- 20200306, v0.0.34
- added error handling
- 20200320, v0.0.35
- added setting of mainvolume
- 20200320, v0.0.38
- fix playing text/file
- 20200331, v0.0.39
- fix info after announcement and pause
- 20200608, v0.0.44
- added Google Cloud Text-to-speech
- 20200608, v0.0.45
- edit startup check
- 20200608, v0.0.47
- update rule engine
- 20200624, v0.0.48
- added stop function
- 20200817, v0.1.3
- added GoogleDevice based on assistant-relay
- 20200907, v0.1.6
- improved error handling
- 20200926, v0.1.7
- set duration picture announcement
- 20200926, v0.1.8
- pictures must be swipped off
- 20200928, v0.1.9
- added duration in play file
- 20200928, v0.1.10
- configurable sounds directory
- 20200929, v0.1.11
- edits on replaying media
- 20200929, v0.1.13
- add replay for GoogleDevice
- 20200929, v0.1.14
- edit package
- 20201001, v0.1.16
- add ask option for ChromecastDevice
- 20201007, v0.1.17
- remove initSounds on reconnect
- 20201009, v0.1.18
- added variable for duration
- 20201009, v0.1.19
- added volume status in gui
- 20201009, v0.1.20
- added play site for streaming video (camera, etc)
- 20201009, v0.1.21
- small fix
- 20201010, v0.1.22
- fix duration timer
- 20201015, v0.2.0
- edit duration
- update url handling (http -> ://)
- fix "undefined" in rule execution
- get actual device volume on startup
- added some catt functionality
- 20201016, v0.2.2
- small fix and debug info
- 20201017, v0.2.3
- replaying fix
- 20201018, v0.2.4
- improve startup info
- 20201019, v0.2.7
- fix duration
- add Play File to SonosDevice
- 20201026, v0.2.8
- removed the ...
- changes announcement stop to catt
- 20201026, v0.2.11
- changes announcement catt
- 20201027, v0.2.12
- changes announcement catt
- 20201027, v0.2.13
- removed catt in play text
- 20201029, v0.2.14
- added updated catt function
- 20201030, v0.2.15
- update status and info fields on play
- 20201125, v0.2.16
- removed playing audio response on command