diff --git a/.github/actions/setup-deps/action.yaml b/.github/actions/setup-deps/action.yaml
index 392aeeb428c..e5a0794450c 100644
--- a/.github/actions/setup-deps/action.yaml
+++ b/.github/actions/setup-deps/action.yaml
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ inputs:
default: 'hypothesis'
default: 'matplotlib-base'
+ mdahole2:
+ default: 'mdahole2-base'
default: 'mda-xdrlib'
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ runs:
${{ inputs.griddataformats }}
${{ inputs.hypothesis }}
${{ inputs.matplotlib }}
+ ${{ inputs.mdahole2 }}
${{ inputs.mda_xdrlib }}
${{ inputs.mmtf-python }}
${{ inputs.numpy }}
diff --git a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/__init__.py b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/__init__.py
index beab152b301..9cd00591dfe 100644
--- a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/__init__.py
+++ b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/__init__.py
@@ -34,280 +34,15 @@
:footcite:p:`Smart1993,Smart1996` to analyse an ion channel pore or transporter
pathway :footcite:p:`Stelzl2014`.
-Using HOLE on a PDB file
+.. deprecated:: 2.8.0
+ This module is deprecated in favour of the mdakit
+ `mdahole2 `_ and
+ will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0.
-Use the :func:``hole`` function to run `HOLE`_ on a single PDB file. For example,
-the code below runs the `HOLE`_ program installed at '~/hole2/exe/hole' ::
- from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB_HOLE
- from MDAnalysis.analysis import hole2
- profiles = hole2.hole(PDB_HOLE, executable='~/hole2/exe/hole')
- # to create a VMD surface of the pore
- hole2.create_vmd_surface(filename='hole.vmd')
-``profiles`` is a dictionary of HOLE profiles, indexed by the frame number. If only
-a PDB file is passed to the function, there will only be one profile at frame 0.
-You can visualise the pore by loading your PDB file into VMD, and in
-Extensions > Tk Console, type::
- source hole.vmd
-You can also pass a DCD trajectory with the same atoms in the same order as
-your PDB file with the ``dcd`` keyword argument. In that case, ``profiles`` will
-contain multiple HOLE profiles, indexed by frame.
-The HOLE program will create some output files:
-* an output file (default name: hole.out)
-* an sphpdb file (default name: hole.sph)
-* a file of van der Waals' radii
- (if not specified with ``vdwradii_file``. Default name: simple2.rad)
-* a symlink of your PDB or DCD files (if the original name is too long)
-* the input text (if you specify ``infile``)
-By default (`keep_files=True`), these files are kept. If you would like to
-delete the files after the function is wrong, set `keep_files=False`. Keep in
-mind that if you delete the sphpdb file, you cannot then create a VMD surface.
-Using HOLE on a trajectory
-You can also run HOLE on a trajectory through the :class:`HoleAnalysis` class.
-This behaves similarly to the ``hole`` function, although arguments such as ``cpoint``
-and ``cvect`` become runtime arguments for the :meth:`~HoleAnalysis.run` function.
-The class can be set-up and run like a normal MDAnalysis analysis class::
- import MDAnalysis as mda
- from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import MULTIPDB_HOLE
- from MDAnalysis.analysis import hole2
- u = mda.Universe(MULTIPDB_HOLE)
- ha = hole2.HoleAnalysis(u, executable='~/hole2/exe/hole') as h2:
- ha.run()
- ha.create_vmd_surface(filename='hole.vmd')
-The VMD surface created by the class updates the pore for each frame of the trajectory.
-Use it as normal by loading your trajectory in VMD and sourcing the file in the Tk Console.
-You can access the actual profiles generated in the ``results`` attribute::
- print(ha.results.profiles)
-Again, HOLE writes out files for each frame. If you would like to delete these files
-after the analysis, you can call :meth:`~HoleAnalysis.delete_temporary_files`::
- ha.delete_temporary_files()
-Alternatively, you can use HoleAnalysis as a context manager that deletes temporary
-files when you are finished with the context manager::
- with hole2.HoleAnalysis(u, executable='~/hole2/exe/hole') as h2:
- h2.run()
- h2.create_vmd_surface()
-Using HOLE with VMD
-The :program:`sos_triangle` program that is part of HOLE_ can write an input
-file for VMD_ to display a triangulated surface of the pore found by
-:program:`hole`. This functionality is available with the
-:meth:`HoleAnalysis.create_vmd_surface` method
-[#create_vmd_surface_function]_. For an input trajectory MDAnalysis writes a
-*trajectory* of pore surfaces that can be animated in VMD together with the
-frames from the trajectory.
-Analyzing a full trajectory
-To analyze a full trajectory and write pore surfaces for all frames to file
-:file:`hole_surface.vmd`, use ::
- import MDAnalysis as mda
- from MDAnalysis.analysis import hole2
- # load example trajectory MULTIPDB_HOLE
- from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import MULTIPDB_HOLE
- u = mda.Universe(MULTIPDB_HOLE)
- with hole2.HoleAnalysis(u, executable='~/hole2/exe/hole') as h2:
- h2.run()
- h2.create_vmd_surface(filename="hole_surface.vmd")
-In VMD, load your trajectory and then in the tcl console
-(e.g.. :menuselection:`Extensions --> Tk Console`) load the surface
-.. code-block:: tcl
- source hole_surface.vmd
-If you only want to *subsample the trajectory* and only show the surface at
-specific frames then you can either load the trajectory with the same
-subsampling into VMD or create a subsampled trajectory.
-Creating subsampled HOLE surface
-For example, if we want to start displaying at frame 1 (i.e., skip frame 0), stop at frame 7, and
-only show every other frame (step 2) then the HOLE analysis will be ::
- with hole2.HoleAnalysis(u, executable='~/hole2/exe/hole') as h2:
- h2.run(start=1, stop=9, step=2)
- h2.create_vmd_surface(filename="hole_surface_subsampled.vmd")
-The commands produce the file ``hole_surface_subsampled.vmd`` that can be loaded into VMD.
-.. Note::
- Python (and MDAnalysis) stop indices are *exclusive* so the parameters
- ``start=1``, ``stop=9``, and ``step=2`` will analyze frames 1, 3, 5, 7.
-.. _Loading-a-trajectory-into-VMD-with-subsampling:
-Loading a trajectory into VMD with subsampling
-Load your system into VMD. This can mean to load the topology file with
-:menuselection:`File --> New Molecule` and adding the trajectory with
-:menuselection:`File --> Load Data into Molecule` or just :menuselection:`File
---> New Molecule`.
-When loading the trajectory, subsample the frames by setting parametes in in
-the :guilabel:`Frames` section. Select *First: 1*, *Last: 7*, *Stride: 2*. Then
-:guilabel:`Load` everything.
-.. Note::
- VMD considers the stop/last frame to be *inclusive* so you need to typically
- choose one less than the ``stop`` value that you selected in MDAnalysis.
-Then load the surface trajectory:
-.. code-block:: tcl
- source hole_surface_subsampled.vmd
-You should see a different surface for each frame in the trajectory. [#vmd_extra_frame]_
-Creating a subsampled trajectory
-Instead of having VMD subsample the trajectory as described in
-:ref:`Loading-a-trajectory-into-VMD-with-subsampling` we can write a subsampled
-trajectory to a file. Although it requires more disk space, it can be
-convenient if we want to visualize the system repeatedly.
-The example trajectory comes as a multi-PDB file so we need a suitable topology
-file. If you already have a topology file such as a PSF, TPR, or PRMTOP file
-then skip this step. We write frame 0 as a PDB :file:`frame0.pdb` (which we
-will use as the topology in VMD)::
- u.atoms.write("frame0.pdb")
-Then write the actual trajectory in a convenient format such as TRR (or
-DCD). Note that we apply the same slicing (``start=1``, ``stop=9``, ``step=2``)
-to the trajectory itself and then use it as the value for the ``frames``
-parameter of :meth:`AtomGroup.write`
- u.atoms.write("subsampled.trr", frames=u.trajectory[1:9:2])
-This command creates the subsampled trajectory file :file:`subsampled.trr` in
-TRR format.
-In VMD we load the topology and the trajectory and then load the surface. In
-our example we have a PDB file (:file:`frame0.pdb`) as topology so we need to
-remove the first frame [#vmd_extra_frame]_ (skip the "trim" step below if you
-are using a true topology file such as PSF, TPR, or PRMTOP). To keep this
-example compact, we are using the tcl command line interface in VMD_
-(:menuselection:`Extensions --> Tk Console`) for loading and trimming the
-trajectory; you can use the menu commands if you prefer.
-.. code-block:: tcl
- # load topology and subsampled trajectory
- mol load pdb frame0.pdb trr subsampled.trr
- # trim first frame (frame0) -- SKIP if using PSF, TPR, PRMTOP
- animate delete beg 0 end 0
- # load the HOLE surface trajectory
- source hole_surface_subsampled.vmd
-You can now animate your molecule together with the surface and render it.
-.. _HOLE: http://www.holeprogram.org
-.. _VMD: https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/
-Functions and classes
-.. autofunction:: hole
-.. autoclass:: HoleAnalysis
- :members:
-.. rubric:: References
-.. footbibliography::
-.. rubric:: Footnotes
-.. Footnotes
-.. [#create_vmd_surface_function] If you use the :class:`hole` class to run
- :program:`hole` on a single PDB file then you can use
- :func:`MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2.utils.create_vmd_surface`
- function to manually run :program:`sph_process` and
- :program:`sos_triangle` on the output files andcr eate a surface
- file.
