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Lightning’s Encrypted Message Transport (Brontide)

In this chapter we will review the Lightning Network’s Encrypted Message Transport, also known as the Brontide Protocol, which allows peers to establish end-to-end encrypted communication, authentication, and integrity checking.


Part of this chapter includes some highly technical detail about the encryption protocol and encryption algorithms used in the Lightning Encrypted Transport. You may decide to skip that section, if you are not interested in those details.

Encrypted Transport in the Lightning Protocol Suite

The Encrypted Transport component of the Lightning Network and its several components are shown in the left most part of the Network Connection Layer in The Lightning Network Protocol Suite:

The Lightning Network Protocol Suite
Figure 1. The Lightning Network Protocol Suite


Unlike the vanilla Bitcoin P2P network, every node in the Lightning Network is identified by a unique public key which serves as it identity. By default, this public key is used to end-to-end encrypt all communication within the network. Encryption by default at the lowest level of the protocol ensures that all messages are authenticated, are immune to man-in-the-middle attacks, snooping by 3rd parties, and ensures privacy at the fundamental transport level. In this chapter, we’ll learn about the encryption protocol used by the Lightning network in detail. Upon completion of this chapter, the reader will be familiar with the state of the art in encrypted messaging protocols, as well as the various properties such a protocol provides to the network. It’s worth mentioning that the core of the encrypted message transport is agnostic to its usage within the context of the Lightning Network. As a result, the custom encrypted message transport Lightning uses, commonly referred to as "Brontide" (more on that later) can be dropped into any context that requires encrypted communication between two parties.

The Channel Graph as Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure

As we learned in the chapter on multi-hop forwarding, very node has a long-term identity that is used as the identifier for a vertex during path finding and also used in the asymmetric cryptographic operations related to the creation of onion encrypted routing packets. This public key, which serves as a node’s long-term identity is included in the DNS bootstrapping response, as well as embedded within the Channel Graph. As a result, before a node attempts to connect out to another node on the P2P network, it already knows the public key of the node it wishes to connect to.

Additionally, if the node being connected to already h a series of public channels within the graph, then the connecting node is able to further verify the sanctity of the identity of the node. As the entire channel graph is fully authenticated, one can view it as a sort of decentralized public key infrastructure: in order to register a key, a public channel in the Bitcoin blockchain must be opened, once a node no longer has any public channels, then they’ve effectively been removed from the PKI.

As Lightning is a decentralized network, it’s imperative that no one central party is designated the power to provision a public key identity within the network. In place of a central party, the Lightning Network uses the Bitcoin blockchain as a sybil mitigation mechanism, as gaining an identity on the network has a tangible cost: the fee needed to create a channel in the blockchain, as well as the opportunity cost of the capital allocated to their channels. In the process of essentially rolling a domain specific PKI, the Lightning network is able to significantly simply its encrypted transport protocol as it doesn’t need to deal with all the complexities that come along with TLS, the Transport Layer Security protocol.

Why Not TLS?

Readers familiar with the TLS system may be wondering at this point: why wasn’t TLS used in spite of the drawbacks of the existing PKI system? It is indeed a fact that "self signed certificates" can be used to effectively sidestep the existing global PKI system by simply asserting to the identity of a given public key amongst a set of peers. However, even with the existing PKI system out of the way, TLS has several drawbacks that prompted the creators of the LN to instead opt for a more compact custom encryption protocol.

To start with, TLS is a protocol that has been around for several decades and as a result has evolved over time as new advances have been made in the space of transport encryption. However, overtime this evolution has caused the protocol to balloon in size and complexity. Over the past few decades several vulnerabilities in TLS has been discovered, and patched with each evolution further increasing the complexity of the protocol. As a result of the age of the protocol several versions and iterations exist, meaning a client needs to understand many of the prior iterations of the protocol in order to communicate with a large portion of the public internet further increasing implementation complexity.

In the past several memory safety vulnerabilities have been discovered in widely used implementations of SSL/TLS. Packaging such a protocol within every Lightning node would serve to increase the attack surface of nodes exposed to to the public peer to peer network. In order to increase the security of the network as a whole, and minimize exploitable attack surface, the creators of the LN instead opted to adopt the Noise Protocol Framework. Noise as a protocol internalizes several of the security and privacy lessons learned over time due to continual scrutiny of the TLS protocol over decades. In a way, the existence of Noise allows the community to effective "start over", with a more compact, simplified protocol that retains all the added benefits of TLS.

