Do you want to report a bug, implement a new feature or support the project by creating documentation?
Please create a GitHub issue, that contains at least the following information:
- A clear, descriptive title
- For a new feature:
- What is the feature that you want to contribute?
- Why do you want to contribute the feature? What is the benefit for the users of requirementsascode?
- If possible: an outline of the technical solution
- For a bug:
- A description of the unexpected behavior, and what behavior you would have expected
- A step-by-step description on how to reproduce the behavior
- The requirementsascode version you used
- The environment in which you found the bug (Linux or Windows, Eclipse or IntelliJ etc.)
- For documentation:
- What is the documentation that you want to contribute?
- What is the benefit for the users of requirementsascode?
Once your issue is accepted, you can suggest changes by creating a branch first, and then a pull request.
Apart from the code you write, please write JUnit tests to ensure quality.
Note that requirements as code core uses Gradle as a build tool. So if you can use it, please use it, as it simplifies multi project builds. This is not mandatory, though.