Raku package with Number theory functions.
The function names and features follow the Number theory functions of Wolfram Language.
From Zef ecosystem:
zef install Math::NumberTheory
From GitHub:
zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-NumberTheory
Gives a list of the prime factors of an integer argument, together with their exponents:
use Math::NumberTheory;
Remark: By default factor-integer
uses Pollard's Rho algorithm --
specified with method => 'rho'
as implemented at RosettaCode, [RC1], with similar implementations provided by "Prime::Factor", [SSp1], and "Math::Sequences", [RCp1].
Do partial factorization, pulling out at most k
distinct factors:
factor-integer(factorial(20), 3, method => 'trial')
my @data = 931074546, 117172357, 482333642, 199386034, 394354985;
#my @keys = random-prime(10**9 .. 10**12, @data.elems);
my @keys = 274199185649, 786765306443, 970592805341, 293623796783, 238475031661;
Remark: Using these larger keys is also a performance check.
Encrypted data:
my $encrypted = chinese-reminder(@data, @keys);
my @decrypted = @keys.map($encrypted mod *);
[RC1] Rosetta Code, Prime decomposition, Section "Pure Raku".
[RCp1] Raku Community, Math::Sequences Raku package, (2016-2024), GitHub/raku-community-modules.
[SSp1] Stephen Schulze, Prime::Factor Raku package, (2016-2023), GitHub/thundergnat.