The Noise Protocol Framework

The Noise Protocol Framework is a modern, extensible, and flexible message encryption protocol designed by the creators of the Signal protocol. The Signal protocol is one of the most widely used message encryption protocols in the world. It’s used by both Signal and Whatsapp, which cumulatively are used by over a billion people around the world. The Noise framework is the result of decades of evolution both within academia as well as industry of message encryption protocols. Lightning uses the Noise protocol framework to implement a message oriented encryption protocol used by all nodes to communicate with each other.

A communication session using Noise has two distinct phases: the handshake phase, and the messaging phase. Before two parties can communicate with each other, they first need to arrive at a shared secret known only to them which will be used to encrypt and authenticate messages sent to each other. A flavor of an authenticated key agreement is used to arrive at a final shared key between the tow parties. In the context of the Noise protocol, this authenticated key agreement is referred to as a "handshake". Once that handshake has been completed, both nodes can now being to send each other encrypted messages. Each time peers need to connect, or reconnect to each other, a fresh iteration of the handshake protocol is executed ensuring that forward secrecy (leaking the key of a prior transcript doesn’t compromise any future transcripts) is achieved.

As the Noise protocol allows a protocol designer to drop choose from several cryptographic primitives such as symmetric encryption and public key cryptography, its customary that each flavor of the Noise protocol is referred to by a unique name. In the spirit of "Noise", each flavor of the protocol selects a name derived from some sort of "noise". In the context of the Lightning Network, the flavor of Noise use will be referred to from here on as "Brontide". A brontide is a low billowing noise, similar to what one would hear during a thunderstorm when very far away.

Lightning Encrypted Transport in detail

In this section we will break down the Lightning Encrypted Transport protocol and delve into the details of the cryptographic algorithms and protocol used to establish encrypted, authenticated and integrity-assured communications between peers. Feel free to skip this section if you find this level of detail daunting.

Noise XK: LN’s Noise Handshake

The Noise protocol is extremely flexible in that it advertises several handshakes, each with different security and privacy properties for a would be protocol implementer to select from. A deep exploration of each of the handshakes, and their various trade-offs is out of the scope of this chapter. With that said, the Lighting Network uses a specific handshake referred to as Noise_XK. The unique property provided by this handshake is "identity hiding": in order for a node to initiate a connection with another node, it must first know it’s public key. Mechanically, this means that the public key of the responder is actually never transmitted during the context of the handshake. Instead, a clever series of Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) and Message Authentication Code (MAC) checks are used to authenticate the responder.

Handshake Notation & Protocol Flow

Each handshakes typically consist of several steps. At each step some (possibly) encrypted material is sent to the opposite party, an ECDH (or several) are performed, with the result of the handshake being "mixed" into a protocol "transcript". This transcript serves to authenticate each step of the protocol and helps thwart a flavor of main-man-in-the-middle attacks. At the end of the handshake, two keys ck and k are produced which are used to encrypt messages (k) as well as rotate keys (ck) throughout the lifetime of the session.

In the context of a handshake, s is usually a long-term static public key. Within Brontide, the public key crypto system used is an elliptic curve one, instantiated with the secp256k1 curve which is used elsewhere in Bitcoin. Several ephemeral keys are generated throughout the handshake. We use e to refer to a new ephemeral key. ECDH operations between two keys are notated as the concatenation of two keys. As an example, ee represents an ECDH operation between two ephemeral keys. ==== High-Level Overview

Using the notation laid out earlier, we can succinctly describe the Noise_XK as follows:

    Noise_XK(s, rs):
       <- rs
       -> e, e(rs)
       <- e, ee
       -> s, se

The protocol begins with the "pre-transmission" of the responder’s static key (rs) to the initiator. Before executing the handshake, the initiator is to generate its own static key (s). During each step of the handshake, all material sent across the wire, as well as the keys sent/used are incrementally hashed into a "handshake digest", h. This digest is never sent across the wire during the handshake, and is instead used as the "Associated Data" when an AEAD (authenticated encryption w/ associated data) is sent across the wire. Associated data allows an encryption protocol to authenticate additional information along side a cipher text packet. In other domains, the AD may be a domain name, or plaintext portion of the packet.

