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File metadata and controls

261 lines (212 loc) · 11.3 KB

CircleCI codecov License Version


SCALPEL-Analysis is a Library part of the SCALPEL3 framework resulting from a research Partnership between École Polytechnique & Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie started in 2015 by Emmanuel Bacry and Stéphane Gaïffas. Since then, many research engineers and PhD students developped and used this framework to do research on SNDS data, the full list of contributors is available in This library is based on PySpark. It provides useful abstractions easing cohort data analysis and manipulation. While it can be used as a standalone, it expects inputs formatted as the data resulting from SCALPEL-Extraction concept extraction, that is, a metadata.json file, tracking the cohorts data on disk or on HDFS:

  "operations" : [ {
    "name" : "base_population",
    "inputs" : [ "DCIR", "MCO", "IR_BEN_R", "MCO_CE" ],
    "output_type" : "patients",
    "output_path" : "/some/path/to/base_population/data",
    "population_path" : ""
  }, {
    "name" : "drug_dispenses",
    "inputs" : [ "DCIR", "MCO", "MCO_CE" ],
    "output_type" : "acts",
    "output_path" : "/some/path/to/drug_dispenses/data",
    "population_path" : "/some/path/to/drug_dispenses/patients"
  }, ... ]


  • name contains the cohort name
  • inputs indicates the data sources used to compute this cohort
  • ouput_type indicates if the cohort contains only patients or some event type (can be custom)
  • output_path contains the path to a parquet file containing the data
  • When output_type is not patients, output_path is used to store events. In this case, population_path points to a parquet file containing data on the population.

In our example, the input DataFrames contain data in parquet format. If we import this data with PySpark and output it as strings, it should look like this :

|patientID|gender|          birthDate|          deathDate|
|    Alice|     2|1934-07-27 00:00:00|               null|
|      Bob|     1|1951-05-01 00:00:00|               null|
|   Carole|     2|1942-01-12 00:00:00|               null|
|    Chuck|     1|1933-10-03 00:00:00|2011-06-20 00:00:00|
|    Craig|     1|1943-07-27 00:00:00|2012-12-10 00:00:00|
|      Dan|     1|1971-10-07 00:00:00|               null|
|     Erin|     2|1924-01-12 00:00:00|               null|
|patientID|category|groupID|value|weight|              start|                end|
|    Alice|exposure|   null|DrugA|   1.0|2013-08-08 00:00:00|2013-10-07 00:00:00|
|    Alice|exposure|   null|DrugB|   1.0|2012-09-11 00:00:00|2012-12-30 00:00:00|
|    Alice|exposure|   null|DrugC|   1.0|2013-01-23 00:00:00|2013-03-24 00:00:00|
|   Carole|exposure|   null|DrugB|   1.0|2010-01-25 00:00:00|2010-12-13 00:00:00|
|      Dan|exposure|   null|DrugA|   1.0|2012-11-29 00:00:00|2013-01-28 00:00:00|
|     Erin|exposure|   null|DrugC|   1.0|2010-09-09 00:00:00|2011-01-17 00:00:00|
|      Eve|exposure|   null|DrugA|   1.0|2010-04-30 00:00:00|2010-08-02 00:00:00|
|    Alice|
|   Carole|
|      Dan|
|     Erin|
|      Eve|

In these tables,

  • patientID is a string identifying patients
  • gender is an int indicating gender (1 for male, 2 for female ; we use the same coding as SNDS's)
  • birthDate and deathDate are datetime, deathDate can be null
  • category a string, used to indicate event types (drug purchase, act, drug exposure, etc.). It can be custom.
  • groupID is a string. It is a "free" field, which is often used to perform aggregations. For example, you can use it to indicate drug ATC classes.
  • value is a string, used to indicate the precise nature of the event. For example, it can contain the CIP13 code of a drug or a ICD10 code of a disease.
  • weight is a float, it can be used to represent quantitative information tied to the event, such as the number of purchased boxes for drug purchase events

An event is defined by the tuple (patientID, category, groupID, value, weight, start, end). category, groupID, value and weight are flexible fields, you can fill them with the data which best suits your needs.

Note that the set of subjects present in population and drug_dispenses do not need to be exactly the same.

