The Metadata Converters project provides open source utilities that convert among various metadata formats.
The first utility converts Blaise(r) source code to DDI 3. Thank you to the National Institutes of Health and the Canada Research Data Centre Network for their support in developing this utility.
The Blaise to DDI Converter creates DDI 3 metadata from Blaise source code.
The Blaise to DDI Converter creates the following DDI 3 metadata from a Blaise data model.
- Category
- CategoryScheme
- Code
- CodeScheme
- QuestionItem
- QuestionScheme
- ControlConstructScheme
- Instrument
BlaiseToDDI.exe inputFile.bla outputFile.xml
The Metadata Converters may be used under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL).
We are happy to provide professional support, enhance the converters to work with your data, or help you integrate the converters into your systems. Please contact us and let us know how we can help.
What other metadata formats would you like to convert? We are happy to hear your ideas for new converters to add to the project. Please get in touch.