The existence of h ensures that if a portion of a transmitted handshake message is replaced, then the other side will notice. At each step, a MAC digest is checked. If the MAC check succeeds, then the receiving party knows that the handshake has been successful up until that point. Otherwise if a MAC check ever fails, then the handshake process has failed, and the connection should be terminated.

Brontide also adds a new piece of data to each handshake message: a protocol version. The initial protocol version is 0. At the time of writing, no new protocol versions has been created. As a result, if a peer receives a version other than 0, then they should reject the handshake initiation attempt.

As far as cryptographic primitives, SHA-256 is used as the hash function of choice, secp256k1 as the elliptic curve, and ChaChaPoly-130 as the AEAD (symmetric encryption) construction.

Each variant of the Noise protocol has a unique ASCII string used to uniquely refer to it. In order to ensure that two parties are using the same protocol variant, the ASCII string is hashed into a digest, which is used to initialize the starting handshake state. In the context of Brontide, the ASCII string describing the protocol is: Noise_XK_secp256k1_ChaChaPoly_SHA256.

Handshake in Three Acts

The handshake portion of Brontide can be see prated into three distinct "acts". The entire handshake takes 1.5 round trips between the initiator and responder. At each act, a single message is sent between both parties. The handshake message is a fixed sized payload prefixed by the protocol version.

The Noise protocol uses an object oriented inspired notation to describe the protocol at each step. During set up of the handshake state, each side will initialize the following "variables":

  • ck: the chaining key. This value is the accumulated hash of all previous ECDH outputs. At the end of the handshake, ck is used to derive the encryption keys for Lightning messages.

  • h: the handshake hash. This value is the accumulated hash of all handshake data that has been sent and received so far during the handshake process.

  • temp_k1, temp_k2, temp_k3: the intermediate keys. These are used to encrypt and decrypt the zero-length AEAD payloads at the end of each handshake message.

  • e: a party’s ephemeral keypair. For each session, a node MUST generate a new ephemeral key with strong cryptographic randomness.

  • s: a party’s static keypair (ls for local, rs for remote)

Given this handshake+messaging session state, we’ll then define a series of functions that will operate on the handshake and messaging state. When describing the handshake protocol, we’ll use these variables in a manner similar to pseudo-code in order to reduce the verbosity of the explanation of each step in the protocol. We’ll define the functional primitives of the handshake as:

  • ECDH(k, rk): performs an Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman operation using k, which is a valid secp256k1 private key, and rk, which is a valid public key

    • The returned value is the SHA256 of the compressed format of the generated point.

  • HKDF(salt,ikm): a function defined in RFC 5869<sup>[3](#reference-3)</sup>, evaluated with a zero-length info field

    • All invocations of HKDF implicitly return 64 bytes of cryptographic randomness using the extract-and-expand component of the HKDF.

  • encryptWithAD(k, n, ad, plaintext): outputs encrypt(k, n, ad, plaintext)

    • Where encrypt is an evaluation of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (IETF variant) with the passed arguments, with nonce n encoded as 32 zero bits, followed by a little-endian 64-bit value. Note: this follows the Noise Protocol convention, rather than our normal endian.

  • decryptWithAD(k, n, ad, ciphertext): outputs decrypt(k, n, ad, ciphertext)

    • Where decrypt is an evaluation of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (IETF variant) with the passed arguments, with nonce n encoded as 32 zero bits, followed by a little-endian 64-bit value.

  • generateKey(): generates and returns a fresh secp256k1 keypair

    • Where the object returned by generateKey has two attributes:

      • .pub, which returns an abstract object representing the public key

      • .priv, which represents the private key used to generate the public key

    • Where the object also has a single method:

      • .serializeCompressed()

  • a || b denotes the concatenation of two byte strings a and b

Handshake Session State Initialization

Before starting the handshake process, both sides need to initialize the starting state that they’ll use to advance the handshake process. To start, both sides need to construct the initial handshake digest h which will be used as the initial handshake digest.

  1. h = SHA-256(protocolName)

    • where protocolName = "Noise_XK_secp256k1_ChaChaPoly_SHA256" encoded as an ASCII string

  2. ck = h

  3. h = SHA-256(h || prologue)

    • where prologue is the ASCII string: lightning

In addition to the protocol name, we also add in an extra "prologue" that is used to further bind the protocol context to the Lightning network.

