"working_dir": "/path/to/working/directory",
"out_dir": "/path/to/output/directory",
"seed": 1234,
"CV_folds": 5,
"circuit_config": "/path/to/circuit_config.json",
"model": {
"name": "User-defined-model-name",
"fct": {
"source": "Name-of-code-module",
"kwargs": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"...": "..."
Key | Description |
"working_dir" | Working directory to store data and model |
"out_dir" | Output directory to store output figures (can be the same as working_dir ) |
"seed" | Random seed, e.g., used when randomly subsampling data |
"CV_folds" | Optional number of cross-validation folds; will fit one separate model to each training data set; can be overwritten by command line argument "--cv-folds=N"; only supported by some model building functions, e.g., "conn_prob", "conn_props", and delay" |
"circuit_config" | Path to SONATA circuit config file (.json) |
"model" | Model-specific settings |
↳"name" | User-defined name of the model; will be used in filenames |
↳"fct" | Specification of model fitting function |
↳↳"source" | Name of source code module for model fitting, e.g., "conn_prob" or "delay" |
↳↳"kwargs" | Keyword arguments provided as key-value pairs with model-specific settings that are passed to the code module's extract(), build(), and plot() methods |
Working example:
"working_dir": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/model_building_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release",
"out_dir": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/model_building_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release",
"seed": 7531,
"circuit_config": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/jira-tickets/NSETM-1948-extract-hex-O1/data/O1_data/circuit_config.json",
"model": {
"name": "DistDepDelay-SSCxO1-Hex0EE",
"fct": {
"source": "delay",
"kwargs": {
"sel_src": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"sel_dest": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"sample_size": null,
"bin_size_um": 50,
"max_range_um": null
"circuit_config": "circuit_config.json OR /path/to/circuit_config.json",
"circuit_path": "/path/to/circuit",
"edges_popul_name": "Name-of-edges-population",
"src_node_popul_name": "Name-of-source-nodes-population",
"tgt_node_popul_name": "Name-of-target-nodes-population",
"seed": 1234,
"N_split_nodes": 100,
"manip": {
"name": "User-defined-manipulation-name",
"syn_props_init": {
"property1": "data-type1",
"property2": "data-type2",
"...": "..."
"fcts": [
"source": "Name-of-code-module",
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"...": "...",
"pos_map_file": "/path/to/position/mapping/file",
"model_config": {
"Model-spec-key1": {
"file": "path/to/model/file"
"Model-spec-key2": {
"file": "path/to/model/file"
Key | Description |
"circuit_config" | Circuit config filename (requires "circuit_path") OR full path to SONATA circuit config file (.json) |
"circuit_path" | Optional path to SONATA circuit; required if "circuit_config" only contains a filename |
"edges_popul_name" | Optional name of SONATA edges population |
"src_node_popul_name" | Optional name of SONATA source nodes population |
"tgt_node_popul_name" | Optional name of SONATA target nodes population |
"seed" | Random seed for stochastic manipulation |
"N_split_nodes" | Optional number of data splits; can be overwritten by command line argument "--splits=N" |
"manip" | Manipulation-specific settings |
↳"name" | User-defined name of the manipulation; will be used in filenames |
↳"syn_props_init" | Optional key-value pairs of property names and data types for initializing an enpty connectome |
↳"fcts" | List for specifying a single or sequence of manipulation functions |
↳↳"source" | Name of manipulation source code module, e.g., "conn_rewiring" or "syn_removal" |
↳↳"key1", "key2", ... | Optional key-value pairs with manipulation-specific settings that are passed to the apply() method of the code module's manipulation class |
↳↳"pos_map_file" | Optional path to position mapping file |
↳↳"model_config" | Optinal key-value pairs containing model specifications that are passed to the apply() method of the
code module's manipulation class; set to "model_config": {} if no models required |
Working example:
"circuit_config": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/jira-tickets/NSETM-1948-extract-hex-O1/data/O1_data/circuit_config.json",
"seed": 3210,
"manip": {
"name": "ConnRewireOrder1Hex0EE",
"fcts": [
"source": "conn_rewiring",
"sel_src": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"sel_dest": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"syn_class": "EXC",
"keep_indegree": false,
"reuse_conns": false,
"gen_method": "duplicate_randomize",
"amount_pct": 100,
"estimation_run": false,
"opt_nconn": true,
"p_scale": 1.0,
"pos_map_file": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/model_building_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release/model/FlatPosMapping-SSCxO1.json",
"model_config": {
"prob_model_spec": {
"file": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/model_building_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release/model/ConnProb1stOrder-SSCxO1-Hex0EE.json"
"delay_model_spec": {
"file": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/model_building_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release/model/DistDepDelay-SSCxO1-Hex0EE.json"
"props_model_spec": {
"file": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/model_building_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release/model/ConnPropsPerPathway-SSCxO1-Hex0EE.json"
"working_dir": "/path/to/working/directory",
"out_dir": "/path/to/output/directory",
"circuits": {
"0": {
"circuit_config": "/path/to/first/circuit_config.json",
"circuit_name": "Name-of-first-circuit"
"1": {
"circuit_config": "/path/to/second/circuit_config.json",
"circuit_name": "Name-of-second-circuit"
"plot_types": [
"name": "User-defined-plot-name",
"fct": {
"source": "Name-of-code-module",
"kwargs": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"...": "..."
