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Android not opening the popup. Shows: [Error: Failed to bind to the service.] #146

AahilShahzad opened this issue Mar 13, 2023 · 20 comments


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any one please help me out with this. IOS is working fine but not android getting error
[Error: Failed to bind to the service.]

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anyone else can help out?

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please mention your working environment.

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getting exceptions in android

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with version 4.3.1

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please install the new version 4.3.3.

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have same problem using 4.3.3

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@MinaSamir11 facing the same issue with the latest version 4.3.3.

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MinaSamir11 commented Mar 20, 2023

@MinaSamir11 facing the same issue with the latest version 4.3.3.

please mention your working env.(package json dependancies)

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yedi97 commented Mar 21, 2023

@MinaSamir11 facing the same issue with the latest version 4.3.3.

please mention your working env.(package json dependancies)

I have same problem above, i'm using ver 4.3.3 working fine on IOS, but android not show, i'm pushed on internal testing

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AahilShahzad commented Mar 21, 2023

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@MinaSamir11 if you can help me out it will be a great favour. Thanks

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someone can help please?

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Any updates? have the same issue no pop up on android, works fine for iOS

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tsapa44 commented May 9, 2023

I have the same error on Android Emulator

Version of the lib: 4.3.3

package.json dependencies:

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I am also getting the same error in the emulator but when I run on the device it works fine. Please try to run the code on an actual device not on an emulator.

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alu0100207385 commented Jun 15, 2023

I tested the last version on a physical device (Samsung Galaxy S10+, Android 12) and it does not work. Even when it runs in debug mode. Do you have any ideas/suggestions?
Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Check this I hope this information can help you.

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Any updates on this. I tried on both emulator and actual device for Android. Also I tried with production environment as well, still nothing happens on Android.

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any updates?

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anniewey commented Mar 5, 2024

Same, pop up is not showing in my android devices but i'm not getting any error either. Ran in debug mode.

Both InAppReview.isAvailable() and InAppReview.RequestInAppReview() returns true tho. Not sure if this is google error or some issue with the library.

Tested on Samsung A70, Android 11

"react-native-in-app-review": "^4.3.3",

Pushed to Internal Track and tested but didn't get any pop up either, @MinaSamir11 any pointers?

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When I am creating the apk file using Android studio and installing directly on phone, in this case no popup is visible and getting "Failed to bind to the service" error in catch block.

As per google, to test the in app review, we need to either use "Internal app sharing" or "Internal test track" from your play store console account. I tried using internal app sharing, and it is working.

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