To conclude the initialization step, both sides mix the responder’s public key into the handshake digest. As this digest is used as the associated data with a zero-length ciphertext (only the MAC) is sent, this ensures that the initiator does indeed know the public key of the responder.

  • The initiating node mixes in the responding node’s static public key serialized in Bitcoin’s compressed format:

  • h = SHA-256(h ||

  • The responding node mixes in their local static public key serialized in Bitcoin’s compressed format:

  • h = SHA-256(h ||

Handshake Acts

After the initial handshake initialization, we can begin the actual execution of the handshake process. The Brontide handshake is compromised of a series of three messages sent between the initiator and responder, hence referred to as "acts". As each act is a single message sent between the parties, a handshake is completed in a total of 1.5 round trips (0.5 for each act).

The first act completes the initial portion of the incremental Triple Diffie Hellman key exchange (using a new ephemeral key generated by the initiator), and also ensures that the initiator actually knows the long-term public key of the responder. During the second act, the responder transmits the thermal key they wish to use for the session to the initiator, and one again incrementally mixes this new key into the Triple DH handshake. During the third and final act, the initiator transmits their long-term static public key to the responder, and executes the final DH operation to mix that into the final resulting shared secret.

Act One
    -> e, es

Act One is sent from initiator to responder. During Act One, the initiator attempts to satisfy an implicit challenge by the responder. To complete this challenge, the initiator must know the static public key of the responder.

The handshake message is exactly 50 bytes: 1 byte for the handshake version, 33 bytes for the compressed ephemeral public key of the initiator, and 16 bytes for the poly1305 tag.

Sender Actions:

  1. e = generateKey()

  2. h = SHA-256(h ||

    • The newly generated ephemeral key is accumulated into the running handshake digest.

  3. es = ECDH(e.priv, rs)

    • The initiator performs an ECDH between its newly generated ephemeral key and the remote node’s static public key.

  4. ck, temp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)

    • A new temporary encryption key is generated, which is used to generate the authenticating MAC.

  5. c = encryptWithAD(temp_k1, 0, h, zero)

    • where zero is a zero-length plaintext

  6. h = SHA-256(h || c)

    • Finally, the generated ciphertext is accumulated into the authenticating handshake digest.

  7. Send m = 0 || || c to the responder over the network buffer.

Receiver Actions:

  1. Read exactly 50 bytes from the network buffer.

  2. Parse the read message (m) into v, re, and c:

    • where v is the first byte of m, re is the next 33 bytes of m, and c is the last 16 bytes of m

    • The raw bytes of the remote party’s ephemeral public key (re) are to be deserialized into a point on the curve using affine coordinates as encoded by the key’s serialized composed format.

  3. If v is an unrecognized handshake version, then the responder MUST abort the connection attempt.

  4. h = SHA-256(h || re.serializeCompressed())

    • The responder accumulates the initiator’s ephemeral key into the authenticating handshake digest.

  5. es = ECDH(s.priv, re)

    • The responder performs an ECDH between its static private key and the initiator’s ephemeral public key.

  6. ck, temp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)

    • A new temporary encryption key is generated, which will shortly be used to check the authenticating MAC.

  7. p = decryptWithAD(temp_k1, 0, h, c)

    • If the MAC check in this operation fails, then the initiator does not know the responder’s static public key. If this is the case, then the responder MUST terminate the connection without any further messages.

  8. h = SHA-256(h || c)

    • The received ciphertext is mixed into the handshake digest. This step serves to ensure the payload wasn’t modified by a MITM.

Act Two
   <- e, ee

Act Two is sent from the responder to the initiator. Act Two will only take place if Act One was successful. Act One was successful if the responder was able to properly decrypt and check the MAC of the tag sent at the end of Act One.

The handshake is exactly 50 bytes: 1 byte for the handshake version, 33 bytes for the compressed ephemeral public key of the responder, and 16 bytes for the poly1305 tag.

Sender Actions:

  1. e = generateKey()

  2. h = SHA-256(h ||

    • The newly generated ephemeral key is accumulated into the running handshake digest.

