A command line tool that executes contract test reports. Ensure that the classes you want to test are on the classpath along with the contract-cmdLine and junit-contracts jars.
java org.xenei.junit.contract.CmdLine -h
usage: CmdLine
-c,--classFilter <arg> A class filter function. Classes that pass the
filter will be included. Default to true()
-d,--directory <arg> Directory to be scanned for classes
-e,--errors Produce contract test configuration error report
-h,--help Display this help page
-i,--implementation Filter for classes to include in the missing
implementation class report. If not set no
missing implementation class report is
generated. Suggest: true()
-p,--package <arg> Package to be scanned
-u,--untested <arg> Filter for classes to include in the untested
class report. If not set no untested class
report is generated. Suggest: true()
For information concerning how to define filters see Class Filters.