is a restriction on a class, method or property that indicates that the declaration cannot be overridden.
- It helps increase in performance by reducing Dynamic Dispatch.
- For most cases XCode automatically optimize your classes to the
final class
if they don't have subclasses.
final class ExampleClass1 {
var integer = 9
func function() { print("ExampleClass1().function()") }
class ExampleClass2: ExampleClass1 { // Error: inheritance from a final class "ExampleClass1".
var string = "sample"
class ExampleClass3 {
// Cannot override stored properties without a turn around, so instead I defined computed property.
final var string: String { "hello world" }
final func function() { print("ExampleClass3().function()") }
class ExampleClass4: ExampleClass3 {
override var string: String { "world hello" } // Error: cannot override a final property.
override var function() { print("ExampleClass4().function()") } // Error: cannot override a final function.