  3. ee = ECDH(e.priv, re)

    • where re is the ephemeral key of the initiator, which was received during Act One

  4. ck, temp_k2 = HKDF(ck, ee)

    • A new temporary encryption key is generated, which is used to generate the authenticating MAC.

  5. c = encryptWithAD(temp_k2, 0, h, zero)

    • where zero is a zero-length plaintext

  6. h = SHA-256(h || c)

    • Finally, the generated ciphertext is accumulated into the authenticating handshake digest.

  7. Send m = 0 || || c to the initiator over the network buffer.

Receiver Actions:

  1. Read exactly 50 bytes from the network buffer.

  2. Parse the read message (m) into v, re, and c:

    • where v is the first byte of m, re is the next 33 bytes of m, and c is the last 16 bytes of m.

  3. If v is an unrecognized handshake version, then the responder MUST abort the connection attempt.

  4. h = SHA-256(h || re.serializeCompressed())

  5. ee = ECDH(e.priv, re)

    • where re is the responder’s ephemeral public key

    • The raw bytes of the remote party’s ephemeral public key (re) are to be deserialized into a point on the curve using affine coordinates as encoded by the key’s serialized composed format.

  6. ck, temp_k2 = HKDF(ck, ee)

    • A new temporary encryption key is generated, which is used to generate the authenticating MAC.

  7. p = decryptWithAD(temp_k2, 0, h, c)

    • If the MAC check in this operation fails, then the initiator MUST terminate the connection without any further messages.

  8. h = SHA-256(h || c)

    • The received ciphertext is mixed into the handshake digest. This step serves to ensure the payload wasn’t modified by a MITM.

Act Three
   -> s, se

Act Three is the final phase in the authenticated key agreement described in this section. This act is sent from the initiator to the responder as a concluding step. Act Three is executed if and only if Act Two was successful. During Act Three, the initiator transports its static public key to the responder encrypted with strong forward secrecy, using the accumulated HKDF derived secret key at this point of the handshake.

The handshake is exactly 66 bytes: 1 byte for the handshake version, 33 bytes for the static public key encrypted with the ChaCha20 stream cipher, 16 bytes for the encrypted public key’s tag generated via the AEAD construction, and 16 bytes for a final authenticating tag.

Sender Actions:

  1. c = encryptWithAD(temp_k2, 1, h,

    • where s is the static public key of the initiator

  2. h = SHA-256(h || c)

  3. se = ECDH(s.priv, re)

    • where re is the ephemeral public key of the responder

  4. ck, temp_k3 = HKDF(ck, se)

    • The final intermediate shared secret is mixed into the running chaining key.

  5. t = encryptWithAD(temp_k3, 0, h, zero)

    • where zero is a zero-length plaintext

  6. sk, rk = HKDF(ck, zero)

    • where zero is a zero-length plaintext, sk is the key to be used by the initiator to encrypt messages to the responder, and rk is the key to be used by the initiator to decrypt messages sent by the responder

    • The final encryption keys, to be used for sending and receiving messages for the duration of the session, are generated.

  7. rn = 0, sn = 0

    • The sending and receiving nonces are initialized to 0.

  8. Send m = 0 || c || t over the network buffer.

Receiver Actions:

  1. Read exactly 66 bytes from the network buffer.

  2. Parse the read message (m) into v, c, and t:

    • where v is the first byte of m, c is the next 49 bytes of m, and t is the last 16 bytes of m

  3. If v is an unrecognized handshake version, then the responder MUST abort the connection attempt.

  4. rs = decryptWithAD(temp_k2, 1, h, c)

    • At this point, the responder has recovered the static public key of the initiator.

  5. h = SHA-256(h || c)

  6. se = ECDH(e.priv, rs)

    • where e is the responder’s original ephemeral key

  7. ck, temp_k3 = HKDF(ck, se)

  8. p = decryptWithAD(temp_k3, 0, h, t)

    • If the MAC check in this operation fails, then the responder MUST terminate the connection without any further messages.

  9. rk, sk = HKDF(ck, zero)

    • where zero is a zero-length plaintext, rk is the key to be used by the responder to decrypt the messages sent by the initiator, and sk is the key to be used by the responder to encrypt messages to the initiator

    • The final encryption keys, to be used for sending and receiving messages for the duration of the session, are generated.

