@EurakaServer some props sets like regsitry-with-eurakclient=false fetch-registry=false
@EurakaClient==no needs to define in all
in resttemplete bean just define @Loadbalancing -->so that it can do client discovery and load balancing application-name used for ip+port
interface =>Discovery client gives all services in euraka server
Fault taularance= heart beats also check for service alive
fault tolaance : tolarance of existing problem how it can handle resiliant -- how many falut system can tolarate
time out : solves issue of slow services + needs thread limits
circut breaker params last n request to consider how many of those request got falied out of n time out duration
when doese circut got norml how long circuit to try again
fallback mach. when a circuit breaks saving pre. resoponse in cache fallback def. response throw a error (last point)
falilback fast fallback func. automatic recovery
@EnableCircuitBreaker but not doing anything
for giving instruction
addd @HystrixCOmmand l configure hystrix paramertes @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod="getFallbackCatalog")
create method proxy method getFallbackCatalog(){ //hard coded responses or cache of response }
hystrix create proxy class and contains fallback machanism
@Hystrixcommand(fallback="getFallback", commandProperties={ @hystrixPropertie(name ="timeocut",value) } )
hystrix dashboard: turbine for setup for hystix @EnableHystrixDashboard
================== bulkhead pattern:: @HystrixComman( fallbackMethod= threadPoolKey= threadPoolProperties={
externialize:: enviroment specific(spring profile)
micro service ==
understanding of goals of microservice
centralizer server --> zoopker ETCD harshicorp spring cloud config server
with microservice we can configure props for different instance like ec2 and db another source configuration and creaditials feature flags also can put on it featurre turn on off in server business logic and configureation scenerio testing spring boot configureation
deploy in production so needs of push of prosp so that everything works fine commonly we can used cicd configure
increase number of thrads and another configure so that no needs to deploy complete code into prod
differrent types of configures files:: xml and props,yml,json
Goals:: Exernilize all configure should be env specific consistent version history along with this real time mgt
using properties files in spring boot
props always inside jar suppose we want to change prosp then solution ::
first approach== java -jar abc.jar
now creating props files in same dir java -jar abc.jar
second approach == java -jar abc.jar --my.appname="hello world from cmd"
third approach=== system props
=========================================== three diffeernt ways of @Value injections @Value("hele") String name
@Value("${app.name:default value }") String name
out put default value
@Value("${my.list}") List lists
@Value("#{${db.values}}") Map<String,String> dbmaps
pullups lots of values :: db.url= db.user= db.pass=
@Configuration @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="db") class DBPors{ String url; String user; String pass; }
Spring boot actuator:: enable all points in local management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*
app: name:abc descirption: desc
spring profiles::
dev props prod props
app.ext spring.profile.active=test
can do more then one profile active at same time
java -jar abc.jar --spring.profile.active=test
selecting beans on the basis of profile
@Profile("dev") class DbSourceLocal{
@Profile("prod") class DbSource{
understanding env objects::
@ReqpeustsMapping publicv String getEnv(){ return env.getDefaultPorfiles(); }
create seprate configure server for managing props.
config as a seprate microservice
configuration service as a seprate micorservice
better version repo system ::
adding cloud configure server
@EnableCOnfiugreserver ==> but doesnt knwo from where to pull ups values
propesrties --> spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri= run apps
then localhost:port// then localhost:port/application/default
spring boot config client string-cloud-starter-config
define urls in props file:: spring.cloud.config.uri=url:port
now all files got from configure server related db props or all stuffs so now we want configure from individual microservice related to port and urls
now all props cenralize and individuals prosps are overirde by existing server props
so now each artifactory or appnames are unique
================ now for solution we put file name with appname suppose microservice A has name ==> a-myname suppose microservice B has name ==> b-myname
now put a-myname.prooperties and b-myname.properties needs to create in git repo
whenever any updates happend in config server it will update in each microservice so we need refresh properties so that each microservice has its own updated values for that we need some thing else
for that we needs actuator dependency which is helpfull in endponint definition one of the end point responisble for updated values is ==================++++>hookup enpoint
======================= so suppose we want some spring componet to refresh which were responsible for connnecting with config server then put annoatition
@RefreshScope================== refreshing beans