-.. [#vmd_extra_frame] If you loaded your system in VMD_ from separate topology
- and trajectory files and the topology file contained coordinates
- (such as a PDB or GRO) file then your trajectory will have an
- extra initial frame containing the coordinates from your topology
- file. Delete the initial frame with :menuselection:`Molecule -->
- Delete Frames` by setting *First* to 0 and *Last* to 0 and
- selecting :guilabel:`Delete`.
-.. [#HOLEDCD] PDB files are not the only files that :program:`hole` can
- read. In principle, it is also able to read CHARMM DCD
- trajectories and generate a hole profile for each frame. However,
- native support for DCD in :program:`hole` is patchy and not every
- DCD is recognized. In particular, At the moment, DCDs generated
- with MDAnalysis are not accepted by HOLE. To overcome this
- PDB / DCD limitation, use :class:`HoleAnalysis` which creates
- temporary PDB files for each frame of a
- :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` or
- :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.AtomGroup` and runs
- :func:``hole`` on each of them.
+See Also
-from ...due import due, Doi
from .hole import hole, HoleAnalysis
from .utils import create_vmd_surface
- description="HOLE program",
- path="MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2",
- cite_module=True)
- description="HOLE program",
- path="MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2",
- cite_module=True)
- description="HOLE trajectory analysis with orderparameters",
- path="MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2",
- cite_module=True)
-del Doi
diff --git a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/hole.py b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/hole.py
index 4167e0e50c8..679d41e20cb 100644
--- a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/hole.py
+++ b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/hole.py
@@ -20,1399 +20,11 @@
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
-import os
-import errno
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import textwrap
-import logging
-import itertools
import warnings
+from mdahole2.analysis.hole import hole, HoleAnalysis
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from MDAnalysis.lib.util import deprecate
-from ...exceptions import ApplicationError
-from ..base import AnalysisBase
-from ...lib import util
-from .utils import (check_and_fix_long_filename, write_simplerad2,
- set_up_hole_input, run_hole, collect_hole,
- create_vmd_surface)
-from .templates import (hole_input, hole_lines, vmd_script_array,
- vmd_script_function, exe_err,
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-@deprecate(release="2.6.0", remove="3.0.0",
- message=("This method has been moved to the MDAKit hole2-mdakit: "
- "https://github.com/MDAnalysis/hole2-mdakit"))
-def hole(pdbfile,
- infile_text=None,
- infile=None,
- outfile='hole.out',
- sphpdb_file='hole.sph',
- vdwradii_file=None,
- executable='hole',
- tmpdir=os.path.curdir,
- sample=0.2,
- end_radius=22.0,
- cpoint=None,
- cvect=None,
- random_seed=None,
- ignore_residues=IGNORE_RESIDUES,
- output_level=0,
- dcd=None,
- dcd_iniskip=0,
- dcd_step=1,
- keep_files=True):
- r"""Run :program:`hole` on a single frame or a DCD trajectory.
- :program:`hole` is part of the HOLE_ suite of programs. It is used to
- analyze channels and cavities in proteins, especially ion channels.
- Only a subset of all `HOLE control parameters `_
- is supported and can be set with keyword arguments.
- Parameters
- ----------
- pdbfile : str
- The `filename` is used as input for HOLE in the "COORD" card of the
- input file. It specifies the name of a PDB coordinate file to be
- used. This must be in Brookhaven protein databank format or
- something closely approximating this. Both ATOM and HETATM records
- are read.
- infile_text: str, optional
- HOLE input text or template. If set to ``None``, the function will
- create the input text from the other parameters.
- infile: str, optional
- File to write the HOLE input text for later inspection. If set to
- ``None``, the input text is not written out.
- outfile : str, optional
- file name of the file collecting HOLE's output (which can be
- parsed using :meth:`collect_hole(outfile)`.
- sphpdb_file : str, optional
- path to the HOLE sph file, a PDB-like file containing the
- coordinates of the pore centers.
- The coordinates are set to the sphere centres and the occupancies
- are the sphere radii. All centres are assigned the atom name QSS and
- residue name SPH and the residue number is set to the storage
- number of the centre. In VMD, sph
- objects are best displayed as "Points". Displaying .sph objects
- rather than rendered or dot surfaces can be useful to analyze the
- distance of particular atoms from the sphere-centre line.
- .sph files can be used to produce molecular graphical
- output from a hole run, by using the
- :program:`sph_process` program to read the .sph file.
- vdwradii_file: str, optional
- path to the file specifying van der Waals radii for each atom. If
- set to ``None``, then a set of default radii,
- :data:`SIMPLE2_RAD`, is used (an extension of ``simple.rad`` from
- the HOLE distribution).
- executable: str, optional
- Path to the :program:`hole` executable.
- (e.g. ``~/hole2/exe/hole``). If
- :program:`hole` is found on the :envvar:`PATH`, then the bare
- executable name is sufficient.
- tmpdir: str, optional
- The temporary directory that files can be symlinked to, to shorten
- the path name. HOLE can only read filenames up to a certain length.
- sample : float, optional
- distance of sample points in Å.
- Specifies the distance between the planes used in the HOLE
- procedure. The default value should be reasonable for most
- purposes. However, if you wish to visualize a very tight
- constriction then specify a smaller value.
- This value determines how many points in the pore profile are
- calculated.
- end_radius : float, optional
- Radius in Å, which is considered to be the end of the pore. This
- keyword can be used to specify the radius above which the
- program regards a result as indicating that the end of the pore
- has been reached. This may need to be increased for large channels,
- or reduced for small channels.
- cpoint : array_like, 'center_of_geometry' or None, optional
- coordinates of a point inside the pore, e.g. ``[12.3, 0.7,
- 18.55]``. If set to ``None`` (the default) then HOLE's own search
- algorithm is used.
- ``cpoint`` specifies a point which lies within the channel. For
- simple channels (e.g. gramicidin), results do not show great
- sensitivity to the exact point taken. An easy way to produce an
- initial point is to use molecular graphics to find two atoms which
- lie either side of the pore and to average their coordinates. Or
- if the channel structure contains water molecules or counter ions
- then take the coordinates of one of these (and use the
- ``ignore_residues`` keyword to ignore them in the pore radius
- calculation).
- If this card is not specified, then HOLE (from version 2.2)
- attempts to guess where the channel will be. The procedure
- assumes the channel is reasonably symmetric. The initial guess on
- cpoint will be the centroid of all alpha carbon atoms (name 'CA'
- in pdb file). This is then refined by a crude grid search up to 5
- Å from the original position. This procedure works most of the
- time but is far from infallible — results should be
- carefully checked (with molecular graphics) if it is used.
- cvect : array_like, optional
- Search direction, should be parallel to the pore axis,
- e.g. ``[0,0,1]`` for the z-axis.
- If this keyword is ``None`` (the default), then HOLE attempts to guess
- where the channel will be. The procedure assumes that the channel is
- reasonably symmetric. The guess will be either along the X axis
- (1,0,0), Y axis (0,1,0) or Z axis (0,0,1). If the structure is not
- aligned on one of these axis the results will clearly be
- approximate. If a guess is used then results should be carefully
- checked.
- random_seed : int, optional
- integer number to start the random number generator.
- By default,
- :program:`hole` will use the time of the day.
- For reproducible runs (e.g., for testing) set ``random_seed``
- to an integer.
- ignore_residues : array_like, optional
- sequence of three-letter residues that are not taken into
- account during the calculation; wildcards are *not*
- supported. Note that all residues must have 3 letters. Pad
- with space on the right-hand side if necessary.
- output_level : int, optional
- Determines the output of output in the ``outfile``.
- For automated processing, this must be < 3.
- 0: Full text output,
- 1: All text output given except "run in progress" (i.e.,
- detailed contemporary description of what HOLE is doing).
- 2: Ditto plus no graph type output - only leaving minimum
- radius and conductance calculations.
- 3: All text output other than input card mirroring and error messages
- turned off.
- dcd : str, optional
- File name of CHARMM-style DCD trajectory (must be supplied together with a
- matching PDB file `filename`) and then HOLE runs its analysis on
- each frame. HOLE can *not* read DCD trajectories written by MDAnalysis,
- which are NAMD-style (see Notes). Note that structural parameters
- determined for each individual structure are written in a tagged
- format so that it is possible to extract the information from the text
- output file using a :program:`grep` command. The reading of the file
- can be controlled by the ``dcd_step`` keyword and/or setting
- ``dcd_iniskip`` to the number of frames to be skipped
- initially.
- dcd_step : int, optional
- step size for going through the trajectory (skips ``dcd_step-1``
- frames).
- keep_files : bool, optional
- Whether to keep the HOLE output files and possible temporary
- symlinks after running the function.
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- A dictionary of :class:`numpy.recarray`\ s, indexed by frame.
- Notes
- -----
- - HOLE is very picky and does not read all DCD-like formats [#HOLEDCD]_.
- If in doubt, look into the `outfile` for error diagnostics.
- .. versionadded:: 1.0
- """
- if output_level > 3:
- msg = 'output_level ({}) needs to be < 3 in order to extract a HOLE profile!'
