This first step is for soldering everything onto the client's pcb. Since there are 2 clients you'll need to do this step twice.
- Take the client's pcb
- Take the Arduino Nano (and solder the leads if needed)
- Solder the Arduino Nano on the pcb
- Take the NRF24L01 and solder it on the pcb
- Take the 10uF capacitor and solder it (be careful, it's a polarized capacitor and therefore the positive side must match the little + on the pcb)
- take the 3 220 ohms resistors and solder them
- Take the 10k ohms resistor and solder it
- Take the 2 1M ohms resistors and solder them
- Take the RGB led and solder it. Be careful, of the side and place it like on the picture before soldering. Once soldered, bend the leads like on the pictures.
- Take one of the lead and solder it across the empty resistor slot.
And ... Done ! Now repeat all these steps a second time for the second pcb. At the end you should have two pcbs like that: