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209 lines (163 loc) · 8.97 KB

File metadata and controls

209 lines (163 loc) · 8.97 KB

Version 1.1.0

When connection to the database, both schemas are connected to and both schemas are reflected. This means that for all queries both schemas are queried by default and their results combined.

For registering and modifying there is still only a single "active" schema per DataRegistry() (i.e., DbConnection()) instance. If the database was connected to with production_mode=False (the default), registered datasets will go into the working schema. If production_mode=True registered datasets will go into the production schema. The same logic is true for modifying registry entries.

Version 1.0.5

Update delete functionality

  • The delete() function now takes name, version_string, owner and owner_type as arguments, rather than simply the dataset_id.
  • One can still delete by the dataset_id using the CLI, which now includes a confirmation step.

Version 1.0.4

Make more options for querying

  • There is now a ~= query operator that can utalise the .ilike filter to allow non-case-sensitive filering with wildcards (i.e., the % character).
  • dregs ls can now filter on the dataset name, including % wildcards, using the --name option.
  • dregs_ls can return arbitrary columns using the --return_cols option

Version 1.0.3

Some changes to the way the relative_path is automatically generated from the name and version.

  • All automatically generated relative_paths are placed in a top level .gen_paths directory, e.g., <root_dir>/<schema>/<owner_type>/<owner>/.gen_paths. This is to prevent clashes with user specified relative_paths.
  • Single files no longer have their filename changed when automatically generating the relative_path. Instead a directory containing the name and version is created, and the file is copied there. This preserves the filname suffix in the relative path.

Version 1.0.2

Update documentation for release, new installation instructions etc.

Version 1.0.0 (Release)

  • Update default NERSC site to /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/utilities/desc-data-registry
  • Update default schema names (now stored in src/dataregistry/schema/default_schema_names.yaml
  • There is now a reg_admin account which is the only account to create the initial schemas. The schema creation script has been updated to give the correct reg_writer and reg_reader privileges.
  • Remove version_suffix

Version 0.6.4

  • Update dregs ls to be a bit cleaner. Also has dregs ls --extended option to give back more quantities. Also can now query on a keyword using dregs ls --keyword <keyword>
  • Added modify to CLI to update datasets from the command line

Version 0.6.3

There cannot be a unique constraint in the database for the owner, owner_type and relative_path, as multiple entries can share theose values, however we require that at any one time only one dataset has their data at this location. Added a check during register to ensure the relative_path is avaliable.

Version 0.6.2

  • Bump database version to 3.3.0, removed is_overwritten, replace_date, replace_uid columns
  • Added replaced bit to the valid bitmask

Version 0.6.1

The tables_required list, when doing a query, was only build from the return column list. This means if a filter used a table not in the returned column list the proper join would not be made. This has been corrected.

Version 0.6.0

  • Added replace() function for datasets. This is functionally very similar to register(), but it allows users to overwrite previous datasets whilst keeping the same name/version/suffix/owner/ownertype combination. Documentation updated.
  • Datasets now have a replace_iteration counter and a replace_id value which points to the dataset that replaced them. To reflect that the unique constraints now include the replace_iteration column.
  • Database version bumped to 3.2.0
  • Tests now use the property_dict return type and first make sure that the correct number of results was found before checking the results.

Version 0.5.3

  • Update the schema.yaml file to include unique constraints and table indexes.
  • Update the unique constraints for the dataset table to be owner, owner_type, name, version, version_suffix.

Version 0.5.2

When registering a dataset that is overwriting a previous dataset, don't tag the previous datasets as valid=False until any data copying is successful.

Version 0.5.1

Add ability to tag datasets with keywords/labels to make them easier to catagorize.

  • Can tag keywords when registering datasets through the Python API or CLI. Can add keywords after registration using the add_keywords() method in the Python API.
  • Database version bumped to 3.0.0
  • New table keyword that stores both the system and user keywords.
  • New table dataset_keyword that links keywords to datasets.
  • System keywords are stored in src/dataregistry/schema/keywords.yaml, which is used to populate the keywords table during database creation.
  • Added datareg.Registrar.dataset.get_keywords() function to return the list of currently registered keywords.
  • When the keyword table is queried, an automatic join is made with the dataset-keyword association table. So the user can query for all datasets with a given keyword, for example.
  • Added keywords information to the documentation
  • Can run dregs show keywords from CLI to display all pre-registered keywords

Version 0.5.0

Separate out creation of production schema and non-production schema since, under normal circumstances, there will be a single "real" production schema (owner type == production only) but possibly multiple non-production schemas to keep track of entries for the other owner types. Add a field to the provenance table so a schema can discover the name of its associated production schema and form foreign key constraints correctly.

Bumped database version to 2.3.0. This code requires database version >= 2.3.0

Version 0.4.2

  • Add check during dataset registration to raise an exception if the root_dir does not exist
  • Add check before copying any data (i.e., old_location != None) that the user has write permission to the root_dir folder.

Version 0.4.1

Add ability to register "external" datasets. For example datasets that are not physically managed by the registry, or are offsite, therefore only a database entry is created.

  • Database version bumped to 2.2.0
  • Added location_type column to dataset table (can be either "onsite", "external" or "dummy").
  • Added contact_email and url column to dataset table. One of these is required when registering a location_type="external" dataset.
  • Removed is_external_link column from dataset table as it is redundant.
  • Renamed execution.locale to in the execution table.

Version 0.4.0

Version 0.4.0 focuses around being able to manipulate data already within the dataregistry, i.e., adding the ability to delete and modify previous datasets.

Changelog for developers:

  • Registrar now has a class for each table. They inherit from a BaseTable class, this means that shared functions, like deleting entries, are available for all tables. (#92)
  • Working with tables via the python interface has slightly different syntax (see user changelog below). (#92)
  • is_valid is removed as a dataset property. It has been replaced with status which is a bitmask (bit 0="valid", bit 1= "deleted" and bit 2="archived"), so now datasets can a combination of multiple states. (#93)
  • archive_date, archive_path, delete_date, delete_uid and move_date have been added as new dataset fields. (#93)
  • Database version bumped to 2.0.1 (#93)
  • dataset entries can be deleted (see below) (#94)
  • The CI for the CLI is now pure Python (i.e., there is no more bash script to ingest dummy entries into the registry for testing).
  • Can no longer "bump" a dataset that has a version suffix (trying to do so will raise an error). If a user wants to make a new version of a dataset with a suffix they can still do so by manually specifying the version and suffix (#97 ).
  • Dataset entries can be modified (see below, #100)

Changelog for users:

  • All database tables (dataset, execution, etc) have a more universal syntax. The functionality is still accessed via the Registrar class, but now for example to register a dataset it's Registrar.dataset.register(), similarly for an execution Registrar.execution.register() (#92). The docs and tutorials have been updated (#95).
  • dataset entries can now be deleted using the Registrar.dataset.delete(dataset_id=...) function. This will also delete the raw data within the root_dir. Note that the entry in the database will always remain (with an updated status field to indicate it has been deleted). (#94)
  • Documentation has been updated to make things a bit clearer. Now split into more focused tutorials (#95).
  • Certain dataset quantities can be modified after registration (#100). Documentation has been updated with examples.