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52 lines (47 loc) · 3.42 KB


QUESTION 1: HashMap with Linear Probing Implement a HashItem struct which represents an item in a hash array. It consists 3 variables; key(int), value(generic), and status(short).

status variable can have 0, 1 or 2. 0 means empty, 1 means deleted, 2 means occupied. Status variable will be used by 'get' and 'delete' methods of HashMaps implemented in the next questions. The default value assigned to a HashItem is 0 (empty). Now implement a HashMap class (template based):

  1. HashMap(): constructor assigns a capacity of 10 to hashArray.
  2. HashMap(int const capacity): an overloaded constructor that assigns the capacity of given capacity to hashArray. If capacity is less than 1 return error via assert(capacity>1)
  3. void insert(int const key, v const value): a. The insert method inserts the value at its appropriate location. Find the first candidate index of the key using: index= key mod capacity b. To resolve hash collision, it will use the function getNextCandidateIndex(key, i) to get the next candidate index. If the candidate index also has collision, then getNextCandidateIndex will be called again with an increment in i. getNextCandidateIndex will be continued to call until we find a valid index. Initially i will be 1. c. If the loadFactor becomes 0.75, then it will call the doubleCapacity method to double the capacity of array and rehash the existing items into the new array.
  4. void doubleCapacity(): A private method which doubles the capacity of hash array and rehashes the existing items. Use getNextCandidateIndex method to resolve collision.
  5. virtual int getNextCandidateIndex(int key, int i): a private and virtual method that uses linear probing to return the next candidate index for storing the item containing key k. Linear probing means that it will simply add i to the hash value of key. This method does not check whether the candidate index has collision or not.
  6. bool deleteKey(k const key) const: this method deletes the given key. It returns true if the key was found. If the key was not found it returns false. When the key is found, simply set the status of the hashitem containing the key to deleted (value of 1). It also uses status variable to search for the key intelligently.
  7. v* get(k const key) const: this method returns a pointer to the corresponding value of the key. If the key is not found, it returns nullptr. It also uses status variable to search for the key intelligently.
  8. ~HashMap(): destructor

QUESTION 2: HashMap using Quadratic Probing Create a class QHashMap which inherits the HashMap class implemented in question 1. Override the getNextCandidateIndex(int key, int i) method so that it performs quadratic probing, i.e., add the square of i to the hash value of key.

QUESTION 3: HashMap using Double Hashing Create a class DHashMap which inherits the HashMap class implemented in question 1. Override the getNextCandidateIndex(int key, int i) method so that it performs double hashing and returns the candidate index. Double hashing will be performed as follows: first_value= key mod capacity second_value= (PRIME - (key mod PRIME)) (PRIME is any prime number.) candidate index= (first_value + i*second_value) mod capacity

QUESTION 4: Create a global function populateHash which is passed a filename as parameter and a HashMap object by pointer void populateHash(string filename, HashMap *hash). The function reads <id, name> pairs and populates the hash with those pairs. The key is id.