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349 lines (285 loc) · 21.3 KB

File metadata and controls

349 lines (285 loc) · 21.3 KB

Main Structure

A fragment metadata folder is called <timestamped_name>` and located here:

my_array                                    # array folder
   |  ...
   |_ __fragments                           # array fragments folder
         |_ <timestamped_name>              # fragment folder
         |      |_ __fragment_metadata.tdb  # fragment metadata
         |      |_ a0.tdb                   # fixed-sized attribute
         |      |_ a1.tdb                   # var-sized attribute (offsets)
         |      |_ a1_var.tdb               # var-sized attribute (values)
         |      |_ a2.tdb                   # fixed-sized nullable attribute
         |      |_ a2_validity.tdb          # fixed-sized nullable attribute (validities)
         |      |_ ...
         |      |_ d0.tdb                   # fixed-sized dimension
         |      |_ d1.tdb                   # var-sized dimension (offsets)
         |      |_ d1_var.tdb               # var-sized dimension (values)
         |      |_ ...
         |      |_ t.tdb                    # timestamp attribute
         |      |_ ...
         |      |_ dt.tdb                   # delete timestamp attribute
         |      |_ ...
         |      |_ dci.tdb                  # delete condition index attribute
         |      |_ ...
         |      |_ __coords.tdb             # legacy coordinates
         |_ ...

There can be any number of fragments in an array. The fragment folder contains:

  • A single fragment metadata file named __fragment_metadata.tdb.
  • Any number of data files.
    • For each fixed-sized attribute or dimension, there is a single data file a0.tdb (d0.tdb) containing the cell values of the attribute (dimension).
    • For each var-sized attribute or dimension, there are two data files; a1_var.tdb (d1_var.tdb) containing the cell values of the attribute (dimension) and a1.tdb (d1.tdb) containing the starting 64-bit offsets of the values of each cell.
    • For each nullable attribute, there is an additional file a2_validity.tdb that contains its validity vector (a sequence of bytes where zero indicates that a cell is null).
    • The names of the data files are not dependent on the names of the attributes/dimensions. The file names are determined by the order of the attributes and dimensions in the array schema.
    • New in version 14 The timestamp fixed attribute (t.tdb) is, for fragments consolidated with timestamps, the time at which a cell was added.
    • New in version 15 The delete timestamp fixed attribute (dt.tdb) is, for fragments consolidated with delete conditions, the time at which a cell was deleted.
    • New in version 15 The delete condition Delete commit file index fixed attribute (dci.tdb) is, for fragments consolidated with delete conditions, the index of the delete condition (inside of Tile Processed Conditions) that deleted the cell.

Data files containing cell values are filtered with the filters specified in the Filters field of the corresponding attribute or dimension.

Data files containing cell offsets are filtered with the filters specified in the Offsets filters field of the array schema.

Data files containing cell validity vectors are filtered with the filters specified in the Validity filters field of the array schema.

Timestamp, delete timestamp, and delete condition index attributes are filtered with the filters specified in the Coords filters field of the array schema.


Prior to version 9, data files were named after their corresponding attributes or dimensions.

In version 8 only, certain characters of the data files' name were percent-encoded. These characters are !#$%&'()*+,/:;=?@[], as specified in RFC 3986, as well as "<>\|, which are not allowed in Windows file names.

Fragment Metadata File

The fragment metadata file has the following on-disk format:

Field Type Description
R-Tree R-Tree The serialized R-Tree
Tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Offsets The serialized on-disk tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1
Tile offsets for attribute/dimension N Tile Offsets The serialized on-disk tile offsets for attribute/dimension N
Variable tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Offsets The serialized on-disk variable tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1
Variable tile offsets for attribute/dimension N Tile Offsets The serialized on-disk variable tile offsets for attribute/dimension N
Variable tile sizes for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Sizes The serialized in-memory variable tile sizes for attribute/dimension 1
Variable tile sizes for attribute/dimension N Tile Sizes The serialized in-memory variable tile sizes for attribute/dimension N
Validity tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Offsets New in version 7 The serialized on-disk validity tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1
Validity tile offsets for attribute/dimension N Tile Offsets New in version 7 The serialized on-disk validity tile offsets for attribute/dimension N
Tile mins for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Mins/Maxes New in version 11 The serialized mins for attribute/dimension 1
Variable mins for attribute/dimension N Tile Mins/Maxes New in version 11 The serialized mins for attribute/dimension N
Tile maxes for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Mins/Maxes New in version 11 The serialized maxes for attribute/dimension 1
Variable maxes for attribute/dimension N Tile Mins/Maxes New in version 11 The serialized maxes for attribute/dimension N
Tile sums for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Sums New in version 11 The serialized sums for attribute/dimension 1
Variable sums for attribute/dimension N Tile Sums New in version 11 The serialized sums for attribute/dimension N
Tile null counts for attribute/dimension 1 Tile Null Count New in version 11 The serialized null counts for attribute/dimension 1
Tile null counts for attribute/dimension N Tile Null Count New in version 11 The serialized null counts for attribute/dimension N
Fragment min, max, sum, null count Tile Fragment Min Max Sum Null Count New in version 11 The serialized fragment min max sum null count
Processed conditions Tile Processed Conditions New in version 16 The serialized processed conditions
Metadata footer Footer Basic metadata gathered in the footer


Prior to version 3, fragment metadata are stored with a different structure.