- warnings.warn(msg.format(output_level))
- # get executable
- exe = shutil.which(executable)
- if exe is None:
- raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, exe_err.format(name=executable,
- kw='executable'))
- # get temp files
- tmp_files = [outfile, sphpdb_file]
- short_filename = check_and_fix_long_filename(pdbfile, tmpdir=tmpdir)
- if os.path.islink(short_filename):
- tmp_files.append(short_filename)
- if dcd is not None:
- dcd = check_and_fix_long_filename(dcd, tmpdir=tmpdir)
- if os.path.islink(dcd):
- tmp_files.append(dcd)
- if vdwradii_file is not None:
- vdwradii_file = check_and_fix_long_filename(vdwradii_file,
- tmpdir=tmpdir)
- else:
- vdwradii_file = write_simplerad2()
- tmp_files.append(vdwradii_file)
- infile_text = set_up_hole_input(short_filename,
- infile_text=infile_text,
- infile=infile,
- sphpdb_file=sphpdb_file,
- vdwradii_file=vdwradii_file,
- tmpdir=tmpdir, sample=sample,
- end_radius=end_radius,
- cpoint=cpoint, cvect=cvect,
- random_seed=random_seed,
- ignore_residues=ignore_residues,
- output_level=output_level,
- dcd=dcd,
- dcd_iniskip=dcd_iniskip,
- dcd_step=dcd_step-1)
- run_hole(outfile=outfile, infile_text=infile_text, executable=exe)
- recarrays = collect_hole(outfile=outfile)
- if not keep_files:
- for file in tmp_files:
- try:
- os.unlink(file)
- except OSError:
- pass
- return recarrays
-class HoleAnalysis(AnalysisBase):
- r"""
- Run :program:`hole` on a trajectory.
- :program:`hole` is part of the HOLE_ suite of programs. It is used to
- analyze channels and cavities in proteins, especially ion channels.
- Only a subset of all `HOLE control parameters `_
- is supported and can be set with keyword arguments.
- This class creates temporary PDB files for each frame and runs HOLE on
- the frame. It can be used normally, or as a context manager. If used as a
- context manager, the class will try to delete any temporary files created
- by HOLE, e.g. sphpdb files and logfiles. ::
- with hole2.HoleAnalysis(u, executable='~/hole2/exe/hole') as h2:
- h2.run()
- h2.create_vmd_surface()
- Parameters
- ----------
- universe : Universe or AtomGroup
- The Universe or AtomGroup to apply the analysis to.
- select : string, optional
- The selection string to create an atom selection that the HOLE
- analysis is applied to.
- vdwradii_file : str, optional
- path to the file specifying van der Waals radii for each atom. If
- set to ``None``, then a set of default radii,
- :data:`SIMPLE2_RAD`, is used (an extension of ``simple.rad`` from
- the HOLE distribution).
- executable : str, optional
- Path to the :program:`hole` executable.
- (e.g. ``~/hole2/exe/hole``). If
- :program:`hole` is found on the :envvar:`PATH`, then the bare
- executable name is sufficient.
- tmpdir : str, optional
- The temporary directory that files can be symlinked to, to shorten
- the path name. HOLE can only read filenames up to a certain length.
- cpoint : array_like, 'center_of_geometry' or None, optional
- coordinates of a point inside the pore, e.g. ``[12.3, 0.7,
- 18.55]``. If set to ``None`` (the default) then HOLE's own search
- algorithm is used.
- ``cpoint`` specifies a point which lies within the channel. For
- simple channels (e.g. gramicidin), results do not show great
- sensitivity to the exact point taken. An easy way to produce an
- initial point is to use molecular graphics to find two atoms which
- lie either side of the pore and to average their coordinates. Or
- if the channel structure contains water molecules or counter ions
- then take the coordinates of one of these (and use the
- ``ignore_residues`` keyword to ignore them in the pore radius
- calculation).
- If this card is not specified, then HOLE (from version 2.2)
- attempts to guess where the channel will be. The procedure
- assumes the channel is reasonably symmetric. The initial guess on
- cpoint will be the centroid of all alpha carbon atoms (name 'CA'
- in pdb file). This is then refined by a crude grid search up to 5
- Å from the original position. This procedure works most of the
- time but is far from infallible — results should be
- carefully checked (with molecular graphics) if it is used.
- cvect : array_like, optional
- Search direction, should be parallel to the pore axis,
- e.g. ``[0,0,1]`` for the z-axis.
- If this keyword is ``None`` (the default), then HOLE attempts to guess
- where the channel will be. The procedure assumes that the channel is
- reasonably symmetric. The guess will be either along the X axis
- (1,0,0), Y axis (0,1,0) or Z axis (0,0,1). If the structure is not
- aligned on one of these axis the results will clearly be
- approximate. If a guess is used then results should be carefully
- checked.
- sample : float, optional
- distance of sample points in Å.
- Specifies the distance between the planes used in the HOLE
- procedure. The default value should be reasonable for most
- purposes. However, if you wish to visualize a very tight
- constriction then specify a smaller value.
- This value determines how many points in the pore profile are
- calculated.
- end_radius : float, optional
- Radius in Å, which is considered to be the end of the pore. This
- keyword can be used to specify the radius above which the
- program regards a result as indicating that the end of the pore
- has been reached. This may need to be increased for large channels,
- or reduced for small channels.
- output_level : int, optional
- Determines the output of output in the ``outfile``.
- For automated processing, this must be < 3.
- 0: Full text output,
- 1: All text output given except "run in progress" (i.e.,
- detailed contemporary description of what HOLE is doing).
- 2: Ditto plus no graph type output - only leaving minimum
- radius and conductance calculations.
- 3: All text output other than input card mirroring and error messages
- turned off.
- ignore_residues : array_like, optional
- sequence of three-letter residues that are not taken into
- account during the calculation; wildcards are *not*
- supported. Note that all residues must have 3 letters. Pad
- with space on the right-hand side if necessary.
- prefix : str, optional
- Prefix for HOLE output files.
- write_input_files : bool, optional
- Whether to write out the input HOLE text as files.
- Files are called `hole.inp`.
- Attributes
- ----------
- results.sphpdbs: numpy.ndarray
- Array of sphpdb filenames
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.0
- results.outfiles: numpy.ndarray
- Arrau of output filenames
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.0
- results.profiles: dict
- Profiles generated by HOLE2.
- A dictionary of :class:`numpy.recarray`\ s, indexed by frame.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.0
- sphpdbs: numpy.ndarray
- Alias of :attr:`results.sphpdbs`
- .. deprecated:: 2.0.0
- This will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. Please use
- :attr:`results.sphpdbs` instead.
- outfiles: numpy.ndarray
- Alias of :attr:`results.outfiles`
- .. deprecated:: 2.0.0
- This will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. Please use
- :attr:`results.outfiles` instead.
- profiles: dict
- Alias of :attr:`results.profiles`
- .. deprecated:: 2.0.0
- This will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. Please use
- :attr:`results.profiles` instead.
- .. versionadded:: 1.0
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0
- :attr:`sphpdbs`, :attr:`outfiles` and :attr:`profiles `
- are now stored in a :class:`MDAnalysis.analysis.base.Results`
- instance.
- .. deprecated:: 2.6.0
- This class has been moved to the MDAKit
- `hole2-mdakit `_ and will
- be removed for the core MDAnalysis library in version 3.0
- """
- input_file = '{prefix}hole{i:03d}.inp'
- output_file = '{prefix}hole{i:03d}.out'
- sphpdb_file = '{prefix}hole{i:03d}.sph'
- input_file = '{prefix}hole{i:03d}.inp'
- output_file = '{prefix}hole{i:03d}.out'
- sphpdb_file = '{prefix}hole{i:03d}.sph'
- hole_header = textwrap.dedent("""
- ! Input file for Oliver Smart's HOLE program
- ! written by MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2.HoleAnalysis
- ! for a Universe
- ! u = mda.Universe({}
- ! )
- ! Frame {{i}}
- """)
- hole_body = textwrap.dedent("""
- COORD {{coordinates}}
- RADIUS {radius}
- SPHPDB {{sphpdb}}
- SAMPLE {sample:f}
- ENDRAD {end_radius:f}
- IGNORE {ignore}
- SHORTO {output_level:d}
- """)
- _guess_cpoint = False
- def __init__(self, universe,
- select='protein',
- verbose=False,
- ignore_residues=IGNORE_RESIDUES,
- vdwradii_file=None,
- executable='hole',
- sos_triangle='sos_triangle',
- sph_process='sph_process',
- tmpdir=os.path.curdir,
- cpoint=None,
- cvect=None,
- sample=0.2,
- end_radius=22,
- output_level=0,
- prefix=None,
- write_input_files=False):
- super(HoleAnalysis, self).__init__(universe.universe.trajectory,
- verbose=verbose)
- wmsg = ("This class has been moved to the MDAKit `hole2-mdakit` "
- "(https://github.com/MDAnalysis/hole2-mdakit) and will be "
- "removed in version 3.0.")
- warnings.warn(wmsg, DeprecationWarning)
- if output_level > 3:
- msg = 'output_level ({}) needs to be < 3 in order to extract a HOLE profile!'
