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File metadata and controls

382 lines (290 loc) · 7.15 KB



This API serves the CoV-Spectrum frontend application and provides it with all the needed data apart from genome sequence data. For the sequence data, LAPIS is used.

In following, the request parameters are not required unless it is stated explicitly.

Resources Endpoints

Scientific articles and pre-prints

Returns publications and pre-prints on medRxiv and bioRxiv that mention a pangolin lineage in the title or abstract.


GET /resource/article
Request params:
  - pangolinLineage: string (required)


    doi: string,
    title: string,
    authors: string,
    date: date,
    category?: string,
    published?: string,
    server: string,
    abstract?: string


Returns case data.


GET /resource/case
Request params:
  - region: string
  - country: string
  - devision: string
  - fields: string, comma-separated (default: "")


    region?: string,
    country?: string,
    division?: string,
    date?: Date,
    age?: integer,
    sex?: "Male"|"Female",
    hospitalized?: boolean,
    died?: boolean,
    newCases?: integer,
    newDeaths?: integer

newCases gives the number of cases with the same attributes, and newDeaths gives the number of deaths. Only the fields defined in the request parameter fields and newCases and newDeaths will be returned.


Creates, modifies or reads CoV-Spectrum collections.


GET /resource/collection - Get a list of existing collections
POST /resource/collection - Creates a collection

GET /resource/collection/{id} - Get all information about a collection
PUT /resource/collection/{id}?adminKey={key} - Modifies a collection
DELETE /resource/collection/{id}?adminKey={key} - Deletes a collection

POST /resource/collection/{id}/validate-admin-key - Checks whether an admin key is correct


Returns the list of countries that CoV-Spectrum knows. It maps the country names that CoV-Spectrum uses to the name that GISAID uses.


GET /resource/country


    covSpectrumName: string,
    gisaidName: string,
    region: string

Pango lineage aliases

Returns the list of pango lineage aliases.


GET /resource/pango-lineage-alias


    alias: string,
    fullName: string

Pango lineage recombinants

Returns the list of Pango lineage recombinants. Most recombinants have two parents but some have more. The parents are ordered by the position of the section that they donated. E.g., [BA.1, BA.2] means that there is one breakpoint and that the first part of the recombinant's genome is from BA.1 and the second part is from BA.2. It is also possible to have multiple breakpoints. In case of XBC, we have ["BA.2*", "B.1.617.2*", "BA.2*", "B.1.617.2*"], that means, three breakpoints.


GET /resource/pango-lineage-recombinant


    name: string,
    parents: [string]

Reference genome

Returns information about the reference genome.


GET /resource/reference-genome


  nucSeq: string,
  genes: [
      name: string,
      startPosition: integer,
      endPosition: integer,
      aaSeq: string


Returns wastewater data. Currently, we only have wastewater data for Switzerland, and the endpoint will return null if another country than Switzerland (or no country) is requested.


GET /resource/wastewater
Request params:
  - region: string
  - country: string
  - devision: string


  data: [
      location: string,
      variantName: string,
      data: {
        timeseriesSummary: [
            date: Date,
            variant: string,
            location: string,
            proportion: null | number,
            proportionLower: null | number,
            proportionUpper: null | number
        mutationOccurrences: null | [
            date: Date,
            nucMutation: string,
            proportion: null | number


Model: chen2021Fitness

Based on Chen et al. (2021): "Quantification of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7 in Switzerland"


GET /computed/model/chen2021Fitness
Request params:
  - region: string
  - country: string
  - mutations: string, comma-separated (required)
  - matchPercentage: float (default: 1)
  - dataType: string (possible values: "SURVEILLANCE")
  - alpha: float (default: 0.95)
  - generationTime: float (default: 4.8)
  - reproductionNumberWildtype: float (default: 1)
  - plotStartDate: date (required)
  - plotEndDate: date (required)
  - initialWildtypeCases: integer (default: 1000)
  - initialVariantCases: integer (default: 100)


  daily: {
    t: [date],
    proportion: [float],
    ciLower: [float],
    ciUpper: [float]
  params: {
    a: {
      value: float,
      ciLower: float,
      ciUpper: float
    t0: {
      value: float,
      ciLower: float,
      ciUpper: float
    fc: {
      value: float,
      ciLower: float,
      ciUpper: float
    fd: {
      value: float,
      ciLower: float,
      ciUpper: float
  plotAbsoluteNumbers: {
    t: [date],
    variantCases: [integer],
    wildtypeCases: [integer]
  plotProportion: {
    t: [date],
    proportion: [float],
    ciLower: [float],
    ciUpper: [float]


User's country

Returns the region and country of the user based on the IP-address.


GET /internal/my-country


  region?: string,
  country?: string


It is possible to maintain a private area on CoV-Spectrum in which certain data are only provided to authorized users. This is currently not being used, i.e., every feature is public. We implemented the authentication procedure because we had Swiss-only data that were considered as confidential, and we are keeping the authentication in case that we are working with confidential data again.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are used for authentication. Upon login, a token will be provided. The token has to be sent with every subsequent request. There are two ways to send the token:

  • In the request header: Authorization: Bearer <token> (the preferred way)
  • In the query params: ?jwt=<token>

Two API endpoints are related to the user authentication:


Returns a JWT token if the submitted credentials are valid.


POST /internal/login
Request body:
    username: string,
    password: string


  token: string

Temporary JWT Token

Returns a JWT token with a TTL of 3 minutes that can be used to authenticate access to a particular endpoint.


POST /internal/create-temporary-jwt
Request params:
  - restrictionEndpoint: string (required)


  token: string

The endpoint is only available to logged-in users.