- Claim Webpage(Active only during claim period)
- Snapshot Dates, Snapshot Info
- PHMN Tokenomics
- Ask some questions in Telegram (If they would be)
- Buy PHMN JunoSwap
- Buy PHMN Osmosis
- DAS (Hold PHMN, Validator governance)
Connect Keplr and add all suggested chains
For the all chains from left section you need to send only one magic tx!
You need to send 0.000001 token amount, to our collectors address with your JUNO address in MEMO!
Transaction would be send in ATOM but if you don't have any, you might send magic tx (still only one tx needed) from other network from this left section, for example:
token amount on magic tx collection address!
To check address for sending magic tx please click on the network logo then you'll see instruction with address!:
All addresses for magic txs are placed in this buttons!
If you're delegating in the one or several of these networks you need to send magic tx for each of them by clicking on Send Magic Tx button
How to find addresses to send magic tx manually:
Friends, algorytm is the same!
Sending on magic tx address 0.000001 EVMOS with your Juno address in МЕМО!
- If you alredy sent magic tx in Q3 and you havent' got new delegations to POSTHUMAN in any chain you might not send magic tx once again. But If you started to delegate in Evmos (for example) you need to send magic TX in Evmos chain.
- No specific actions requiered for the DAS staking. PHMN will be distributed to your JUNO addresses after the end of claim period (~2 weeks)
- For the claim you have 2 weeks as always. You could check the countdown here.
- Unclaimded PHMN will be moved to DAS Treasury.
- Feel free to ask questions (if any) in POSTHUMAN Telegram Community!