- warnings.warn(msg.format(output_level))
- if prefix is None:
- prefix = ''
- if isinstance(cpoint, str):
- if 'geometry' in cpoint.lower():
- self._guess_cpoint = True
- self.cpoint = '{cpoint[0]:.10f} {cpoint[1]:.10f} {cpoint[2]:.10f}'
- else:
- self._guess_cpoint = False
- self.cpoint = cpoint
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.cvect = cvect
- self.sample = sample
- self.end_radius = end_radius
- self.output_level = output_level
- self.write_input_files = write_input_files
- self.select = select
- self.ag = universe.select_atoms(select, updating=True)
- self.universe = universe
- self.tmpdir = tmpdir
- self.ignore_residues = ignore_residues
- # --- finding executables ----
- hole = shutil.which(executable)
- if hole is None:
- raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, exe_err.format(name=executable,
- kw='executable'))
- self.base_path = os.path.dirname(hole)
- sos_triangle_path = shutil.which(sos_triangle)
- if sos_triangle_path is None:
- path = os.path.join(self.base_path, sos_triangle)
- sos_triangle_path = shutil.which(path)
- if sos_triangle_path is None:
- raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, exe_err.format(name=sos_triangle,
- kw='sos_triangle'))
- sph_process_path = shutil.which(sph_process)
- if sph_process_path is None:
- path = os.path.join(self.base_path, sph_process)
- sph_process_path = shutil.which(path)
- if sph_process_path is None:
- raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, exe_err.format(name=sph_process,
- kw='sph_process'))
- self.exe = {
- 'hole': hole,
- 'sos_triangle': sos_triangle_path,
- 'sph_process': sph_process_path
- }
- # --- setting up temp files ----
- self.tmp_files = []
- if vdwradii_file is not None:
- self.vdwradii_file = check_and_fix_long_filename(vdwradii_file,
- tmpdir=self.tmpdir)
- if os.path.islink(self.vdwradii_file):
- self.tmp_files.append(self.vdwradii_file)
- else:
- self.vdwradii_file = write_simplerad2()
- self.tmp_files.append(self.vdwradii_file)
- # --- setting up input header ----
- filenames = [universe.filename]
- try:
- filenames.extend(universe.trajectory.filenames)
- except AttributeError:
- filenames.append(universe.trajectory.filename)
- filenames = [name for name in filenames if name is not None]
- hole_filenames = '\n! '.join(filenames)
- self._input_header = self.hole_header.format(hole_filenames)
- def run(self, start=None, stop=None, step=None, verbose=None,
- random_seed=None):
- """
- Perform the calculation
- Parameters
- ----------
- start : int, optional
- start frame of analysis
- stop : int, optional
- stop frame of analysis
- step : int, optional
- number of frames to skip between each analysed frame
- verbose : bool, optional
- Turn on verbosity
- random_seed : int, optional
- integer number to start the random number generator.
- By default,
- :program:`hole` will use the time of the day.
- For reproducible runs (e.g., for testing) set ``random_seed``
- to an integer.
- """
- self.random_seed = random_seed
- return super(HoleAnalysis, self).run(start=start, stop=stop,
- step=step, verbose=verbose)
- @property
- def sphpdbs(self):
- wmsg = ("The `sphpdbs` attribute was deprecated in "
- "MDAnalysis 2.0.0 and will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. "
- "Please use `results.sphpdbs` instead.")
- warnings.warn(wmsg, DeprecationWarning)
- return self.results.sphpdbs
- @property
- def outfiles(self):
- wmsg = ("The `outfiles` attribute was deprecated in "
- "MDAnalysis 2.0.0 and will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. "
- "Please use `results.outfiles` instead.")
- warnings.warn(wmsg, DeprecationWarning)
- return self.results.outfiles
- @property
- def profiles(self):
- wmsg = ("The `profiles` attribute was deprecated in "
- "MDAnalysis 2.0.0 and will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. "
- "Please use `results.profiles` instead.")
- warnings.warn(wmsg, DeprecationWarning)
- return self.results.profiles
- def _prepare(self):
- """Set up containers and generate input file text"""
- # set up containers
- self.results.sphpdbs = np.zeros(self.n_frames, dtype=object)
- self.results.outfiles = np.zeros(self.n_frames, dtype=object)
- self.results.profiles = {}
- # generate input file
- body = set_up_hole_input('',
- infile_text=self.hole_body,
- infile=None,
- vdwradii_file=self.vdwradii_file,
- tmpdir=self.tmpdir,
- sample=self.sample,
- end_radius=self.end_radius,
- cpoint=self.cpoint,
- cvect=self.cvect,
- random_seed=self.random_seed,
- ignore_residues=self.ignore_residues,
- output_level=self.output_level,
- dcd=None)
- self.infile_text = self._input_header + body
- def guess_cpoint(self):
- """Guess a point inside the pore.
- This method simply uses the center of geometry of the selection as a
- guess.
- Returns
- -------
- float:
- center of geometry of selected AtomGroup
- """
- return self.ag.center_of_geometry()
- def _single_frame(self):
- """Run HOLE analysis and collect profiles"""
- # set up files
- frame = self._ts.frame
- i = self._frame_index
- outfile = self.output_file.format(prefix=self.prefix, i=frame)
- sphpdb = self.sphpdb_file.format(prefix=self.prefix, i=frame)
- self.results.sphpdbs[i] = sphpdb
- self.results.outfiles[i] = outfile
- if outfile not in self.tmp_files:
- self.tmp_files.append(outfile)
- if sphpdb not in self.tmp_files:
- self.tmp_files.append(sphpdb)
- else:
- self.tmp_files.append(sphpdb + '.old')
- # temp pdb
- logger.info('HOLE analysis frame {}'.format(frame))
- fd, pdbfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pdb')
- os.close(fd) # close immediately (Issue 129)
- # get infile text
- fmt_kwargs = {'i': frame, 'coordinates': pdbfile, 'sphpdb': sphpdb}
- if self._guess_cpoint:
- fmt_kwargs['cpoint'] = self.guess_cpoint()
- infile_text = self.infile_text.format(**fmt_kwargs)
- if self.write_input_files:
- infile = self.input_file.format(prefix=self.prefix, i=frame)
- with open(infile, 'w') as f:
- f.write(infile_text)
- try:
- self.ag.write(pdbfile)
- run_hole(outfile=outfile, infile_text=infile_text,
- executable=self.exe['hole'])
- finally:
- try:
- os.unlink(pdbfile)
- except OSError:
- pass
- recarrays = collect_hole(outfile=outfile)
- try:
- self.results.profiles[frame] = recarrays[0]
- except KeyError:
- msg = 'No profile found in HOLE output. Output level: {}'
- logger.info(msg.format(self.output_level))
- def create_vmd_surface(self, filename='hole.vmd', dot_density=15,
- no_water_color='red', one_water_color='green',
- double_water_color='blue'):
- """Process HOLE output to create a smooth pore surface suitable for VMD.
- Takes the ``sphpdb`` file for each frame and feeds it to `sph_process
- `_ and
- `sos_triangle
- `_ as
- described under `Visualization of HOLE results
- `_.
- Load the output file *filename* into VMD in :menuselection:`Extensions
- --> Tk Console` ::
- source hole.vmd
- The level of detail is determined by ``dot_density``.
- The surface will be colored by ``no_water_color``, ``one_water_color``, and
- ``double_water_color``. You can change these in the
- Tk Console::
- set no_water_color blue
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename: str, optional
- file to write the pore surfaces to.
- dot_density: int, optional
- density of facets for generating a 3D pore representation.
- The number controls the density of dots that will be used.
- A sphere of dots is placed on each centre determined in the
- Monte Carlo procedure. The actual number of dots written is
- controlled by ``dot_density`` and the ``sample`` level of the
- original analysis. ``dot_density`` should be set between 5
- (few dots per sphere) and 35 (many dots per sphere).
- no_water_color: str, optional
- Color of the surface where the pore radius is too tight for a
- water molecule.
- one_water_color: str, optional
- Color of the surface where the pore can fit one water molecule.
- double_water_color: str, optional
- Color of the surface where the radius is at least double the
- minimum radius for one water molecule.
- Returns
- -------
- str
- ``filename`` with the pore surfaces.
- """
- if not np.any(self.results.get("sphpdbs", [])):
- raise ValueError('No sphpdb files to read. Try calling run()')
- frames = []
- for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames):
- sphpdb = self.results.sphpdbs[i]
- tmp_tri = create_vmd_surface(sphpdb=sphpdb,
- sph_process=self.exe['sph_process'],
- sos_triangle=self.exe['sos_triangle'],
- dot_density=dot_density)
- shapes = [[], [], []]
- with open(tmp_tri) as f:
- for line in f:
- if line.startswith('draw color'):
- color = line.split()[-1].lower()
- if color == 'red':
- dest = shapes[0]
- elif color == 'green':
- dest = shapes[1]
- elif color == 'blue':
- dest = shapes[2]
- else:
- msg = 'Encountered unknown color {}'
- raise ValueError(msg.format(color))
- if line.startswith('draw trinorm'):
- line = line.strip('draw trinorm').strip()
- dest.append('{{ {} }}'.format(line))
- try:
- os.unlink(tmp_tri)
- except OSError:
- pass
- tri = '{ { ' + ' } { '.join(list(map(' '.join, shapes))) + ' } }'
- frames.append(f'set triangles({i}) ' + tri)
- trinorms = '\n'.join(frames)
- vmd_1 = vmd_script_array.format(no_water_color=no_water_color,
- one_water_color=one_water_color,
- double_water_color=double_water_color)
- vmd_text = vmd_1 + trinorms + vmd_script_function
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write(vmd_text)
- return filename
- def min_radius(self):
- """Return the minimum radius over all profiles as a function of q"""
- profiles = self.results.get("profiles")
- if not profiles:
- raise ValueError('No profiles available. Try calling run()')
- return np.array([[q, p.radius.min()] for q, p in profiles.items()])
- def delete_temporary_files(self):
- """Delete temporary files"""
- for f in self.tmp_files:
- try:
- os.unlink(f)
- except OSError:
- pass
- self.tmp_files = []
- self.results.outfiles = []
- self.results.sphpdbs = []
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- """Delete temporary files on exit"""
- self.delete_temporary_files()
- def _process_plot_kwargs(self, frames=None,
- color=None, cmap='viridis',
- linestyle='-'):
- """Process the colors and linestyles for plotting
- Parameters
- ----------
- frames : array-like, optional
- Frames to plot. If ``None``, plots all of them.
- color : str or array-like, optional
- Color or colors for the plot. If ``None``, colors are
- drawn from ``cmap``.
- cmap : str, optional
- color map to make colors for the plot if ``color`` is
- not given. Names should be from the ``matplotlib.pyplot.cm``
- module.
- linestyle : str or array-like, optional
- Line style for the plot.
