We experiment on video prediction and VQA tasks on Physion dataset in 3 steps:
- Train a SlotDiffusion model to extract slots from Physion videos
- Train a SlotFormer dynamics model to learn the scene dynamics, and evaluate video prediction results
- Train a linear readout model over rollout slots to perform VQA
As described in video_based.md, SlotDiffusion training consists of 2 steps: pre-train VQ-VAE, and then train a slot-conditioned LDM.
We skip detailed training steps and assume you are using our pre-trained weight as pretrained/savi_ldm_physion_params-res128.pth
Then, we'll need to extract slots and save them. Please run extract_slots.py:
python slotdiffusion/video_based/extract_slots.py \
--params slotdiffusion/video_based/configs/savi_ldm/savi_ldm_physion_params-res128.py \
--weight $WEIGHT \
--subset $SUBSET \
--save_path $SAVE_PATH # e.g. './data/Physion/slots/physion_$SUBSET_slots.pkl'
There are 3 subsets in Physion dataset: training
, readout
, test
You need to extract slots from all of them (16G, 7.8G, 1.2G).
Train a SlotFormer model on extracted slots by running (requires 2 GPUs):
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=29501 \
scripts/train.py --task vp_vqa \
--params slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/configs/ldmslotformer_physion_params-res128.py \
--fp16 --cudnn --ddp
Alternatively, we provide pre-trained SlotFormer weight as pretrained/savi_ldm_slotformer_physion_params-res128.pth
Run the following command to evaluate the video prediction performance:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NUM_GPU --master_port=29501 \
slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/test_vp.py \
--params slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/configs/ldmslotformer_physion_params-res128.py \
--weight $WEIGHT \
--bs 4
Note: You can add the --save_video
flag to only save a few videos for visualization, instead of testing over the entire dataset.
For the VQA task, we follow the official benchmark protocol as:
- Train a dynamics model (SlotFormer) using
subset slots - Unroll slots on
subset - Train a linear readout model on the unrolled
subset slots + GT labels - Evaluate the linear readout model on the unrolled
subset slots + GT labels
To unroll videos, please run rollout_physion_slots.py (DDP to speed up testing; replace with python slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/rollout_physion_slots.py ...
if DDP not needed):
python slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/rollout_physion_slots.py \
--params slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/configs/ldmslotformer_physion_params-res128.py \
--weight $WEIGHT \
--subset $SUBSET \
--save_path $SAVE_PATH # e.g. './data/Physion/slots/physion_rollout_$SUBSET_slots.pkl'
This will unroll slots for Physion videos, and save them into a .pkl
Please unroll for both readout
and test
Train a linear readout model on rollout slots in the readout
subset by running:
python scripts/train.py --task vp_vqa \
--params slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/configs/readout_physion_params.py \
--fp16 --cudnn
This will train a readout model that takes in slots extracted from a video, and predict whether two object-of-interests contact during the video.
Finally, we can evaluate the trained readout model on rollout slots in the test
subset, which is the number we report in the paper.
To do this, please run test_physion_vqa.py:
python slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/test_physion_vqa.py \
--params slotdiffusion/vp_vqa/configs/readout_physion_params.py \
--weight $WEIGHT
You can specify a single weight file to test, or a directory.
If the later is provided, we will test all the weights under that directory, and report the best accuracy of all the models tested.
You can also use the --threshs ...
flag to specify different thresholds for binarizing the logits to 0/1 predictions.
Again, if multiple thresholds are provided, we will test all of them and report the best one.
Note: in our experiments, we noticed that the readout accuracy is very unstable.
So we usually train over three random seeds (using dup_run_sbatch.sh
), and report the best performance among them.