- Studying Schnorr signatures in depth (Mastering Bitcoin, online resources)
Knowledge exchange with mentors (what research has already been done?, Is there anything existing to build on already?, how can they support me?, exchanging important resources)
Exchanging ideas with the mentors on how to tackle the implementation, what to consider (e.g. RoboSats specific details)
- Reading BIPs (86, 114, 340, 341, 342)
- Learning Miniscript
- Researching MuSig2
- Researching P2P pipelines/contracts (existing ones, iterating on new ones)
- Exchange with RoboSats devs and mentors on researched pipelines
- Construction of the contract in Miniscrip, clear definition and documentation
- Beginning with Rust implementation of Pipeline
- First simple functions to verify and test defined outputs
- time buffer, otherwise continuing implementation
- Implementation of functional CLI tool (client and coordinator)
- Reviewing pipeline again, new insights?
- Implementation of RoboSats specific functionality to prepare for integration
- Documentation
- Thorough testing (Function tests, Signet tests)
If sufficient time is left:
- Compile to WASM binary, bundle into NPM package
- Experiment with integration in RoboSats client and coordinator
- Discuss about UI implementation and userspace documentation
- Finish up code and documentation.
- Review with mentors
- Submission
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