- Name the Factions
- Do Vyk portrait
- Dialogue System (just text which appears on screen with talker portrait, no player choice)
- Missions:
- Destroy Commander Ship:
- Commander Ship:
- Ship Sprite
- Turrets which defends the Ship
- Enemies squads which come from the Ship
- Dies when all turrets are down and control room is destroyed
- Infinite Enemies and Allies until the Player dies
- Player Death: game over
- Commander Ship:
- Destroy Commander Ship:
- Squad Tactic: be on formation, members follow the leader, on leader death the squad disbands
- Map Limit: block ships from being outside the map
- Obstacles: ships could collapse with them (moving asteroids) but also can be destroy when fired at
- Parallax Background: multiple layers of stars moving at different speed
- Camera Follow Killer: follow the killer on player's death while the respawn time
- Power-ups:
- ✅ Repair the ship (+25%HP and all weapons repaired or +50%HP)
- Boost (+25%SPD + trail)
- Rotation Bug: sometimes, the ship will turn other side to rotate toward a point (but it shouldn't)