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ralfproba edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 8 revisions

Here a fritzing layout for wire a RC522 with the Raspberry Pi incl. IRQ Pin, 2 different views (RPi3 and RPi Zero) on the same schematic in line with the recommended pinout.

You have to wire the IRQ Pin from RC522 to Raspberry Pin 18/GPIO 24. See also

See the fritzing Picture (brown cable is the IRQ Pin) must soldering all 8 wires from the Reader...

RPi Zero:

Wiring for Pi ZERO


Wiring for RPi3

Alternative wiring

The following table shows an alternative wiring using pins 17 and 20 for 3.3V and GND respectively instead of 1 and 6 (leftmost and rightmost columns are pins on the Raspi and RC 522). This allows to use the consecutive block from pin 17 to pin 24. In particular, one can use a ribbon cable with a 4x2 plug on the raspi end and an 8x1 plug on the RC522 end to connect the two. The middle two columns are meant to simplify building such a cable: on the raspi side "relative" = actual - 16 on the RC 522 side "relative" = 9 - actual.

Raspi Raspi Relative RC 522 Relative RC 522
17 1 1 8
18 2 4 5
19 3 6 3
20 4 3 6
21 5 5 4
22 6 2 7
23 7 7 2
24 8 8 1

Alternative Pinout for irq / reset

If you need to change the GPIO Pins for irq or reset you only need to change one Parameter. Edit the (original name is nano /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts/

Edit Line 55:

original: self.device = pirc522.RFID()

New (Reset = Pin 16 / IRQ = Pin 15) self.device = pirc522.RFID(pin_rst=16, pin_irq=15)

Pin means the physical Pinnumber and not the GPIO Number. To see all Pinnumbers use the command gpio readall


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