The R-Tree is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Dimension number uint32_t Removed in version 5 Number of dimensions. Can also be obtained from the array schema.
Fanout uint32_t The tree fanout
Datatype uint8_t Removed in version 5 The domain's datatype. Dimensions are no longer guaranteed to have the same datatype since version 5.
Num levels uint32_t The number of levels in the tree
Num MBRs at level 1 uint64_t The number of MBRs at level 1
MBR 1 at level 1 MBR First MBR at level 1
MBR N at level 1 MBR N-th MBR at level 1
Num MBRs at level L uint64_t The number of MBRs at level L
MBR 1 at level L MBR First MBR at level L
MBR N at level L MBR N-th MBR at level L


Each MBR entry has format:

Field Type Description
1D range for dimension 1 1DRange The 1-dimensional range for dimension 1
1D range for dimension D 1DRange The 1-dimensional range for dimension D

For fixed-sized dimensions, the 1DRange format is:

Field Type Description
Range minimum uint8_t The minimum value with the same datatype as the dimension
Range maximum uint8_t The maximum value with the same datatype as the dimension

For var-sized dimensions, the 1DRange format is:

Field Type Description
Range length uint64_t The number of bytes of the 1D range
Minimum value length uint64_t The number of bytes of the minimum value
Range minimum uint8_t The minimum (var-sized) value with the same datatype as the dimension
Range maximum uint8_t The maximum (var-sized) value with the same datatype as the dimension

Tile Offsets

Tile offsets refer to each on-disk data tile's starting byte offset.
Tile offsets is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Num tile offsets uint64_t Number of tile offsets
Tile offset 1 uint64_t Offset 1
Tile offset N uint64_t Offset N

Tile Sizes

The tile size refers to the in-memory size.
It is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Num tile sizes uint64_t Number of tile sizes
Tile size 1 uint64_t Size 1
Tile size N uint64_t Size N

Tile Mins Maxes

The tile mins maxes is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Num values uint64_t Number of values
Value 1 type Value 1 or Offset 1
Value N type Value N or Offset N
Var buffer size uint64_t Var buffer size
Var buffer uint8_t Var buffer

Tile Sums

The tile sums is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Num values uint64_t Number of values
Value 1 uint64_t Sum 1
Value N uint64_t Sum N

Tile Null Count

The tile null count is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Num values uint64_t Number of values
Value 1 uint64_t Count 1
Value N uint64_t Count N

Tile Fragment Min Max Sum Null Count

The fragment min max sum null count is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Min size uint64_t Size of the min value for attribute/dimension 1
Min value uint8_t Buffer for min value for attribute/dimension 1
Max size uint64_t Size of the max value for attribute/dimension 1
Max value uint8_t Buffer for max value for attribute/dimension 1
Sum uint64_t Sum value for attribute/dimension 1
Null count uint64_t Null count value for attribute/dimension 1
Min size uint64_t Size of the min value for attribute/dimension N
Min value uint8_t Buffer for min value for attribute/dimension N
Max size uint64_t Size of the max value for attribute/dimension N
Max value uint8_t Buffer for max value for attribute/dimension N
Sum uint64_t Sum value for attribute/dimension N
Null count uint64_t Null count value for attribute/dimension N

Tile and fragment mins, maxes, sums and null counts are colloquially referred to as "tile metadata".


Prior to version 21, tile metadata for nullable fixed-size strings on dense arrays might be incorrect and implementations must not rely on them.

Tile Processed Conditions

The processed conditions is a generic tile and is the list of delete/update conditions that have already been applied for this fragment and don't need to be applied again, sorted by filename, with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Num uint64_t Number of processed conditions
Condition size uint64_t Condition size 1
Condition uint8_t Condition marker filename 1
Condition size uint64_t Condition size N
Condition uint8_t Condition marker filename N


