A simple library to draw windows on TFT LCD with Arduino.
This library relies on UTFT library by Henning Karlsen (http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/library.php?id=51) and modified by Damian Golda (https://github.com/dgolda/UTFT) for the low-level communications between Arduino and the TFT LCD.
All the TFT LCD compatible with the UTFT library, should be compatible with this library too.
Defines the drawable area of the window and draws the borders.
Constructor You can initialize the windows with two arrays for the size and the position or giving the dimentions, one by one (Size X, Size Y, Position X, Position Y)
Text This is for writing text in the window
It supersedes the creation of the Windows and checks for overlaps: if some windows overlaps the previous ones, it just doesn't create the overlapping one.
Register Window
Checks if new windows overlap the existing one and adds just the non-overlapping windows
registerWindow(UTFT& tft,int* size,int* position)
Deregister Window
Deletes the requested window
** void deregisterWindow(int id);
Get Windows Count
Returns the number of registered windows
Get Window
Return a reference of the requested window
getWindow(int id)