- Returns
- -------
- (array-like, array-like, array-like)
- frames, colors, linestyles
- """
- if frames is None:
- frames = self.frames
- else:
- frames = util.asiterable(frames)
- if color is None:
- colormap = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap)
- norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(frames),
- vmax=max(frames))
- colors = colormap(norm(frames))
- else:
- colors = itertools.cycle(util.asiterable(color))
- linestyles = itertools.cycle(util.asiterable(linestyle))
- return frames, colors, linestyles
- def plot(self, frames=None,
- color=None, cmap='viridis',
- linestyle='-', y_shift=0.0,
- label=True, ax=None,
- legend_loc='best', **kwargs):
- r"""Plot HOLE profiles :math:`R(\zeta)` in a 1D graph.
- Lines are colored according to the specified ``color`` or
- drawn from the color map ``cmap``. One line is
- plotted for each trajectory frame.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frames: array-like, optional
- Frames to plot. If ``None``, plots all of them.
- color: str or array-like, optional
- Color or colors for the plot. If ``None``, colors are
- drawn from ``cmap``.
- cmap: str, optional
- color map to make colors for the plot if ``color`` is
- not given. Names should be from the ``matplotlib.pyplot.cm``
- module.
- linestyle: str or array-like, optional
- Line style for the plot.
- y_shift : float, optional
- displace each :math:`R(\zeta)` profile by ``y_shift`` in the
- :math:`y`-direction for clearer visualization.
- label : bool or string, optional
- If ``False`` then no legend is
- displayed.
- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- If no `ax` is supplied or set to ``None`` then the plot will
- be added to the current active axes.
- legend_loc : str, optional
- Location of the legend.
- kwargs : `**kwargs`
- All other `kwargs` are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
- Returns
- -------
- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- Axes with the plot, either `ax` or the current axes.
- """
- if not self.results.get("profiles"):
- raise ValueError('No profiles available. Try calling run()')
- if ax is None:
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- fcl = self._process_plot_kwargs(frames=frames, color=color,
- cmap=cmap, linestyle=linestyle)
- for i, (frame, c, ls) in enumerate(zip(*fcl)):
- profile = self.results.profiles[frame]
- dy = i*y_shift
- ax.plot(profile.rxn_coord, profile.radius+dy, color=c,
- linestyle=ls, zorder=-frame, label=str(frame),
- **kwargs)
- ax.set_xlabel(r"Pore coordinate $\zeta$ ($\AA$)")
- ax.set_ylabel(r"HOLE radius $R$ ($\AA$)")
- if label == True:
- ax.legend(loc=legend_loc)
- return ax
- def plot3D(self, frames=None,
- color=None, cmap='viridis',
- linestyle='-', ax=None, r_max=None,
- ylabel='Frames', **kwargs):
- r"""Stacked 3D graph of profiles :math:`R(\zeta)`.
- Lines are colored according to the specified ``color`` or
- drawn from the color map ``cmap``. One line is
- plotted for each trajectory frame.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frames : array-like, optional
- Frames to plot. If ``None``, plots all of them.
- color : str or array-like, optional
- Color or colors for the plot. If ``None``, colors are
- drawn from ``cmap``.
- cmap : str, optional
- color map to make colors for the plot if ``color`` is
- not given. Names should be from the ``matplotlib.pyplot.cm``
- module.
- linestyle : str or array-like, optional
- Line style for the plot.
- r_max : float, optional
- only display radii up to ``r_max``. If ``None``, all radii are
- plotted.
- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- If no `ax` is supplied or set to ``None`` then the plot will
- be added to the current active axes.
- ylabel : str, optional
- Y-axis label.
- **kwargs :
- All other `kwargs` are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
- Returns
- -------
- ax : :class:`~mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D`
- Axes with the plot, either `ax` or the current axes.
- """
- if not self.results.get("profiles"):
- raise ValueError('No profiles available. Try calling run()')
- from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
- if ax is None:
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
- fcl = self._process_plot_kwargs(frames=frames,
- color=color, cmap=cmap,
- linestyle=linestyle)
- for frame, c, ls in zip(*fcl):
- profile = self.results.profiles[frame]
- if r_max is None:
- radius = profile.radius
- rxn_coord = profile.rxn_coord
- else:
- # does not seem to work with masked arrays but with nan hack!
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913306/python-matplotlib-mplot3d-how-do-i-set-a-maximum-value-for-the-z-axis
- rxn_coord = profile.rxn_coord
- radius = profile.radius.copy()
- radius[radius > r_max] = np.nan
- ax.plot(rxn_coord, frame*np.ones_like(rxn_coord), radius,
- color=c, linestyle=ls, zorder=-frame, label=str(frame),
- **kwargs)
- ax.set_xlabel(r"Pore coordinate $\zeta$ ($\AA$)")
- ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
- ax.set_zlabel(r"HOLE radius $R$ ($\AA$)")
- plt.tight_layout()
- return ax
- def over_order_parameters(self, order_parameters, frames=None):
- """Get HOLE profiles sorted over order parameters ``order_parameters``.
- Parameters
- ----------
- order_parameters : array-like or string
- Sequence or text file containing order parameters (float
- numbers) corresponding to the frames in the trajectory. Must
- be same length as trajectory.
- frames : array-like, optional
- Selected frames to return. If ``None``, returns all of them.
- Returns
- -------
- collections.OrderedDict
- sorted dictionary of {order_parameter:profile}
- """
- if not self.results.get("profiles"):
- raise ValueError('No profiles available. Try calling run()')
- if isinstance(order_parameters, str):
- try:
- order_parameters = np.loadtxt(order_parameters)
- except IOError:
- raise ValueError('Data file not found: {}'.format(order_parameters))
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- msg = ('Could not parse given file: {}. '
- '`order_parameters` must be array-like '
- 'or a filename with array data '
- 'that can be read by np.loadtxt')
- raise ValueError(msg.format(order_parameters))
- order_parameters = np.asarray(order_parameters)
- if len(order_parameters) != len(self._trajectory):
- msg = ('The number of order parameters ({}) must match the '
- 'length of the trajectory ({} frames)')
- raise ValueError(msg.format(len(order_parameters),
- len(self._trajectory)))
- if frames is None:
- frames = self.frames
- else:
- frames = np.asarray(util.asiterable(frames))
- idx = np.argsort(order_parameters[frames])
- sorted_frames = frames[idx]
- profiles = OrderedDict()
- for frame in sorted_frames:
- profiles[order_parameters[frame]] = self.results.profiles[frame]
- return profiles
- def plot_order_parameters(self, order_parameters,
- aggregator=min,
- frames=None,
- color='blue',
- linestyle='-', ax=None,
- ylabel=r'Minimum HOLE pore radius $r$ ($\AA$)',
- xlabel='Order parameter',
- **kwargs):
- r"""Plot HOLE radii over order parameters. This function needs
- an ``aggregator`` function to reduce the ``radius`` array to a
- single value, e.g. ``min``, ``max``, or ``np.mean``.
- Parameters
- ----------
- order_parameters : array-like or string
- Sequence or text file containing order parameters (float
- numbers) corresponding to the frames in the trajectory. Must
- be same length as trajectory.
- aggregator : callable, optional
- Function applied to the radius array of each profile to
- reduce it to one representative value.
- frames : array-like, optional
- Frames to plot. If ``None``, plots all of them.
- color : str or array-like, optional
- Color for the plot.
- linestyle : str or array-like, optional
- Line style for the plot.
- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- If no `ax` is supplied or set to ``None`` then the plot will
- be added to the current active axes.
- xlabel : str, optional
- X-axis label.
- ylabel : str, optional
- Y-axis label.
- **kwargs :
- All other `kwargs` are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
- Returns
- -------
- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- Axes with the plot, either `ax` or the current axes.
- """
- op_profiles = self.over_order_parameters(order_parameters,
- frames=frames)
- if ax is None:
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- data = [[x, aggregator(p.radius)] for x, p in op_profiles.items()]
- arr = np.array(data)
- ax.plot(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], color=color, linestyle=linestyle)
- ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)
- ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
- return ax
- def gather(self, frames=None, flat=False):
- """Gather the fields of each profile recarray together.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frames : int or iterable of ints, optional
- Profiles to include by frame. If ``None``, includes
- all frames.
- flat : bool, optional
- Whether to flatten the list of field arrays into a
- single array.
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- dictionary of fields
- """
- if frames is None:
- frames = self.frames
- frames = util.asiterable(frames)
- profiles = [self.results.profiles[k] for k in frames]
- rxncoords = [p.rxn_coord for p in profiles]
- radii = [p.radius for p in profiles]
- cen_line_Ds = [p.cen_line_D for p in profiles]
- if flat:
- rxncoords = np.concatenate(rxncoords)
- radii = np.concatenate(radii)
- cen_line_Ds = np.concatenate(cen_line_Ds)
- dct = {'rxn_coord': rxncoords,
- 'radius': radii,
- 'cen_line_D': cen_line_Ds}
- return dct
- def bin_radii(self, frames=None, bins=100, range=None):
- """Collects the pore radii into bins by reaction coordinate.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frames : int or iterable of ints, optional
- Profiles to include by frame. If ``None``, includes
- all frames.
- bins : int or iterable of edges, optional
- If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given
- range. If bins is a sequence, it defines a monotonically increasing array of
- bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths.
- range : (float, float), optional
- The lower and upper range of the bins.
- If not provided, ``range`` is simply ``(a.min(), a.max())``,
- where ``a`` is the array of reaction coordinates.
- Values outside the range are ignored. The first element of the range must be
- less than or equal to the second.