The footer is a simple blob (i.e., not a generic tile) with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Version number uint32_t Format version number of the fragment
Array schema name size uint64_t New in version 10 Size of the array schema name
Array schema name string New in version 10 Array schema name
Dense uint8_t Whether the array is dense (1) or not (0)
Null non-empty domain uint8_t Indicates whether the non-empty domain is null (1) or not (0)
Non-empty domain MBR An MBR denoting the non-empty domain
Number of sparse tiles uint64_t Number of sparse tiles
Last tile cell num uint64_t For sparse arrays, the number of cells in the last tile in the fragment
Includes timestamps uint8_t New in version 14 Whether the fragment includes timestamps (1) or not (0)
Includes delete metadata uint8_t New in version 15 Whether the fragment includes delete metadata (1) or not (0)
File sizes uint64_t[] The size in bytes of each attribute/dimension file in the fragment. For var-length attributes/dimensions, this is the size of the offsets file.
File var sizes uint64_t[] The size in bytes of each var-length attribute/dimension file in the fragment.
File validity sizes uint64_t[] The size in bytes of each attribute/dimension validity vector file in the fragment.
R-Tree offset uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the R-Tree in the metadata file.
Tile offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile offsets for attribute/dimension N
Tile var offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the variable tile offsets for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile var offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the variable tile offsets for attribute/dimension N.
Tile var sizes offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the variable tile sizes for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile var sizes offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the variable tile sizes for attribute/dimension N.
Tile validity offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t New in version 7 The offset to the generic tile storing the tile validity offsets for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile validity offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t New in version 7 The offset to the generic tile storing the tile validity offsets for attribute/dimension N
Tile mins offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile mins for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile mins offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile mins for attribute/dimension N
Tile maxes offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile maxes for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile maxes offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile maxes for attribute/dimension N
Tile sums offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile sums for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile sums offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile sums for attribute/dimension N
Tile null counts offset for attribute/dimension 1 uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile null counts for attribute/dimension 1.
Tile null counts offset for attribute/dimension N uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the tile null counts for attribute/dimension N
Fragment min max sum null count offset uint64_t The offset to the generic tile storing the fragment min max sum null count data.
Processed conditions offset uint64_t New in version 16 The offset to the generic tile storing the processed conditions.
Array schema name size uint64_t The total number of characters of the array schema name.
Array schema name uint8_t[] The array schema name.
Footer length uint64_t Sum of bytes of the above fields.


Prior to version 10, the Footer length field was present only when the array had at least one variable-sized dimension. Implementations had to obtain the format version from the fragment folder's timestamped name.

Data File

The on-disk format of each data file is:

Field Type Description
Tile 1 Tile The data of tile 1
Tile N Tile The data of tile N

Legacy coordinates file

Prior to version 5, dimension data for sparse cells are combined in a single tile that is stored in the __coords.tdb file. The tile is filtered with the filters specified in the Coords filters field of the array schema.

Coordinates of a multi-dimensional array are placed in either zipped or unzipped order. In zipped order, coordinates of a cell are placed next to each other and ordered by the cell index, while in unzipped order, all coordinates values of a dimension are placed next to each other and ordered by the dimension index.

  • Since version 2, coordinates are always stored unzipped.
  • In version 1, coordinates are stored unzipped if a compression filter exists in the filter list. Otherwise, they are stored zipped.

Legacy Fragment metadata file

Prior to version 3, fragment metadata is a generic tile with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Version number uint32_t Format version number of the fragment
Non-empty domain size uint64_t Size of non-empty domain
Non-empty domain uint8_t[] Byte array of coordinate pairs storing the non-empty domain
Num MBRs uint64_t Number of MBRs in fragment
MBR 1 uint8_t[] Byte array of coordinate pairs storing MBR 1
MBR N uint8_t[] Byte array of coordinate pairs storing MBR N
Num bounding coords uint64_t Number of bounding coordinates
Bounding coords uint8_t[] Byte array of coordinate pairs storing the first/last coordinates in the fragment
Tile offsets Legacy Tile Offsets The offsets of each tile in the attribute files
Tile var offsets Legacy Tile Offsets The offsets of each variable tile in the attribute files
Variable tile sizes Legacy Tile Sizes The sizes of each variable tile in the attribute files
Last tile cell num For sparse arrays, the number of cells in the last time in the fragment. Ignored on dense arrays.
File sizes uint64_t[] The size in bytes of each attribute/dimension file in the fragment. For var-length attributes/dimensions, this is the size of the offsets file.
File var sizes uint64_t[] The size in bytes of each var-length attribute/dimension file in the fragment.

Legacy tile offsets/sizes

Legacy tile offsets and sizes is a simple blob (i.e., not a generic tile) with the following internal format:

Field Type Description
Num tile offsets/sizes, attribute 1 uint64_t Number of tile offsets/sizes for attribute 1
Tile offset/size 1, attribute 1 uint64_t Offset/Size 1 for attribute 1
Tile offset/size N, attribute 1 uint64_t Offset/Size N for attribute 1
Num tile offsets/sizes, attribute N uint64_t Number of tile offsets/sizes for attribute N
Tile offset/size 1, attribute N uint64_t Offset/Size 1 for attribute N
Tile offset/size N, attribute N uint64_t Offset/Size N for attribute N