"res_sel": [
"range_prctile": 100,
"fig_size": [
"fig_file": {
"format": "png",
"dpi": 600
"name": "Another-user-defined-plot-name",
"fct": {
"source": "...",
"kwargs": {
"...": "..."
"res_sel": [
"range_prctile": 100,
"fig_size": [
"fig_file": {
"format": "png",
"dpi": 600
Key | Description |
"working_dir" | Working directory to store extracted data |
"out_dir" | Output directory to store output figures (can be the same as working_dir ) |
"circuits" | Selection of two SONATA circuits to compare |
↳"0" & "1" | Specification of first and second circuit |
↳↳"circuit_config" | Path to SONATA circuit config file (.json) |
↳↳"circuit_name" | User-defined name; will be used in figures and filenames |
"plot_types" | List of plots to generate |
↳"name" | User-defined name of the plot; will be used in filenames |
↳"fct" | Specification of structural comparison function |
↳↳"source" | Name of source code module for structural comparison, e.g., "connectivity" or "properties" |
↳↳"kwargs" | Keyword arguments provided as key-value pairs with comparison-specific settings that are passed to the code module's compute() and plot() methods |
↳"res_sel" | Selection of results for plotting; can be a list of keys corresponding to data items as returned by compute() |
↳"range_prctile" | Optional range percentile used for plotting the selected results |
↳"fig_size" | Optional two-element list with width and height (in inch) of generated results figure(s) |
↳"fig_file" | Optional settings for generated results figure file(s) |
↳↳"format" | Output file format of generated figure(s), e.g., "png" |
↳↳"dpi" | Resolution of the generated output figure(s) in dots-per-inch |
Working example:
"working_dir": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/structural_comparator_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release",
"out_dir": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/structural_comparator_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release",
"circuits": {
"0": {
"circuit_config": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/jira-tickets/NSETM-1948-extract-hex-O1/data/O1_data/circuit_config.json",
"circuit_name": "Orig"
"1": {
"circuit_config": "/gpfs/bbp.cscs.ch/project/proj83/home/pokorny/SimplifiedConnectomeModels/circuits_v2/SSCx-HexO1-Release__ConnRewireOrder1Hex0EE/circuit_config.json",
"circuit_name": "Order-1"
"plot_types": [
"name": "ConnPerLayer_Hex0EE",
"fct": {
"source": "connectivity",
"kwargs": {
"group_by": "layer",
"skip_empty_groups": false,
"sel_src": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"sel_dest": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"res_sel": [
"range_prctile": 100,
"fig_size": [
"fig_file": {
"format": "png",
"dpi": 600
"name": "PropsPerMtype_Hex0EE",
"fct": {
"source": "properties",
"kwargs": {
"group_by": "mtype",
"skip_empty_groups": true,
"sel_src": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"sel_dest": {
"node_set": "hex0",
"synapse_class": "EXC"
"fct": "np.mean"
"res_sel": [
"range_prctile": 100,
"fig_size": [
"fig_file": {
"format": "png",
"dpi": 600
"name": "Adjacency_Hex0",
"fct": {
"source": "adjacency",
"kwargs": {
"sel_src": {
"node_set": "hex0"
"sel_dest": {
"node_set": "hex0"
"res_sel": [
"range_prctile": 95,
"fig_size": [
"fig_file": {
"format": "png",
"dpi": 600