- Returns
- -------
- list of arrays of floats
- List of radii present in each bin
- array of (float, float)
- Edges of each bin
- """
- agg = self.gather(frames=frames, flat=True)
- coords = agg['rxn_coord']
- if not util.iterable(bins):
- if range is None:
- range = (coords.min(), coords.max())
- xmin, xmax = range
- if xmin == xmax:
- xmin -= 0.5
- xmax += 0.5
- bins = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, bins+1, endpoint=True)
- else:
- bins = np.asarray(bins)
- bins = bins[np.argsort(bins)]
- idx = np.argsort(coords)
- coords = coords[idx]
- radii = agg['radius'][idx]
- # left: inserts at i where coords[:i] < edge
- # right: inserts at i where coords[:i] <= edge
- # r_ concatenates
- bin_idx = np.r_[coords.searchsorted(bins, side='right')]
- binned = [radii[i:j] for i, j in zip(bin_idx[:-1], bin_idx[1:])]
- return binned, bins
- def histogram_radii(self, aggregator=np.mean, frames=None,
- bins=100, range=None):
- """Histograms the pore radii into bins by reaction coordinate,
- aggregate the radii with an `aggregator` function, and returns the
- aggregated radii and bin edges.
- Parameters
- ----------
- aggregator : callable, optional
- this function must take an iterable of floats and return a
- single value.
- frames : int or iterable of ints, optional
- Profiles to include by frame. If ``None``, includes
- all frames.
- bins : int or iterable of edges, optional
- If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given
- range. If bins is a sequence, it defines a monotonically increasing array of
- bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths.
- range : (float, float), optional
- The lower and upper range of the bins.
- If not provided, ``range`` is simply ``(a.min(), a.max())``,
- where ``a`` is the array of reaction coordinates.
- Values outside the range are ignored. The first element of the range must be
- less than or equal to the second.
- Returns
- -------
- array of floats
- histogrammed, aggregate value of radii
- array of (float, float)
- Edges of each bin
- """
- binned, bins = self.bin_radii(frames=frames, bins=bins, range=range)
- return np.array(list(map(aggregator, binned))), bins
- def plot_mean_profile(self, bins=100, range=None,
- frames=None, color='blue',
- linestyle='-', ax=None,
- xlabel='Frame', fill_alpha=0.3,
- n_std=1, legend=True,
- legend_loc='best',
- **kwargs):
- """Collects the pore radii into bins by reaction coordinate.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frames : int or iterable of ints, optional
- Profiles to include by frame. If ``None``, includes
- all frames.
- bins : int or iterable of edges, optional
- If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given
- range. If bins is a sequence, it defines a monotonically increasing array of
- bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths.
- range : (float, float), optional
- The lower and upper range of the bins.
- If not provided, ``range`` is simply ``(a.min(), a.max())``,
- where ``a`` is the array of reaction coordinates.
- Values outside the range are ignored. The first element of the range must be
- less than or equal to the second.
- color : str or array-like, optional
- Color for the plot.
- linestyle : str or array-like, optional
- Line style for the plot.
- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- If no `ax` is supplied or set to ``None`` then the plot will
- be added to the current active axes.
- xlabel : str, optional
- X-axis label.
- fill_alpha : float, optional
- Opacity of filled standard deviation area
- n_std : int, optional
- Number of standard deviations from the mean to fill between.
- legend : bool, optional
- Whether to plot a legend.
- legend_loc : str, optional
- Location of legend.
- **kwargs :
- All other `kwargs` are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
- Returns
- -------
- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- Axes with the plot, either `ax` or the current axes.
- """
- binned, bins = self.bin_radii(frames=frames, bins=bins, range=range)
- mean = np.array(list(map(np.mean, binned)))
- midpoints = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- if n_std:
- std = np.array(list(map(np.std, binned)))
- ax.fill_between(midpoints, mean-(n_std*std), mean+(n_std*std),
- color=color, alpha=fill_alpha,
- label='{} std'.format(n_std))
- ax.plot(midpoints, mean, color=color,
- linestyle=linestyle, label='mean', **kwargs)
- ax.set_xlabel(r"Pore coordinate $\zeta$ ($\AA$)")
- ax.set_ylabel(r"HOLE radius $R$ ($\AA$)")
- if legend:
- ax.legend(loc=legend_loc)
- return ax
- def plot3D_order_parameters(self, order_parameters,
- frames=None,
- color=None,
- cmap='viridis',
- linestyle='-', ax=None,
- r_max=None,
- ylabel=r'Order parameter',
- **kwargs):
- r"""Plot HOLE radii over order parameters as a 3D graph.
- Lines are colored according to the specified ``color`` or
- drawn from the color map ``cmap``. One line is
- plotted for each trajectory frame.
- Parameters
- ----------
- order_parameters : array-like or string
- Sequence or text file containing order parameters(float
- numbers) corresponding to the frames in the trajectory. Must
- be same length as trajectory.
- frames : array-like, optional
- Frames to plot. If ``None``, plots all of them.
- color : str or array-like, optional
- Color or colors for the plot. If ``None``, colors are
- drawn from ``cmap``.
- cmap : str, optional
- color map to make colors for the plot if ``color`` is
- not given. Names should be from the ``matplotlib.pyplot.cm``
- module.
- linestyle : str or array-like, optional
- Line style for the plot.
- ax : : class: `matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- If no `ax` is supplied or set to ``None`` then the plot will
- be added to the current active axes.
- r_max : float, optional
- only display radii up to ``r_max``. If ``None``, all radii are
- plotted.
- ylabel : str, optional
- Y-axis label.
- **kwargs :
- All other `kwargs` are passed to: func: `matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
- Returns
- -------
- ax: : class: `~mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D`
- Axes with the plot, either `ax` or the current axes.
- """
- op_profiles = self.over_order_parameters(order_parameters,
- frames=frames)
- from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
- if ax is None:
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
- ocl = self._process_plot_kwargs(frames=list(op_profiles.keys()),
- color=color, cmap=cmap,
- linestyle=linestyle)
- for op, c, ls in zip(*ocl):
- profile = op_profiles[op]
- if r_max is None:
- radius = profile.radius
- rxn_coord = profile.rxn_coord
- else:
- # does not seem to work with masked arrays but with nan hack!
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913306/python-matplotlib-mplot3d-how-do-i-set-a-maximum-value-for-the-z-axis
- rxn_coord = profile.rxn_coord
- radius = profile.radius.copy()
- radius[radius > r_max] = np.nan
- ax.plot(rxn_coord, op*np.ones_like(rxn_coord), radius,
- color=c, linestyle=ls, zorder=int(-op), label=str(op),
- **kwargs)
- ax.set_xlabel(r"Pore coordinate $\zeta$ ($\AA$)")
- ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
- ax.set_zlabel(r"HOLE radius $R$ ($\AA$)")
- plt.tight_layout()
- return ax
+wmsg = ("Deprecation in version 2.8.0\n"
+ "MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2 is deprecated in favour of the "
+ "MDAKit madahole2 (https://www.mdanalysis.org/mdahole2/) "
+ "and will be removed in MDAnalysis version 3.0.0")
+warnings.warn(wmsg, category=DeprecationWarning)
diff --git a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/templates.py b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/templates.py
index 96ddb55dfa3..cc04011162b 100644
--- a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/templates.py
+++ b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/templates.py
@@ -32,108 +32,21 @@
Templates used in :mod:`MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2.hole`
-exe_err = ('HOLE binary {name} not found. {name} must be on the '
- 'PATH, or the path must provided with the keyword '
- 'argument: {kw}')
-IGNORE_RESIDUES = ["SOL", "WAT", "TIP", "HOH", "K ", "NA ", "CL "]
-#: Built-in HOLE radii (based on ``simple.rad`` from the HOLE_ distribution):
-#: van der Waals radii are AMBER united atom from Weiner et al. (1984), JACS, vol 106 pp765-768.
-#: *Simple* - Only use one value for each element C O H etc.
-#: Added radii for K+, NA+, CL- (Pauling hydration radius from Hille 2002).
-#: The data file can be written with the convenience function :func:`write_simplerad2`.
-SIMPLE2_RAD = r"""
-remark: Time-stamp: <2005-11-21 13:57:55 oliver> [OB]
-remark: van der Waals radii: AMBER united atom
-remark: from Weiner et al. (1984), JACS, vol 106 pp765-768
-remark: Simple - Only use one value for each element C O H etc.
