A user manual should be developed with the help of a team of technical writers from Technically Write IT. The manual will be written for the viewpoint of the end user (the medical professional using the device) such that they will be able to use the device from when it's taken out of its packaging through to the end of treatment with a patient. This manual will include descriptions of how to do the following:
- General
- Indications for Use
- Contraindications
- Target environment and user
- Warnings
- Device operation, installation, and setup
- Connecting to power and calibrating the system through the self-test
- Connecting to patient
- Setting and understanding the system and user interface including:
- Setting and switching between modes of ventilation (to include Pressure Assist, Pressure Control, and High Flow Nasal Cannula)
- Setting and changing parameters including
- I-time
- RR
- Reading and responding to displayed waveforms and alarms
- Understanding the priority of the alarms
- Deactivating alarms
- Addressing the probable causes for these alarms (either the ventilator settings or the mechanical components) that could be responsible for said alarms
- Maintenance recommendations and requirements
- Instructions for cleaning
- Disposal of filters and other single-use items
- Assembly diagrams
- Instructions for parts replacement
- Shutting the system down