A tiny utility to make type-safe variant components with vanilla extract and react.
npm install --save styled-extract
Vanilla extract is a great but if you're used to writing components with variant props using styled-system or stitches, it feels like writing boilerplate code.
This package is tiny, but borrows ideas from Emotion, Dessert Box and Stitches to turn this:
// Text.tsx
import { textRecipe, TextVariants } from './textRecipe.css.ts';
export const Text: FC<TextVariants> = ({ variant, color }) => (
<div className="${textRecipe({
Into this:
// Text.tsx
import styled from "styled"
import { textRecipe, variants } from './textRecipe.css.ts';
export const Text = styled("div", textRecipe, variants)();
You must export your variants from your .css.ts instead of using the immediately inside the recipe.
Your .css.ts file would look like:
// textRecipe.css.ts
export const variants = {
variant: {
title: {
fontSize: "100px",
fontWeight: 600
subtitle: {
fontSize: "20px",
fontWeight: 500
color: {
red: {
background: "red",
blue: {
background: "blue",
export const textRecipe = recipe({
Then create your components with the styled tag:
// Text.tsx
import styled from "styled"
import { textRecipe, variants } from './textRecipe.css.ts';
export const Text = styled("div", textRecipe, variants)();
And use the component with its type safe props:
<Text variant="title" color="red">
// Type error
<Text variant="not-a-real-option">
It also supports a polymorphic as prop for simple use cases.
<Text variant="title" color="red" as="h1">
Instead of:
import {labelRecipe, variants} from './textRecipe.css.ts';
import * as LabelPrimitive from '@radix-ui/react-label';
const Label = React.forwardRef<React.ElementRef<typeof LabelPrimitive>,
React.ComponentProps<typeof LabelPrimitive>>((props, forwardedRef) => {
const {className, variant, color, ...itemProps} = props;
return (
})} ${className}`}
You can write:
import {labelRecipe, variants} from './textRecipe.css.ts';
import * as LabelPrimitive from '@radix-ui/react-label';
export const Label = styled(LabelPrimitive.Root, labelRecipe, variants)();