-remark: van der Waals radii
-remark: general last
-VDWR C??? ??? 1.85
-VDWR O??? ??? 1.65
-VDWR S??? ??? 2.00
-VDWR N??? ??? 1.75
-VDWR H??? ??? 1.00
-VDWR H? ??? 1.00
-VDWR P??? ??? 2.10
-remark: ASN, GLN polar H (odd names for these atoms in xplor)
-VDWR E2? GLN 1.00
-VDWR D2? ASN 1.00
-remark: amber lone pairs on sulphurs
-VDWR LP?? ??? 0.00
-remark: for some funny reason it wants radius for K even though
-remark: it is on the exclude list
-remark: Use Pauling hydration radius (Hille 2001) [OB]
-VDWR K? ??? 1.33
-VDWR NA? ??? 0.95
-VDWR CL? ??? 1.81
-remark: funny hydrogens in gA structure [OB]
-VDWR 1H? ??? 1.00
-VDWR 2H? ??? 1.00
-VDWR 3H? ??? 1.00
-remark: need bond rad for molqpt option
-BOND C??? 0.85
-BOND N??? 0.75
-BOND O??? 0.7
-BOND S??? 1.1
-BOND H??? 0.5
-BOND P??? 1.0
-BOND ???? 0.85
-hole_input = """
-! Input file for Oliver Smart's HOLE program
-! written by MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2.hole
-! filename = {filename}
-COORD {coordinates}
-RADIUS {radius}
-SPHPDB {sphpdb}
-SAMPLE {sample:f}
-ENDRAD {end_radius:f}
-IGNORE {ignore}
-SHORTO {output_level:d}
-hole_lines = {
- 'cpoint': 'CPOINT {:.10f} {:.10f} {:.10f}\n',
- 'cvect': 'CVECT {:.10f} {:.10f} {:.10f}\n',
- 'random_seed': 'RASEED {}\n',
- 'dcd': 'CHARMD {dcd}\nCHARMS {iniskip:d} {step:d}\n',
-vmd_script_array = """\
-set no_water_color {no_water_color}
-set one_water_color {one_water_color}
-set double_water_color {double_water_color}
-array set triangles {{}}
-vmd_script_function = r"""
-global vmd_frame;
-trace add variable vmd_frame([molinfo top]) write drawFrame
-proc drawFrame { name element op } {
- global vmd_frame triangles no_water_color one_water_color double_water_color;
- set frame $vmd_frame([molinfo top])
- draw delete all;
- draw color $no_water_color;
- foreach shape [lindex $triangles($frame) 0] {
- draw trinorm {*}$shape
- }
- draw color $one_water_color;
- foreach shape [lindex $triangles($frame) 1] {
- draw trinorm {*}$shape
- }
- draw color $double_water_color;
- foreach shape [lindex $triangles($frame) 2] {
- draw trinorm {*}$shape
- }
- }
-drawFrame 0 0 0
+import warnings
+from mdahole2.analysis.templates import (
+ exe_err,
+ hole_input,
+ hole_lines,
+ vmd_script_array,
+ vmd_script_function,
+wmsg = ("Deprecation in version 2.8.0\n"
+ "MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2 is deprecated in favour of the "
+ "MDAKit madahole2 (https://www.mdanalysis.org/mdahole2/) "
+ "and will be removed in MDAnalysis version 3.0.0")
+warnings.warn(wmsg, category=DeprecationWarning)
diff --git a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/utils.py b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/utils.py
index 66b7b495d29..5149ac14ea4 100644
--- a/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/utils.py
+++ b/package/MDAnalysis/analysis/hole2/utils.py
@@ -34,526 +34,19 @@
Helper functions used in :mod:`MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2.hole`
-import logging
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-import os
-import numpy as np
-import errno
-from ...lib import util
-from ...exceptions import ApplicationError
-from .templates import (SIMPLE2_RAD, IGNORE_RESIDUES, hole_input,
- hole_lines, exe_err)
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def write_simplerad2(filename="simple2.rad"):
- """Write the built-in radii in :data:`SIMPLE2_RAD` to `filename`.
- Does nothing if `filename` already exists.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename : str, optional
- output file name; the default is "simple2.rad"
- Returns
- -------
- filename : str
- returns the name of the data file
- """
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- with open(filename, "w") as rad:
- rad.write(SIMPLE2_RAD + "\n")
- logger.debug("Created simple radii file {}".format(filename))
- return filename
-def check_and_fix_long_filename(filename, tmpdir=os.path.curdir,
- max_length=70,
- make_symlink=True):
- """Return a file name suitable for HOLE.
- HOLE is limited to filenames <= ``max_length``. This method
- 1. returns `filename` if HOLE can process it
- 2. returns a relative path (see :func:`os.path.relpath`) if that shortens the
- path sufficiently
- 3. creates a symlink to `filename` (:func:`os.symlink`) in a safe temporary
- directory and returns the path of the symlink.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename : str
- file name to be processed
- tmpdir : str, optional
- By default the temporary directory is created inside the current
- directory in order to keep that path name short. This can be changed
- with the `tmpdir` keyword (e.g. one can use "/tmp"). The default is
- the current directory :data:`os.path.curdir`.
- Returns
- -------
- str
- path to the file that has a length less than
- ``max_length``
- Raises
- ------
- RuntimeError
- If none of the tricks for filename shortening worked. In this case,
- manually rename the file or recompile your version of HOLE.
- """
- if len(filename) <= max_length:
- return filename
- msg = ('HOLE will not read {} '
- 'because it has more than {} characters.')
- logger.debug(msg.format(filename, max_length))
- # try a relative path
- new_name = os.path.relpath(filename)
- if len(new_name) <= max_length:
- msg = 'Using relative path: {} -> {}'
- logger.debug(msg.format(filename, new_name))
- return new_name
- if make_symlink:
- # shorten path by creating a symlink inside a safe temp dir
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
- dirname = os.path.relpath(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmpdir))
- newname = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(filename))
- if len(newname) > max_length:
- fd, newname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ext, dir=dirname)
- os.close(fd)
- os.unlink(newname)
- if len(newname) > max_length:
- newname = os.path.relpath(newname)
- if len(newname) <= max_length:
- os.symlink(filename, newname)
- msg = 'Using symlink: {} -> {}'
- logger.debug(msg.format(filename, newname))
- return newname
- msg = 'Failed to shorten filename {}'
- raise RuntimeError(msg.format(filename))
-def set_up_hole_input(pdbfile,
- infile_text=None,
- infile=None,
- sphpdb_file='hole.sph',
- vdwradii_file=None,
- tmpdir=os.path.curdir,
- sample=0.2,
- end_radius=22,
- cpoint=None,
- cvect=None,
- random_seed=None,
- ignore_residues=IGNORE_RESIDUES,
- output_level=0,
- dcd=None,
- dcd_iniskip=0,
- dcd_step=1):
- """
- Generate HOLE input for the parameters.
- Parameters
- ----------
- pdbfile : str
- The `filename` is used as input for HOLE in the "COORD" card of the
- input file. It specifies the name of a PDB coordinate file to be
- used. This must be in Brookhaven protein databank format or
- something closely approximating this. Both ATOM and HETATM records
- are read.
- infile_text: str, optional
- HOLE input text or template. If set to ``None``, the function will
- create the input text from the other parameters.
- Default: ``None``
- infile: str, optional
- File to write the HOLE input text for later inspection. If set to
- ``None``, the input text is not written out.
- Default: ``None``
- sphpdb_file : str, optional
- path to the HOLE sph file, a PDB-like file containing the
- coordinates of the pore centers.
- The coordinates are set to the sphere centres and the occupancies
- are the sphere radii. All centres are assigned the atom name QSS and
- residue name SPH and the residue number is set to the storage
- number of the centre. In VMD, sph
- objects are best displayed as "Points". Displaying .sph objects
- rather than rendered or dot surfaces can be useful to analyze the
- distance of particular atoms from the sphere-centre line.
- .sph files can be used to produce molecular graphical
- output from a hole run, by using the
- :program:`sph_process` program to read the .sph file.
- Default: 'hole.sph'
- vdwradii_file: str, optional
- path to the file specifying van der Waals radii for each atom. If
- set to ``None``, then a set of default radii,
- :data:`SIMPLE2_RAD`, is used (an extension of ``simple.rad`` from
- the HOLE distribution). Default: ``None``
- tmpdir: str, optional
- The temporary directory that files can be symlinked to, to shorten
- the path name. HOLE can only read filenames up to a certain length.
- Default: current working directory
- sample : float, optional
- distance of sample points in Å.
- Specifies the distance between the planes used in the HOLE
- procedure. The default value should be reasonable for most
- purposes. However, if you wish to visualize a very tight
- constriction then specify a smaller value.
- This value determines how many points in the pore profile are
- calculated. Default: 0.2
- end_radius : float, optional
- Radius in Å, which is considered to be the end of the pore. This
- keyword can be used to specify the radius above which the
- program regards a result as indicating that the end of the pore
- has been reached. This may need to be increased for large channels,
- or reduced for small channels. Default: 22.0
- cpoint : array_like, 'center_of_geometry' or None, optional
- coordinates of a point inside the pore, e.g. ``[12.3, 0.7,
- 18.55]``. If set to ``None`` (the default) then HOLE's own search
- algorithm is used.
- ``cpoint`` specifies a point which lies within the channel. For
- simple channels (e.g. gramicidin), results do not show great
- sensitivity to the exact point taken. An easy way to produce an
- initial point is to use molecular graphics to find two atoms which
- lie either side of the pore and to average their coordinates. Or
- if the channel structure contains water molecules or counter ions
- then take the coordinates of one of these (and use the
- `ignore_residues` keyword to ignore them in the pore radius
- calculation).
- If this card is not specified, then HOLE (from version 2.2)
- attempts to guess where the channel will be. The procedure
- assumes the channel is reasonably symmetric. The initial guess on
- cpoint will be the centroid of all alpha carbon atoms (name 'CA'
- in pdb file). This is then refined by a crude grid search up to 5
- Å from the original position. This procedure works most of the
- time but is far from infallible — results should be
- carefully checked (with molecular graphics) if it is used.
- Default: None
- cvect : array_like, optional
- Search direction, should be parallel to the pore axis,
- e.g. ``[0,0,1]`` for the z-axis.
- If this keyword is ``None`` (the default), then HOLE attempts to guess
- where the channel will be. The procedure assumes that the channel is
- reasonably symmetric. The guess will be either along the X axis
- (1,0,0), Y axis (0,1,0) or Z axis (0,0,1). If the structure is not
- aligned on one of these axis the results will clearly be
- approximate. If a guess is used then results should be carefully
- checked. Default: None
- random_seed : int, optional
- integer number to start the random number generator.
- By default,
- :program:`hole` will use the time of the day.
- For reproducible runs (e.g., for testing) set ``random_seed``
- to an integer. Default: ``None``
- ignore_residues : array_like, optional
- sequence of three-letter residues that are not taken into
- account during the calculation; wildcards are *not*
- supported. Note that all residues must have 3 letters. Pad
- with space on the right-hand side if necessary.
- Default: {}.
- output_level : int, optional
- Determines the output of output in the ``outfile``.