  10. rn = 0, sn = 0

    • The sending and receiving nonces are initialized to 0.

Transport Message Encryption

At the conclusion of Act Three, both sides have derived the encryption keys, which will be used to encrypt and decrypt messages for the remainder of the session.

The actual Lightning protocol messages are encapsulated within AEAD ciphertexts. Each message is prefixed with another AEAD ciphertext, which encodes the total length of the following Lightning message (not including its MAC).

The maximum size of any Lightning message MUST NOT exceed 65535 bytes. A maximum size of 65535 simplifies testing, makes memory management easier, and helps mitigate memory-exhaustion attacks.

In order to make traffic analysis more difficult, the length prefix for all encrypted Lightning messages is also encrypted. Additionally a 16-byte Poly-1305 tag is added to the encrypted length prefix in order to ensure that the packet length hasn’t been modified when in-flight and also to avoid creating a decryption oracle.

The structure of packets on the wire resembles the following:

Encrypted Packet Structure
Figure 2. Encrypted Packet Structure

The prefixed message length is encoded as a 2-byte big-endian integer, for a total maximum packet length of 2 + 16 + 65535 + 16 = 65569 bytes.

Encrypting and Sending Messages

In order to encrypt and send a Lightning message (m) to the network stream, given a sending key (sk) and a nonce (sn), the following steps are completed:

  1. Let l = len(m).

    • where len obtains the length in bytes of the Lightning message

  2. Serialize l into 2 bytes encoded as a big-endian integer.

  3. Encrypt l (using ChaChaPoly-1305, sn, and sk), to obtain lc (18 bytes)

    • The nonce sn is encoded as a 96-bit little-endian number. As the decoded nonce is 64 bits, the 96-bit nonce is encoded as: 32 bits of leading 0s followed by a 64-bit value.

    • The nonce sn MUST be incremented after this step.

    • A zero-length byte slice is to be passed as the AD (associated data).

  4. Finally, encrypt the message itself (m) using the same procedure used to encrypt the length prefix. Let encrypted ciphertext be known as c.

    • The nonce sn MUST be incremented after this step.

  5. Send lc || c over the network buffer.

Receiving and Decrypting Messages

In order to decrypt the next message in the network stream, the following steps are completed:

  1. Read exactly 18 bytes from the network buffer.

  2. Let the encrypted length prefix be known as lc.

  3. Decrypt lc (using ChaCha20-Poly1305, rn, and rk), to obtain the size of the encrypted packet l.

    • A zero-length byte slice is to be passed as the AD (associated data).

    • The nonce rn MUST be incremented after this step.

  4. Read exactly l+16 bytes from the network buffer, and let the bytes be known as c.

  5. Decrypt c (using ChaCha20-Poly1305, rn, and rk), to obtain decrypted plaintext packet p.

    • The nonce rn MUST be incremented after this step.

Lightning Message Key Rotation

Changing keys regularly and forgetting previous keys is useful to prevent the decryption of old messages, in the case of later key leakage (i.e. backwards secrecy).

Key rotation is performed for each key (sk and rk) individually. A key is to be rotated after a party encrypts or decrypts 1000 times with it (i.e. every 500 messages). This can be properly accounted for by rotating the key once the nonce dedicated to it exceeds 1000.

Key rotation for a key k is performed according to the following steps:

  1. Let ck be the chaining key obtained at the end of Act Three.

  2. ck', k' = HKDF(ck, k)

  3. Reset the nonce for the key to n = 0.

  4. k = k'

  5. ck = ck'


Lightning’s underlying transport encryption, known as Brontide, is based on the Noise protocol and offers strong security guarantees of privacy, authenticity and integrity for all communications between Lightning peers.

Unlike Bitcoin where peers often communicate "in the clear" (without encryption), all Lightning communications are encrypted peer-to-peer. In addition to transport encryption (peer-to-peer), in the Lightning Network payments are also encrypted into onion packets (hop-to-hop) and payment details are sent out-of-band between the sender and recipient (end-to-end). The combination of all these security mechanisms is cumulative and provides layered defense against de-anonymization, man-in-the-middle attacks and network surveillance.

Of course, no security is perfect and we will see in [security_and_privacy] that these properties can be degraded and attacked. However, the Lightning Network significantly improves upon the privacy of Bitcoin.