Loading data into Cohorts

One can either create cohorts manually:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from scalpel.core.cohort import Cohort

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('SCALPEL-Analysis-example').getOrCreate()
events ='/some/path/to/drug_dispenses/data')
subjects ='/some/path/to/drug_dispenses/patients')
drug_dispense_cohort = Cohort('drug_dispenses',
                              'Cohort of subjects having drug dispenses events',

or read import all the cohorts from a metadata.json file:

from scalpel.core.cohort_collection import CohortCollection
cc = CohortCollection.from_json('/path/to/metadata.json')
print(cc.cohorts_names)  # Should print ['base_population', 'drug_dispenses']
drug_dispenses_cohort = cc.get('drug_dispenses')
base_population_cohort = cc.get('base_population')
# To access cohort data:

Cohort manipulation

Cohorts can be manipulated easily, thanks to algebraic manipulations:

# Subjects in base population who have drug dispenses
study_cohort = base_population_cohort.intersection(drug_dispenses_cohort)
# Subjects in base population who have no drug dispenses
study_cohort = base_population_cohort.difference(drug_dispenses_cohort)
# All the subjects either in base population or who have drug dispenses
study_cohort = base_population_cohort.union(drug_dispenses_cohort)

Note that these operations are not commutative, as base_population_cohort.union(drug_dispenses_cohort) is not equivalent to drug_dispenses_cohort.union(base_population_cohort). Indeed, for now, these operations are based on cohort.subjects. It means that foo will not contain events, are there are no events in base_population, while bar will contain the events derived from drug_dispenses_cohort.

We plan to extend these manipulation in a near future to allow performing operations on subjects and events in a single line of code.


CohortFlow objects can be used to track the evolution of a study population during the cohort design process. Let us assume that you have a CohortCollection containing base_population, exposed, cases, respectively containing the base population of your study, the subjects exposed to some drugs and their exposure events, the subjects having some disease and their disease events.

CohortFlow allows you to check changes in your population structure when while working on your cohort:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scalpel.stats.patients import distribution_by_gender_age_bucket
from scalpel.core.cohort_flow import CohortFlow

ordered_cohorts = [exposed, cases]

flow = CohortFlow(ordered_cohorts)
# We use 'extract_patients' as the base population
steps = flow.compute_steps(base_population)

for cohort in flow.steps:
    figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4.5))
    distribution_by_gender_age_bucket(cohort=cohort, figure=figure)

In this example, CohortFlow computes iteratively the intersection between the base cohort (base_population) and the cohorts in ordered_cohort, resulting in three steps:

  • base_population : all subjects
  • base_population.intersection(exposed) : exposed subjects
  • base_population.intersection(exposed).intersection(cases) : exposed subjects who are cases

Calling distribution_by_gender_age_bucket at each step allows us to track any change in demographics induced by restricting the subjects to the exposed cases.

Many more plotting and statistical logging available in scalpel.stats can be used the same way.


Clone this repo and add it to the PYTHONPATH to use it in scripts or notebooks. To add the library temporarily to your PYTHONPATH, just add

import sys

at the beginning of your scripts.

Important remark : This software is currently in alpha stage. It should be fairly stable, but the API might still change and the documentation is partial. We are currently doing our best to improve documentation coverage as quickly as possible.


Python 3.6.5 or above and libraries listed in requirements.txt.

To create a virtual environment with conda and install the requirements, just run

conda create -n <env name> python=3.5.3
pip install -r requirements.txt


If you use a library part of SCALPEL3 in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations. You can use the following bibtex entry:

  title={SCALPEL3: a scalable open-source library for healthcare claims databases},
  author={Bacry, Emmanuel and Gaiffas, St{\'e}phane and Leroy, Fanny and Morel, Maryan and Nguyen, Dinh-Phong and Sebiat, Youcef and Sun, Dian},
  journal={International Journal of Medical Informatics},


The development cycle is opinionated. Each time you commit, git will launch four checks before it allows you to finish your commit:

  1. We use black to format the code. We encourage you to install it and integrate to your code editor or IDE.
  2. Some extra checks are done using Flake8
  3. Testing with Nosetests
  4. Coverage checks if the minimum coverage is ensured.

To activate the pre-commit hook, you just have to install the requirements-dev.txt dependencies and to run:

source activate <env name>
cd SCALPEL-Analysis
pre-commit install

To launch the tests, just run

cd SCALPEL-Analysis