A client for Brayns based on a websocket client to provide remote control on a running braynsService instance.
You can install this package from PyPI:
pip install brayns
Or from source:
git clone https://github.com/BlueBrain/Brayns.git
cd Brayns/python
python setup.py sdist
pip install dist/* # Output in dist folder
Connect to a renderer backend instance:
import brayns
connector = brayns.Connector('localhost:5000')
with connector.connect() as instance:
Raw JSON-RPC requests can be sent using the instance:
result = instance.request('schema', {'endpoint': 'get-version'})
It will throw a brayns.RequestError if an error occurs.
As raw requests can be tedious, a higher level API is also provided.
models = brayns.get_models(instance)
A more complete documentation is available here.