- For automated processing, this must be < 3.
- 0: Full text output,
- 1: All text output given except "run in progress" (i.e.,
- detailed contemporary description of what HOLE is doing).
- 2: Ditto plus no graph type output - only leaving minimum
- radius and conductance calculations.
- 3: All text output other than input card mirroring and error messages
- turned off.
- Default: 0
- dcd : str, optional
- File name of DCD trajectory (must be supplied together with a
- matching PDB file `filename`) and then HOLE runs its analysis on
- each frame.
- It does multiple HOLE runs on positions taken from a CHARMM binary
- dynamics format DCD trajectory file. The ``dcd`` file must have
- exactly the same number of atoms in exactly the same order as the
- pdb file specified by ``pdbfile``. Note that if this option is used
- the pdb file is used as a template only - the coordinates are
- ignored. Note that structural parameters determined for each
- individual structure are written in a tagged format so that it is
- possible to extract the information from the text output file using
- a :program:`grep` command. The reading of the file can be
- controlled by the ``dcd_step`` keyword and/or setting
- ``dcd_iniskip`` to the number of frames to be skipped
- initially.
- dcd_step : int, optional
- step size for going through the trajectory (skips ``dcd_step-1``
- frames). Default: 1
- Returns
- -------
- str
- input text to run HOLE
- .. versionadded:: 1.0
- """.format(IGNORE_RESIDUES)
- short_filename = check_and_fix_long_filename(pdbfile, tmpdir=tmpdir)
- if vdwradii_file is not None:
- vdwradii_file = check_and_fix_long_filename(vdwradii_file,
- tmpdir=tmpdir)
- else:
- vdwradii_file = write_simplerad2()
- if dcd is not None:
- dcd = check_and_fix_long_filename(dcd, tmpdir=tmpdir)
- if infile_text is None:
- infile_text = hole_input
- residues = ' '.join(ignore_residues)
- infile_text = infile_text.format(filename=pdbfile,
- coordinates=short_filename,
- radius=vdwradii_file,
- sphpdb=sphpdb_file,
- sample=sample,
- end_radius=end_radius,
- ignore=residues,
- output_level=output_level)
- if random_seed is not None:
- random_seed = int(random_seed)
- infile_text += hole_lines['random_seed'].format(random_seed)
- logger.info("Fixed random number seed {} for reproducible "
- "runs.".format(random_seed))
- if cpoint is not None:
- if isinstance(cpoint, str):
- infile_text += 'CPOINT ' + cpoint + '\n'
- else:
- infile_text += hole_lines['cpoint'].format(*cpoint)
- else:
- logger.info("HOLE will guess CPOINT")
- if cvect is not None:
- infile_text += hole_lines['cvect'].format(*cvect)
- else:
- logger.info("HOLE will guess CVECT")
- if dcd is not None:
- infile_text += hole_lines['dcd'].format(dcd=dcd,
- iniskip=dcd_iniskip,
- step=dcd_step)
- if infile is not None:
- with open(infile, 'w') as f:
- f.write(infile_text)
- msg = 'Wrote HOLE input file {} for inspection'
- logger.debug(msg.format(infile))
- return infile_text
-def run_hole(outfile, infile_text, executable):
- """Run the HOLE program.
- Parameters
- ----------
- outfile: str
- Output file name
- infile_text: str
- HOLE input text
- (typically generated by :func:`set_up_hole_input`)
- executable: str
- HOLE executable
- Returns
- -------
- str
- Output file name
- """
- with open(outfile, 'w') as output:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(executable, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=output)
- stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(infile_text.encode('utf-8'))
- # check output in case of errors
- with open(outfile, 'r') as output:
- for line in output:
- if line.strip().startswith(('*** ERROR ***', 'ERROR')):
- proc.returncode = 255
- break
- # die in case of error
- if proc.returncode != 0:
- msg = 'HOLE failure ({}). Check output {}'
- logger.fatal(msg.format(proc.returncode, outfile))
- if stderr is not None:
- logger.fatal(stderr)
- raise ApplicationError(proc.returncode,
- msg.format(executable, outfile))
- logger.info('HOLE finished. Output: {}'.format(outfile))
- return outfile
-def collect_hole(outfile='hole.out'):
- """Collect data from HOLE output
- Parameters
- ----------
- outfile: str, optional
- HOLE output file to read. Default: 'hole.out'
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- Dictionary of HOLE profiles as record arrays
- """
- fmt = util.FORTRANReader('3F12')
- recarrays = {}
- with open(outfile, 'r') as output:
- toggle_read = False
- profile = 0
- records = []
- for line in output:
- line = line.rstrip() # preserve columns in FORTRAN output
- # multiple frames from dcd in?
- if line.startswith(" Starting calculation for position number"):
- fields = line.split()
- profile = int(fields[5])
- records = []
- logger.debug('Started reading profile {}'.format(profile))
- continue
- # found data
- if line.startswith(' cenxyz.cvec'):
- toggle_read = True
- logger.debug('Started reading data')
- continue
- if toggle_read:
- if len(line.strip()) != 0:
- try:
- rxncoord, radius, cenlineD = fmt.read(line)
- except:
- msg = 'Problem parsing line: {}. Check output file {}'
- logger.exception(msg.format(line, outfile))
- raise
- records.append((rxncoord, radius, cenlineD))
- continue
- # end of data
- else:
- toggle_read = False
- names = ['rxn_coord', 'radius', 'cen_line_D']
- recarr = np.rec.fromrecords(records,
- formats='f8, f8, f8',
- names=names)
- recarrays[profile] = recarr
- return recarrays
-def create_vmd_surface(sphpdb='hole.sph',
- filename=None,
- sph_process='sph_process',
- sos_triangle='sos_triangle',
- dot_density=15):
- """Create VMD surface file from sphpdb file.
- Parameters
- ----------
- sphpdb: str, optional
- sphpdb file to read. Default: 'hole.sph'
- filename: str, optional
- output VMD surface file. If ``None``, a temporary file
- is generated. Default: ``None``
- sph_process: str, optional
- Executable for ``sph_process`` program. Default: 'sph_process'
- sos_triangle: str, optional
- Executable for ``sos_triangle`` program. Default: 'sos_triangle'
- dot_density: int, optional
- density of facets for generating a 3D pore representation.
- The number controls the density of dots that will be used.
- A sphere of dots is placed on each centre determined in the
- Monte Carlo procedure. The actual number of dots written is
- controlled by ``dot_density`` and the ``sample`` level of the
- original analysis. ``dot_density`` should be set between 5
- (few dots per sphere) and 35 (many dots per sphere).
- Default: 15
- Returns
- -------
- str
- the output filename for the VMD surface
- """
- fd, tmp_sos = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".sos", text=True)
- os.close(fd)
- sph_process_path = util.which(sph_process)
- if sph_process_path is None:
- raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, exe_err.format(name=sph_process,
- kw='sph_process'))
- base_path = os.path.dirname(sph_process_path)
- sos_triangle_path = util.which(sos_triangle)
- if sos_triangle_path is None:
- path = os.path.join(base_path, sos_triangle)
- sos_triangle_path = util.which(path)
- if sos_triangle_path is None:
- raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, exe_err.format(name=sos_triangle,
- kw='sos_triangle'))
- try:
- output = subprocess.check_output([sph_process_path, "-sos", "-dotden",
- str(dot_density), "-color", sphpdb,
- tmp_sos], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
- os.unlink(tmp_sos)
- logger.fatal("sph_process failed ({0})".format(err.returncode))
- raise OSError(err.returncode, "sph_process failed") from None
- except:
- os.unlink(tmp_sos)
- raise
- if filename is None:
- fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".sos", text=True)
- os.close(fd)
- try:
- # Could check: os.devnull if subprocess.DEVNULL not available (>3.3)
- # Suppress stderr messages of sos_triangle
- with open(tmp_sos) as sos, open(filename, "w") as triangles, \
- open(os.devnull, 'w') as FNULL:
- subprocess.check_call(
- [sos_triangle_path, "-s"], stdin=sos, stdout=triangles,
- stderr=FNULL)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
- logger.fatal("sos_triangle failed ({0})".format(err.returncode))
- raise OSError(err.returncode, "sos_triangle failed") from None
- finally:
- os.unlink(tmp_sos)
- return filename
+import warnings
+from mdahole2.analysis.utils import (
+ write_simplerad2,
+ check_and_fix_long_filename,
+ set_up_hole_input,
+ run_hole,
+ collect_hole,
+ create_vmd_surface
+wmsg = ("Deprecation in version 2.8.0\n"
+ "MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2 is deprecated in favour of the "
+ "MDAKit madahole2 (https://www.mdanalysis.org/mdahole2/) "
+ "and will be removed in MDAnalysis version 3.0.0")
+warnings.warn(wmsg, category=DeprecationWarning)
diff --git a/package/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py b/package/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py
index 7c644b122ff..dfc6c606a13 100644
--- a/package/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py
+++ b/package/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py
@@ -350,4 +350,5 @@ class KeyStyle(UnsrtStyle):
'rdkit': ('https://rdkit.org/docs/', None),
'waterdynamics': ('https://www.mdanalysis.org/waterdynamics/', None),
'pathsimanalysis': ('https://www.mdanalysis.org/PathSimAnalysis/', None),
+ 'mdahole2': ('https://www.mdanalysis.org/mdahole2/', None),
diff --git a/package/pyproject.toml b/package/pyproject.toml
index 5b81bc4e007..e6fcdb40213 100644
--- a/package/pyproject.toml
+++ b/package/pyproject.toml
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ dependencies = [
+ 'mdahole2',
keywords = [
"python", "science", "chemistry", "biophysics", "molecular-dynamics",